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Q)Write a short note on 'community'.


A community may be defined as an interractive assemblage of species occuring together

within a particular geographical area,a set of species whose ecologiacal function &
dynamcs are in the same way interdependent.These are interractions which include overt
& critically determining competitive interraction & feeding relationships as well as more
subtle manifestations such as reliance of plants & animals for pollination & seed
dispersal.Ecological community come in all sizes,shape & degee of interraction of the
constituent populations.An ecological community is hollistic,the totality of it's properties
is greater than the sum of it's individual parts which Begon et al (1986) referred as
Emigrant properties.There are 2 nature of communities:-
An observation of american ecologist Henry Geason was no two species are alike except
for a matter of accident/chance & that no two are distributed alike.This distinct uniqueness
is due to fluctuating & fortuitious immigration of species (plants) with equally fluctuating &
variable environment.
F.Clements,S.A.Forbes,E.Odum,J.B.Braun-Blanquet etc. were ardent supporters of this
view.Accoding to this view point,plant associations are viewed as having objective reality
like an organism or a species & as being cpable of description in a compareable way.
An ecologiacal community is dynamic & undergo more or less constant
changes in physignomy & composition,owing to changes in life cycles of organisms that
is largely attuned to 7 regulated by major environmental climatic gradients.the whole
communities demonstrate phenomena attuned to naturally recurring events.

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