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Maxim Bogdan

Film Viewing Worksheet


Dead Poets Society

1.Summarize the plot of the film:

Neil Perry,Todd Anderson,Knox Overstreet,Charlie Dalton,Richard
Cameron,Steven Meeks and Gerard Pitts are senior students of the Welton Academy,
an elite prep school, whose ethos is defined by the headmaster Gale Nolan as
"tradition, honor, discipline and excellence". Both Neil and Todd are under harsh
parental pressure to become a doctor and a lawyer respectively, but Todd wants to be a
writer, and Neil discovers a passion for acting.
The teaching methods of their new English teacher, John Keating ,are
unorthodox by Welton standards, whistling the 1812 Overture and taking them out of the
classroom to focus on the idea of carpe diem. He tells the students that they may call
him "O Captain! My Captain!" in reference to a Walt Whitman poem, if they feel daring.
In another class, Keating has Neil read the introduction to their poetry textbook,
prescribing a mathematical formula to rate the quality of poetry which Keating finds
ridiculous, and he instructs his pupils to rip the introduction out of their books, to the
amazement of one of his colleagues. Later he has the students stand on his desk in
order to look at the world in a different way.The boys discover that Keating was a former
student at Welton and decide to secretly revive the school literary club, the "Dead Poets
Society," to which Keating had belonged, meeting in a cave off the school grounds.
Due to self-consciousness, Todd fails to complete a writing assignment and
Keating takes him through an exercise in self-expression, realizing the potential he
possesses. Charlie publishes an unauthorized article in the school newspaper, asserting
that girls should be admitted to Welton. At the resulting school inquiry, he offers a phone
call from God in support, incurring the headmaster's wrath. After being lectured by
Headmaster Nolan about his teaching methods, Keating tells the boys to "be wise, not
stupid" about protesting against the system.
Knox meets and falls in love with a girl named Chris, using his new-found love of
poetry to woo her. He presents one of these poems in class, and is applauded by
Keating for writing a heartfelt poem on love. Knox travels to Chris's public school and
recites his poem to her, later convincing her to go to a play with him. Neil wants to be an
actor but knows his father (Smith) will disapprove. Without his father's knowledge, he
auditions for the role of Puck in a production of A Midsummer Night's Dream. His father

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finds out and orders Neil to withdraw. Neil asks Keating for advice and is advised to talk
to his father and make him understand how he feels, but Neil cannot muster the
courage to do so. Instead he goes against his father's wishes. His father shows up at
the end of the play, furious. He takes Neil home and tells him that he intends to enroll
him in a military school to prepare him for Harvard University and a career in medicine.
Unable to cope with the future that awaits him or to make his father understand his
feelings, Neil commits suicide.
At the request of Neil's parents, the headmaster launches an investigation.
Cameron meets the school governors and board of regents. Later, confronted by
Charlie, Cameron admits that he squealed on them and made Keating the scapegoat,
and urges the rest of them to let Keating take the fall. Charlie punches Cameron and is
later expelled. Todd is called to Nolan's office, where his parents are waiting. Nolan
forces Todd to admit to being a member of the Dead Poets Society, and makes him sign
a document blaming Keating for abusing his authority, inciting the boys to restart the
club, and encouraging Neil to flout his father's wishes. Todd sees the other boys'
signatures already on the document, and is threatened by his father to sign it. Keating is
subsequently fired.
The boys return to English class, now being taught by Nolan, who has the boys
read the introductory essay only to find that they had all ripped it out. Keating enters the
room to retrieve a few belongings. Todd reveals that the boys were intimidated into
signing the denunciation. Nolan orders Todd to be quiet and demands that Keating
leave. As Keating is about to exit, Todd for the first time breaks his reserve, calls out "O
Captain! My Captain!" and stands on his desk. Nolan warns Todd to sit down or face
expulsion. Much of the class, including Knox, Meeks, and Pitts, climb onto their desks
and look to Keating, ignoring Nolan's orders until he gives up. Keating leaves visibly
2.What are the theme of the movie in your opinion? Why?
In my opinion,the major theme is conformity, which is perceived as keeping to
accepted rules and regulations,because Welton Academy is a prestigious and traditional
institute with a strict policy based on realist administration.
In the beginning of the film, we were presented with the school motto, the four
pillars of the school Tradition, Honour, Discipline and Excellence, at the first
assembly of the term.These words were an exact description of how the college
Neil Perry is an example of what could happen if you dont conform. Neil became
unhappy and dissatisfied with his fathers plan for his life and inevitably suicided in the
end. This would not have happened if he abided by the rules. The regimentation was
proven to work, and to survive this school, you are to conform and follow it.

