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While playing basketball near the school's parking lot (after being told not to),

you accidentally break a car window. You don't know who the car belongs to.
What would you do?
Morality is an intangible asset found in every individual. One persons morals
may differ from someone elses but that does not mean that theirs is invalid or of no
importance. When we think of morals, we think of things that harms society such as,
stealing, vandalizing, gossiping, having sex before marriage, or even keeping a simple
promise. But do we ever stop and think about facing the truth even if no one would ever
know what foolish act we have committed? No, we dont. Our mentality is, if no one saw
it, or if we were not called out on it, it didnt happen. We do not think of the
consequences that may come to us or even the ripple effect that it has on other people.
I believe that if a crime was committed or a minute accident, but no one was around,
that it should still be reported and solved in an orderly fashion.
If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
This saying is a peculiar thought provoking question in many discussions that has a
tendency to bring knowledge about reality. There is no right or wrong answer or a clear
explanation on why or why not. It is a plain illustration on moral judgement. An incident
occurred to me in this same manner and I was left in bewilderment to even fathom how
someone could not feel any remorse or the slight feeling of guilt. The incident goes as
follows: I left school and made my way to cheerleading practice where I was inside the
building from 4:45 to 8:45 and when I came out, I found my side mirror cracked on the
school parking lot, left without a note explaining who or why. Furious by this event, I
called my father and he instructed me on what to do and I followed. The following day I
reported the scene and they told me to call back up there the next week. I eventually got
in contact with the campus officer and he reviewed the videos and found out what was
the absurd act that cause my mirror to become damaged.
After he reviewed the recording, we discovered that it was a couple of teenage
boys playing football right beside my car, and one missed pass was responsible for the
accident. When the ball hit the mirror the teenage boys did not show any sign of regret.
Their idea of solving the problem was to guilelessly walk away from the scene as if
nothing ever happen. They did not give the mere thought to leave a note, try to see
whose car it was or even report it. They did not ponder on the idea that maybe that was
the only means of transportation I had or that it was a reason for me to be pulled over
by the police let along it was a safety issue. No justification has taken place and I do not
believe that there will be. Society should not continue to operate in such a manner or
sustain this lackadaisical attitude towards wrongdoing.

To conclude, morals are something that is taught and has to be enforced. You
cannot teach a person what to do in every situation, but you can teach them to know
right from wrong. There should be no doubt on whether to tell the truth about an incident
that had no witnesses present. Morality characterizes yourself and tells people a lot
about you more than your actions can.

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