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Unit Test 2
Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question.

1 Complete the words with the missing vowels (a, e, i, o, u)
1 There isnt enough l _____ gr_____ _____m in ______c _____n _____my class.
2 The q ______ _____ _____ _____ s at ch _____ck- _____ n these days are always

It takes me about two days to recover from j _____t-l _____g when I arrive in the USA.

Theres never a tr _____ll _____y around at an airport when you need one.

Americans call a l _____ft an ______l _____v _____t _____ r.

Im afraid youre only allowed one piece of c _____rry-_____n b _____gg ______ g


If they improved air q _______ ________ l _____ty on planes, passengers wouldnt

suffer from d _____s _____r_____ _____nt _____t_____ _____n.

Do you want a ______n ______ w _____y or _____ r_____ _____nd tr _____p


Flight d_____l_____ys and c_____nc_____ll_____t_____ _____ns add to the air

travellers frustrations.

10 We drove off the fr_____ _____w_____y towards New York and went

PHOTOCOPIABLE 2006 Pearson Longman ELT


2 Underline the correct verb in italics.
11 My flight normally leaves / will leave at two but its late today.
12 Are you flying / Do you fly on the same flight as your boss next week?
13 A: My taxi didnt come._____
B: Dont worry. Ill /m going to call another one.
14 I dont / m not always have / having a stopover in Karachi.
15 Im going to look forward to /Im looking forward to seeing you on the 25th.
16 Theres a strike at the airport so we re going to / ll take the train.
17 Did I give you the time of the film? It s / s being at eight fifteen.
18 They meet / re meeting at the bar tonight. Would you like to come?
19 Are you going to / Do you talk to him or do you want me to?
20 I think I consider / ll consider your offer overnight if thats OK.

PHOTOCOPIABLE 2006 Pearson Longman ELT


3 Read this telephone conversation with a company receptionist and Erik and Anna.
Number the conversation 2-11 in the correct order.
__1__ Hello, The Fashion Group.
_____ Thats great. Thank you.
_____ One moment. Im putting you through.
_____ Hi! How are things?
_____ Hello, could I have the sales department, please?
_____ Hello. Erik speaking.
_____ No problem. Ill see you in the morning.
_____ Hi Erik. Its Anna.
_____ Fine thanks. The reason Im calling is to fix a time for next weeks meeting.
_____ Great. How about Tuesday afternoon?
_____ Im afraid I cant then. Is the morning convenient? At ten?

PHOTOCOPIABLE 2006 Pearson Longman ELT

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