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The Colonial Times


Boston, Massachusetts July 5th 1776


Stamp Act
The absurd taxation on us,
the so-called Stamp Act
was passed by the British
Parliament on March 22,
1765. The ridiculous tax is
imposed on all of us. They
require us to pay a tax on
every single piece of
paper. We cannot and will
not pay for the Britishs
The Britishs foolish wars
has cost them and so they
deserve it. The colonies
have no representation in
the Parliament, and until
we are represented as an
equal state, the colonies
refuse to pay such
preposterous amount of
Two Treatises on

the attempts and designs

of anybody, even of their
legislators, whenever they
shall be so foolish, or so
wicked, as to lay and carry
on designs against the
lives, liberties, and
properties of the subject.
-John Locke- (1689)
Our community as a whole
are desperately in need of
saving ourselves from the
government of England,
which puts its utmost
priority in violating our
rights as a human being.
Thomas Jefferson,
Declaration of
We hold these truths to be
self-evident, that all men
are created equal, that
they are
endowed by their Creator
with certain unalienable
Rights, such as Life,
Liberty and the
pursuit of

The certain unalienable

rights, life, liberty and the
pursuit of happiness will be
upheld in this new
government. No more will
the government make
ridiculous claims against
our properties. No more
will they make us pay for
the horrifying outcomes of
their foolish decisions.
Thomas Paine,
Common Sense
To say that the
constitution of England
is a union of three
powers, reciprocally
checking each other, is
farcical. (1776)
The English believe their
system is flawless and
unquestionable. But the
King has disempowered the
courts into doing his
The English system is no
longer perfect. There is no
use in remaining loyal to a

And thus the community

perpetually retains a
supreme power of saving
themselves from

any government becomes
destructive of these rights,
it is the Right of the
People to alter or to
abolish it, and to institute
new Government. July
4th, 1776

toothless tiger. Its time for

America to form its own
government which a
system of checks and
balances will be
implemented to balance
political power.

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