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/ 40 marks

Choose the correct answers.
1 I can share all my secrets with Mike. He is very ___.
a aggressive
b thoughtless
c trustworthy
d calm
2 Most people need to have ___ in their lives.
a depression
b thought
c sadness
d stability
3 Even the most talented people need a bit of good ___
to become successful.
a envy
b luck
c punishment
d strength
4 My uncle James is the most ___ person I know. He loves
to give people gifts.
a talented
b amused
c generous
d aggressive

9 A friendly smile helps to ___ the ice when you meet

somebody new.
a break
b make
c save
d smash
10 The colour red is often associated ___ anger.
a of
b to
c at
d with
11 A healthy diet will ___ a difference to his
a get
b do
c make
d lose
12 She uses email to keep in ___ with her friends.
a trouble
b common
c promise
d touch

5 Some teenagers develop bad habits because of

pressure from their ___ at school.
a colleagues
b parents
c peers
d idols

13 Guess what! Daniel is getting engaged ___

Claire tonight.
a in
b to
c with
d on

6 When Ken finally got the job he wanted, he was

___ pink.
a depressed
b tickled
c embarrassed
d ashamed

14 If you make a plan of what you want to write, it will

___ time later.
a make
b keep
c save
d lose

7 I dont understand why they say Susan is the black ___

of their family.
a gold
b habit
c sheep
d effect

15 Her mother didnt approve ___ her decision to leave

school at sixteen.
a with
b of
c at
d to

8 Paul has more confidence ___ himself since he started

wearing fashionable clothes.
a with
b on
c in
d to

16 Everybody thinks that the twins are as ___ as gold

but they are naughty sometimes.
a well-behaved
b pretty
c good
d wealthy

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granted to photocopy for classroom use.

Close-Up B1+ Teachers Resource Pack

Quiz 1

17 Many factories use ___ dye to colour the products

they produce.
a synthetic
b athletic
c artistic
d handsome
18 Some fashion models are too ___. They look as if
they hardly eat anything.
a pretty
b skinny
c plump
d attractive

19 These colours ___ me of the town where I grew up.

a recall
b remember
c remind
d relax
20 Colours like yellow or green are often used to ___
important words in a text.
a highlight
b signal
c amuse
d show

(___ / 20 marks)

Choose the correct answers.
1 How often ___ by plane?
a you travel
b do you travel
c are you travelling
d you are travelling
2 Sorry, I ___ what you are saying.
a am not understanding
b always understand
c dont understand
d am forever understanding
3 Flora got ___ MP3 player for her birthday.
a a
b an
c the
d 4 ___ to move to Australia.
a Jennifer is wanting
b Does Jennifer want
c Jennifer wants
d Is Jennifer wanting
5 I dont have to wear ___ uniform to work.
a a
b an
c the
d 6 ___ its a good idea to wear those clothes to school?
a You are thinking
b You always think
c Are you thinking
d Do you think
7 The ferry to Venice ___ at 8.45 Friday morning. Its
always on time.
a leaves
b is leaving
c never leaves
d is constantly leaving
8 Dont go to the beach at midday when ___ is too hot.
a a sun
b an sun
c the sun
d sun
Copyright New Editions. Permission
granted to photocopy for classroom use.

9 Maria thinks ___ are very friendly people.

a English
b a English
c an English
d the English
10 We ___ the living room yellow because it will
look brighter.
a usually paint
b are painting
c painting
d paint
11 I ____ what he tells me because he has lied to me in
the past.
a always believe
b am not always believing
c dont always believe
d always believing
12 We enjoyed the play we saw at ___ Albany Theatre.
a a
b an
c the
d 13 Some colours like blue ___ people to relax.
a help
b helps
c is helping
d are helping
14 My neighbours ___ at each other. They are so noisy!
a forever shout
b arent forever shouting
c are forever shouting
d dont forever shout
15 Does your mum speak ___ well?
a a French
b the French
c French
d France

Close-Up B1+ Teachers Resource Pack

Quiz 1

16 The package holiday isnt very expensive, but what ___?

a is it including
b it includes
c it is including
d does it include
17 Look! That huge dog ___ after the postman.
a run
b running
c is running
d runs
18 Dan has been in ___ hospital since his accident.
a b the
c a
d an

19 Mr Jones is annoyed because his students ___

naughty today.
a are always
b be
c are being
d always being
20 I ___ what you mean about that comedian. His jokes
are really clever.
a see
b am seeing
c am not seeing
d doesnt see

(___ / 20 marks)

Copyright New Editions. Permission

granted to photocopy for classroom use.

Close-Up B1+ Teachers Resource Pack

Quiz 1

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