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Q)Describe the lotic ecosystem.

(4) or Describe the

springs/brooks/waterfalls/rivulets/creeks as ecosystem($)

An ecosystem is a fundamental functional unit occupying spatial dimension of 'earth-

space ship' characterised by total assemblage of biotic & abiotic communities or
components & their resultant mutual interrelations within the/a given time unit.
Fresh water ecosystems cover about 2% of earth's surface (about 2.5 million
sq. Km).These are further categorised into two types:-
a)Freash water ecosystem with running water & are called lotic ecosystem.
b)Fresh water ecosystems with stagnant water & are called Lentic ecosystems.
Lotic ecosystems includes -springs, rivulets, creeks, brooks etc. & rivers,which
changes over their course from being slow moving,deep & increasingly broad.the degree
of each feature depends on the streambed fall i.e.,vertical drop over it's length.Shift in
water movement is reflected in substrate,which tends rom being rocky & without sediment
to deep sediments found in deltas at the mouth's of rivers eg.-mississipi.most streams are
characterised by a repeating sequence of rapids & pools that decrease in frequency
downstream (eg.-lower Ocqueoc falls, Michigan, USA).
Waterfalls are not common features of this ecosystem(eg.-Akaka falls, Hawaii, USA is an
exception to the aforesaid statement).only organisms capable of adhering to an exposed
surface like rocks, limbs etc. are found in the upper reaches of a stream, such adhering
organisms are called Periphyton or Aufwuchs.they include the attached & clumped &
filamentous green & blue-green algae & various invertibrates like- Mayflies, Midges, larvae
of insects,Stonefly,nymphs & Planarians.Further downstream floating vegetation may be
found along wih aforementioned invertibrates & those organisms which burrows in soft
substrate such as Clams & burrowing Mayfly nymphs.In both environments we find
Crayfish & fishes of various sizes like Darters to Trout & Solomon fishes species.Further
down stream, we find warm water fish species like- Cat fish & Carp replacing cold water
Trout species.
Chemically the upper reaches are rich in oxygen as water moves downstream
& becomes more sluggish & the oxygen level trends to drop. Because of continual
addition of nutrients & detrius levels tend to be high down stream. In small streams where
producers are limited or absent the major source of nutrients is from external ecosystem

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