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Unit 6 : Humour

T: Mr. Mustapha Ahendour

Unit 7: citizenship

What's an idiom?
Definition: an idiom refers to a phrase or
expression that cannot be understood by
knowing what the individual words in the
phrase mean. For example: kicked the
bucket" doesnt mean actually to kick the
bucket but it means Death or someone is
The following are some most used idioms in
1. Piece of cake Very easy.
2. Costs an arm and a leg Very expensive
3. Break a leg good luck!
4. Hit the books go and study
5. Let the cat out of the bag to expose a
6. Hit the nail on the head doing or saying
something that is precisely right.
7. When pigs fly something will never
8. You cant judge a book by its cover
never judge appearances.
9. Bite off more than you can chew to
attempt to take on a task that is too much for
you to handle.
10. Scratch someones back to help
someone out with the assumption that they will
return the favor in the future!

You can express regret using the following structures

1. I wish I had not missed the bus yesterday/ if only I

had got up early.
2. If only I had locked my scooter, it would not be stolen.
3. If only I had not gone on picnic to the mountain.
4. I wish I had not lent my iPod to my friend.

Voluntary work: for or against?

Doing voluntary work is doing activities that promote

goodness. The goal is to improve human quality life.
There is no gain in return in voluntary work whatsoever,
except the feeling of self-worth, respect and generosity.
Volunteering has many pros and cons. Some people
enjoy it and some others are against it.
Here are some reasons to do voluntary work:
-Connecting to others: When you volunteer, you work
with many people, you meet with many people. So you
make friends easily and in a fun way. It also helps you
improve your social skills.
-Feeling good about yourself: It is known that when you
give something for free, or when you help someone in
need for nothing in return makes you feel good about
yourself. It makes you feel that youre useful, that you
changed someones life, or many peoples lives in a
positive way directly or indirectly. It increases your self
confidence, your happiness and fights depression.
-Staying fit: Working in a farm, teaching kids or elders,
helping building, painting, furnishing houses, schools or
mosquesOne thing is sure, youre always moving and
staying physically healthy.
-Advancing your career: Volunteering your work field
helps you improve skills and have enough experience to
be advanced in your career.

here are the reasons why some are against voluntary work:
-Time consuming: Doing voluntary work can take a lot of your time.
Youve probably agreed to do only one task and before you know it
youre doing many other tasks that consume more time and more
-No pay: Voluntary work can be rewarding psychologically, but
youre not receiving any money from it, especially when you find
yourself paying extra to do volunteering. The location might be far
and you need to pay travel expenses to get there, or for food or even
to buy material to do the voluntary work.
-Conflicts: Voluntary work is not a solo job, you always get to work
with others. You never know with who youre sharing the activity
with, it might be with someone easy going or else, someone really
difficult to get along with and so to work with.

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