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Name: Nguyễn Xuân Dung

Student ID: FAFBIU22036

In our modern society, it is commonly thought that animals should not be

exploited and should be treated equally to humans. Other groups believe that since
animals are not on the same level as humans, they can be used as pets or as food and
for seminars. The following essay will discuss that as animals lack human-like
intellectual capacity and mental faculties, they cannot exist on par with humans.
On the one hand, a considerable number of people feel that animals had better
grant the rights as individuals have. To explain, having a safe place to live and a
reliable food source is a minor right of all living things on this planet, including pets
and animals. One of the compelling arguments is that using animals for unneeded
purposes in businesses like food and fashion should be prohibited. It would be
inhumane to exploit other beings through the fashion industry, and meat and animal
products can take the place of greenery in the food industry.
On the other hand, some people disagree, contending that the public will never
be at the same level as animals due to cerebral capacity and cognitive skills.
Therefore, it is without a doubt that giving animals their fundamental necessities, such
as food, water and safe treatment, is essential. Besides, animals can be employed in
study or for food purposes, but not in an aggressive manner.
In conclusion, although animals have contributed to the development of
science, they should not be exploited since all living entities possess emotional
sentiments. I believe that using animals for our own enjoyment must be stopped and
we should eliminate the threat of animal exploitation.

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