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Animal testing

“To my mind the life of a lamb is not less precious than that of a human being. The more
helpless the creature, the more that it is entitled to protection by man from the cruelty of
man.” Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948). Around the world, animal testing denotes the use of
animals in medical experiments to unveil the potency, safety, toxicity, and viability of
developed drugs. This topic called my attention because I care about animals and I want to
know more about it. According to HSI the term of “animal testing” refers to procedures
performed on living animals for purposes of research of new medicinal products and
cosmetics. Some people say that animals are appropriate research subjects because they are
similar tohumanbeingsinmanyways.Manyanimalsrightsactivistsdisagreeandconversely
argue that no animalsshouldbeusedbyhumansforanyreason.Whilethatmightbetruethat
animals are appropriate research subjects, the evidence suggest that animal testing should be
illegal and completely banned because too many animals are being killed and there are other
more humane alternatives to test products that would help to stop animal testing.

Over the past years there have been numerous controversies regarding animal testing.
Especially, millions of animals a year are subject to being imprisoned and having terrible
procedures done. As reportedbyPETAeachyear,morethan100millionanimals—including
mice, rats, frogs, dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, monkeys, fish, and birds—are
killed in U.S. laboratories for biology lessons, medical training, curiosity-driven
experimentation, and chemical, drug, food, and cosmetics testing. Before their deaths, some
are forced to inhale toxic fumes, others are immobilized in restraint devices for hours, some
have holes drilled into their skulls, and others have their skin burned off or their spinal cords

However, there are other alternatives to replace animal testing and stop all this animal abuse.
Replacing animal tests does not mean putting human patients at risk. It also does not mean
halting medical progress. Instead, replacing animal testing will improve the quality as well as
the humaneness of our science. In accordance with the article of Cruelty Free International,
there are certain alternatives that are more efficient than testing on animals like: cell cultures,
human cells have been used to create innovative little devices called ‘organs-on-chips’ that
can be used instead of animals to study biological and disease processes, as well as drug
metabolism; human tissues, for example, skin and eye models made from reconstituted
human skin and other tissues have been developed and are used to replace the cruel rabbit
irritationtests,also,companies such as Episkin,Mattek and CellSystems GmbHnowproduce
these tests in easy to use kits for companies to use to test their cosmetics and other
substances; computer models, they can be used to conduct virtual experiments based on
existing information and mathematical data; volunteer studies, rapid advances in technology
have allowed for the development of sophisticated scanning machines and recording
techniques that can be used to safely study human volunteers. Without a doubt, alternatives
are better because these and other non-animal methods are not hindered by species

differences that make applying animal testresultstohumansdifficultorimpossible,andthey

usually take less time and money to complete.

Admittedly, some scientists say that animals are appropriate research subjects because they
are like human beings in many ways. However, they fail to see that the anatomic,
metabolic, and cellular differences between animals and people make animals poor models
for human beings. Even though humans share genetic material with other animals,itdoesn’t
necessarily mean it is expressed in the same way. Consequently, it becomes apparent that
there is no need in performing tests and experiments on life creatures. More reasonable and
effective way is to shift the focus toward alternatives. To concluded, many innocent animals
are suffering because of humans. While most of medical equipment and treatment has been
created without any animal involvement, numerous experiments are still exposing animals to
danger and pain without proper justification. I think that people should be more aware of this
issue because this is something that we can avoid. So take action because creatures may be
being tortured and killed for the shampoo yo
medication you may take.

Reference page

● About Animal Testing. (2012, October 21). Retrieved February 21, 2020, from ● Experiments on Animals: Overview. (n.d.).
Retrieved February 21, 2020, from
experimentation/animals-used-experime ntation-factsheets/animal-experiments-overview/ ●
Alternatives to animal testing. (n.d.). Retrieved February 21, 2020, from

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