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1. what did you liked do in your adolescence?

I went out to parties with friends, played sports, I loved video games and I loved
the rock. It was a wonderful stage.
2. were you a good student?
Yes I had good qualifications, and my favorite subject was mathematical. In 1995
finished school and in 2000 the civil engineering career finish in the National
University of Cajamarca.
3. When did you start working?
I began to work at the age of 23, at the beginning it was hard, but now I'm working
for a mining company and enjoy my job because I always wanted to work on this.
4. How long have you lived in Chiclayo?
I lived there for six years. There I met my wife and had my first child. Weekends
loved going to the beach and the night we went out to concerts.
5. When did you have your first baby?
I had my first son at the age of 28, it was a very special time for me because it
caused a big change in my life. I and my wife were happy to have him and the
whole family loved him.


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