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Rodina gets busy

7/10/14 Edele
We introduced our Montessori pouring exercises. These help children with their
sense of independence, hand eye coordination, fine motor skills and so on. After I
introduced this Rodina was anxious to try. Now Rodina turn Miss Edele Rodina
went to the shelf and took the tray with both hands just as I had shown her. She
used great skill and concentration to pour the water from one jug to another very
carefully so as not to spill any. She repeated the activity four times, concentrating
on her pouring skills each time. She made sure to mop up any drops of water on the
tray with the sponge. When she had finished she went and got our second pouring
exercise with beans and again used lots of concentration while completing this
exercise. When she saw me take her picture she said look Miss Edele, I do it
myself, just Rodina She looked very proud indeed.

Areas of Learning- Personal and emotional development, communication, problem

solving, knowledge and understanding of the world, physical development.

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