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erratic: weird not stable.

mascot: an animal or toy people believe that will bring them luck.
Astounding: amazing
decimated: severely damage.
sanction: approval, a course of people that can used, if necessary, to make people
obey a law or behave particular way.
annex: to control of a country.
secession: the fact of an area or group becoming independent from the country or
larger group that it belongs to.
saturate : to make sth completely wet.
scour : to search a place thoroughly.
umpire :
crackdown: severe action taken to restrict the activities of criminals or of people
opposed to the government.
silt :
submersible :
retrieve : to bring or get sth back
murk : dark
copter : helicopter
lucrative : produce a large amount of money.
galore: a large quantitles
catalogue: register
preferential: giving an advantage to a particular person or group
disrupt: to make it difficult for sth to continue in the normal way
thus : like this ; as a result
blatant: done in an obvious and open way without caring if people are shocked.
vigorous: very active ; determined
gimmick: an unusual trick or unnecessary device that is intended to attract attention or
to persuade people to buy sth ()
implicate : to show or suggest that sb is involved in sth bad or criminal.
canonize :
venue: a place where people meet for an organized event, for example a concert,

sporting event or conference.

orchestrate: to organize a complicated plane or event very carefully or secretly.
topography :
unassailable: that cannot be destroyed, defeated or questioned
The party now has an unassailable lead.

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