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Houses Path-Goal Theory

Contingency model of leadership focusing on what leaders can do to

motivate their subordinates to achieve group & organizational goals.

Steps to Motivate Subordinates

1) Clearly identify the outcomes that subordinates are trying to obtain.
2) Rewarding subordinates with these outcomes for high performance.
3) Clarify the paths leading to the attainment of work goals to subordinates.

Houses Path-Goal Theory

The four kinds of leadership behaviors that motivate subordinates:
Directive Behavior:
Setting goals, assigning tasks, showing subordinates how to complete tasks, and taking
concrete steps to improve performance.

Supportive Behavior:
Expressing concern for subordinates and looking out for their best interests.

Participative Behavior:
Gives subordinates a say in matters and decisions that affect them.

Achievement-Oriented Behavior:
Motivate subordinates to perform at the highest level possible.

Leader Substitute Model

Suggests leadership is sometimes unnecessary because substitutes for leadership are present.

Characteristics of subordinates- such as their skills, abilities,

experience, knowledge & motivation- can be substitutes for
Characteristics of a situation or context- such as the extent to
which the work is interesting and enjoyable- can be substitutes for
When managers empower their subordinates or use self-managed work teams,
the need for leadership is decreased because the team manages itself.

Bringing It All Together

Contingency models of leadership help managers focus their
time and effort on new ways to improve organizational effectiveness.
Contingency models are complementaryeach one looks at the leadership question from a different angle

Fiedlers Model: how a managers leadership style needs to be matched to that

persons leadership situation.

Houses Path-Goal Theory: how managers should motivate subordinates.

Leadership Substitutes Model: how managers do not need to exert influence on


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