Maxim Bogdan
3.Identify the main character(s) and the relationship(s) between them.
The main characters are: Mr.John Keating, an English teacher who is a true
inspiration to his students;Neil Perry, whose relationship with his father is a case of
misunderstanding and lack of communication; Neil could control Todd, and that was the
only thing in his life he felt he had control over. Also, in a way, Neil saw himself in Todd,
because Neil acted towards his father the way Todd acted towards everyone.Todd
Anderson, who was the most upset and emotional of the group after Neils death, he
realized exactly what Neil was facing the moments before his death. Todd also proves
his loyalty to Keating by standing up to Camerons accusations;Mr. Nolan is the
conservative head of Welton Academy;Richard Cameron, who betrays Keating for his
own purposes.
4.Controversy:Do you consider Mr. Keating a good teacher? Why?
I think that Mr.Keating is a good teacher because he taught the students to
explore and experiment. Exploring and experimenting is a good way of discovering what
you want to do in life and is something every person needs to learn. When someone is
doing something that they love, it often takes away stress from other things.
5.Characterize (briefly) the following characters:
Mr. Keating
A former student of Welton Academy, as a teacher, Mr Keating is the boys'
source of inspiration and encouragement. He makes poetry "drip from [their] tongues
like honey," using it as a medium to encourage his charges to strive for excellence and
individuality. He also introduces his students to the phrase, 'Carpe diem', a Latin
expression that translates as 'Seize the day'. Mr Keating's teaching methodology is
highly uncoventional and conflicts with Welton's four pillars: "Tradition, Honour,
Discipline, Excellence". He is dismissed from his position at the end of the film, charged
with causing Neil Perry to commit suicide.
Neil Perry
Neil Perry is a confident and popular student who excels in his studies. He is
well-liked by both his peers and teachers and is a natural leader. Inspired by his
passionate English teacher, Mr Keating, he reestablishes the 'Dead Poets Society'. This
shows that he is prepared to challenge the school's authority. Neil's aspirations to
become an actor are snuffed by his controlling father who refuses to give Neil any
choice about his future. As a result, Neil commits suicide at the end of the film.
Todd Anderson
Todd is a shy and introverted student who is new to Welton Academy. Todd's
older brother was a previous valedictorian of Welton and both the school and his
parents clearly have high expectations of him. An obedient and studious young man,
Todd trys hard to please his teachers but lacks confidence at the beginning of the film

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and this prevents him from reaching his potential. However, both Neil and Mr Keating
support and encourage him and he consequently develops considerably as a character.
At the end of the film, he is the first student to stand on his desk in support of Mr

Mr. Nolan is the school's headmaster.He inaugurates the new school year by
reminding everyone of the high standards of the institution, and the school's high
success rate in sending its graduates to Ivy League universities. Students carry banners
on which are embroidered the "four pillars" of Welton's pedagogical program: Tradition,
Honor, Discipline, and Excellence.
Mr.Perry (Neil`s father)
Mr Perry is Neil's paternalistic and dominating father. He is determined that Neil
will finish school at Welton and study medicine. To this end, he ensures that Neil is
focussed and not distracted by unnecessary extra-curricular activities such as the
school magazine. Neil rebels against this but unable to confront his father, ultimately
decides that he is "trapped". Mr Perry's refusal to support Neil's acting aspirations
ultimately lead to Neil's death.
Richard Cameron
Cameron is an assiduous and ambitious student who conforms totally with both
the school's and his parents' expectations. Keen to succeed academically and win the
favour of his teachers, he is very compliant and is prepared to betray his friends in order
to further his own interests. Cameron is ultimately responsible for the dismissal of Mr
Keating as he selfishly accuses Keating of encouraging Neil to commit suicide; he is
complicit with the school's administrators.
6.Which of the film characters do you identify with the most and why?
I identify the most with Neil Perry because he is a confident and popular student
who excels in his studies.
7.Choose your favourite quotes at least three from the following,and
comment upon them.Why do you prefer them to the rest?
This movie is saturated with quotes which remind us that we do have a choice in
how we foster our individuality.

Maxim Bogdan
"Two roads diverged in the wood and I, I took the one less traveled by, and that
has made all the difference."
This is a quote first written by the classic poet, Robert Frost. This simple, yet hard
hitting quote reminds us to take the road we feel is right for us, no matter how many
people believe it is not worth the effort.
"... carpe diem, seize the day boys, make your lives extraordinary."
Do not be afraid to pursue your passion. Take control of every single day and
bend it to your will.
"I stand upon my desk to remind myself that we must constantly look at things in
a different way."
Do not let your perspective narrow. Always find a way to see situations and life
from a different angle.
"Now we all have a great need for acceptance, but you must trust that your
beliefs are unique, your own, even though others may think them odd or unpopular,
even though the herd may go."
Believe in yourself. Do not abandon your convictions because it is not what
others believe.
8.Would you recommend this movie to your peers?Why/ Why not?
I recommend this movie because it is a movie about coming to terms with oneself
and others. It practically teaches itself because students identify with it so well. Pages
can be read again, but scenes from a movie come quickly and important items can be
missed if a viewer is not aware.

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