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Topic: Some people think it is acceptable to use animals for the benefit for human.

Others think it is wrong to exploit animals for human purposes. Discuss both of view
and give your own opinion.

In contemporary society, the number of animals is decreasing alarmingly. In

fact, human is abusing animals for their profits. Some hold the view that people
have rights to benefit by using animals, while others argue that it is essential to
protect animals carefully. In this essay, I will look at both sides of argument and give
my example.
On the one hand, it is obvious that animals play an important role for human
beings life. For instance, animals are used for clinical tests to form drugs before
they are applied in medical treatment. Moreover, farmers need to use animals
strength for their works. It is a common knowledge that human life is the most
significant; hence, taking advantage of animals as a tool to assist people in
enhancing the standard of living.
On the other hand, animals are still a member of our planet. That is the reason
why they have right to live freely in their own space. If people overuse animals to
satisfy their desire or benefits, a large number of animals will die. More important,
the balance of nature will break down , and pull at the peoples death. It means that
abusing animals is not gorgeous thing and people should respect them.
In brief, although animals are beneficial to us in many fields; however, nothing
can survive- including animals- if they are not protected and developed. I think
animals are still a member of the earth, and thus have a right to live. Therefore, it is
not extremely tolerable for someone who abuses animals for their own profit.

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