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Toddler, T4, Week 04, Friday, May 05th , 2023

Language Activity KP/ELA/T4/U2/04

Objectives 1. To identify happy, sad, scared and angry feelings.
Theme Emotions
2. To develop self-confidence Topic How Am I Feeling ?

Target Words Sad, angry, scared, happy

Materials None
Procedures 1. Teacher shows a happy face and gesture and ask children to guess how she is feeling.
2. Repeat with sad, scared and angry faces and gestures.
3. Encourage individual children to show gestures for the children to guess his/her feelings.

Closure Sing “If You’re Happy and You Know It”. (See appendix for lyrics)

Language Activity KP/ELA/T4/U2/07

Objectives 1. To identify happy, sad, scared and angry feelings.
Theme Emotions
2. To develop self-confidence Topic How Am I Feeling ?

Target Words Sad, angry, scared, happy

Materials White paper, picture of body, picture of head with happy face, sad face, scared face & angry
face, glue

Procedures 1. Show the children pictures of the body and the head with happy faces, sad faces, scared
faces, and angry faces.
2. Tell the children about the feeling of each picture.
3. Demonstrate how to play with the body and head.
4. Let the children do it.

Closure Ask the children what feelings they have today.

Kindercize KP/EKZ/T4/U2/02

Objectives To learn to coordinate movement and speed.

Materials Masking tape, hoops (red, green, blue)

Preparation Tape a large rectangle shape on the floor. Place a hoop at each corner.
Children stand on the rectangle.

Warm-up Activity Walk like an animal (cat, cow, bird)

Main Activity Walking

Walk on the line to the “red” hoop.

Run on the line to the “green” hoop.

Swim on the line to the “blue” hoop.

Cool Down Activity Pretend to be running while lying down, from fast pace to slow.

Art & Craft KP/EAC/T4/U2/02

Objectives To develop fine motor skill.
Theme Emotions Topic Happy Face
Materials Drawing papers (pre-cut and draw happy face), crayon
Procedures 1. Sing the song “I’m HAPPY (See appendix for lyrics)
2. Ask children if they are happy and encourage them to show a happy face.
3. Show children picture of happy face and encourage them to colour it to make the face

Closure Display children’s happy faces at a prominent place.

Art & Craft KP/EAC/T4/U2/05

Objectives 1. To develop fine motor skill
Theme Emotions
2. Topic
To identify a happy face, a sad face, a scared face and angry Happy
face face, sad face, angry face
and scraed face
Materials Long and strong stick, paper with picture of faces (happy face, sad face, angry face and scared
face), glue

Procedures 1. Show children the windmill of emotions.

2. Demonstrate how to play it in front of the children.
3. Distribute the material to children.
4. Demonstrate how to make a windmill of emotions.
5. First, fold the paper with faces into two.
6. Second, apply glue to one side of the paper with faces and let the other side dry free from
7. Repeat it for all the papers with faces until there is only one left.
8. Put the long and strong paper on the last paper with pictures of faces, then glue it on the last
paper with faces.
9. Windmill is ready to play.
10. Let the children do it.

Closure Let children play wind their windmill

KinderMusic KP/EKM/T4/U2/01
Activity Format Hold hands and walk in circle
Materials Ring Around The Rosie
Nil CD Baby Face
Objective(s) Movement Activity - walk, clap, fall

Lyrics Ring around the rosie

A pocket full of posies
Clap hands, vlap hands
We all fall down

Repeat Twice

Life Skill KP/LF/T4/U4/01

Objectives To practice patience and concentration
Target Skill Practice
1. patience
To improve theand concentration
children’s Topic Patience and concentration
patience and concentration
2. To improve the children life’s skill
Materials Mini pom-pom, clamp, cup, bowl
Procedures 1. Show the children the material.
2. Tell the children what we will make today.
3. Demonstrate how to do it.
4. First, take the clamp and clamp it to the mini pom-pom.
5. Second, move the mini pom-pom from the cup to the bowl.
6. Distribute the material to children.
7. Let the children do it.

Closure Let the children play with the mini pom-pom.

Reflection :
Language Activity :
During the language activity lesson, Raleysha, Helcia, and Nadya paid close attention to the explanation given by the teacher.
Raleysha and Helcia did their jobs well. Raleysha and Nadya chose to use happy faces in the tasks they did. Meanwhile, Nadya
prefers to use all the feelings she has, be they happy, sad, scared, or angry.

Art and Craft :

During art and craft class, Helcia, Nadya and Raleysha showed quite high enthusiasm. Raleysha, Helcia, and Nadya sat quietly,
listening to all the explanations given by the teacher. Raleysha was able to complete her duties well with the help of her
grandmother. Helcia made it slowly and surely, supported and helped by her mother. Meanwhile, Nadya had a little trouble
because Nadya put it in the opposite direction. With a little help from the teacher, Nadya can complete her assignments well.

Life Skill :
During the life skills class, Raleysha was able to finish well. Raleysha does this by consistently moving the little pom-poms from
one bowl to another using tongs. Helcia was less consistent and patient in moving the little pom poms from one bowl to another.
Helcia tends to use her hands directly to move the little pom-poms instead of using tongs. While Nadya was still not interested,
she preferred to hide behind her father's back. But with the help of her mother and teachers, Nadya wants to try to complete her
assignments. Although she was slower than the others, Nadya was able to complete her task.

Kindercize :
Raleysha, Helcia, and Nadya looked very enthusiastic about participating in Kindercize activities. Helcia and Raleysha seemed to
really enjoy it and wanted to follow all the instructions given. Meanwhile, for Nadya, her parents had to give her support in
participating in the final activities in Kindercize lessons, such as jumping.

Kinder Music :
For Kindermusic lessons, it is used as performance practice at graduation events. During Raleysha's practice, Nadya and Helcia
showed their interest by following the movements given by the teacher. When the practice was over, Raleysha still asked to be
given extra because she really liked the song used in the graduation performance. Even though sometimes Raleysha at the
beginning of music likes to run here and there, when it comes to the chorus of a song, Raleysha follows it well. Nadya was a little
embarrassed when she followed the movement. Helcia always saw Raleysha as her role model. Raleyhsa followed the moves well,
and Helcia also followed suit.

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