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Resource Assignment:

Why did the total duration remain the same and the work hours
reduce when the Resource Units were changed from 100% to 50%?
The total duration of the project has remained the same and the work
hours reduce when the resource units were changed from 100% to 50%
because project uses assignment units as a multiplier to calculate how much
work it must schedule. For example , If two resource work days are eght
hours and they are assigned the task at 100% units(for eight hours of work),
then the duration is four hours( half day because there are two resources.
Now lets change the units to 50%, then the duration becomes 8 hours.

Duration = Work/ Unit

1 day=8hours work/200% Units

Project Cost:
What is your total project cost?
Assigning the cost of mobile, web developer as 35$ and project
manager and system analyst as $50.The total project cost comes as
After the changes made to the project the total work hours changed
from 960 hrs to 548 hrs. With reference to the work duration formula the
cost depends on the duration, when duration hours got reduced the cost of
the project will reduce and vice versa. (They are directly proportional).
So if any changes in Duration Unit Work formula leads to changes in
Project Cost. Apart from that we can enter the costs as fixed, material,
resource and deliverables to plan the total project cost accurately. Also when
Units got reduced work hours got reduced and there by cost will reduce.

Projects Statistics Info:

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