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Should animal testing be stopped?

Although it is stated that quite a large number of people place too much importance on animals’
rights, a controversy arises when animal testing prohibition is debated. Animal experimentation
can be both beneficial and disadvantageous in various aspects.

First and foremost, the employment of non-human living beings for testing contributes to medical
advancements and improvements. By making use of animals, scientists ensure to develop
medicine and vaccines that are appropriate for human use. What is more, with the information
gathered from those attempts, refined methods can be devised to create adequate machinery for

Notwithstanding, animal testing is cruel and inhumane. Even though a number of biologists tend
to endorse this practice on the basis of animals not experiencing pain in the same way as humans
do, the existence of thousands of living beings is yet at risk when compelled to endure chemicals
and noxious substances. In addition, although alternative methods have been created to replace
animal testing, many brands continue utilizing the same traditional ones, damaging the world’s
fauna ultimately.

Having taken everything into consideration, it can be concluded that experimenting on animals
ought to be banned since it is a selfish operation that benefits human wellness only, neglecting
animals unnecessarily. Perhaps if more individuals acknowledged what animals have to undergo
owing to this, these methods could cease eventually.


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