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Dear Chem-E Car Team, Chem-Eng UNNES,

Herein, i would like to try to write basic concept of Chem-E Car. I would also give you the references and
some examples in attached file.
Hopefully it can give you all understanding and inspirations to build our first Chem-E Car project to go
national and international competition.
Just believe we can do it. Yes We Can.
Chem-E car is a car prototype that mostly focus on using chemical reaction as a fuel to run the car. It also
supported by electricals and mechanics.
Common Chem-E car competition rules are :
a. Use chemical reaction to run the car.
b. The car must stop at certain distances, for example car must stop in distance 15 meters so that it need
some calculation and experiment to build the calibration curve
between chemical used and
distances. Other competitions can be different in distance.
Better precisions, more possibility to win.
c. Some weight must be carried out in the competition, for example : in some competitions, water such as
0,75 L must be carried out in a car prototype.
Other competition can be different amount of water.
d. There are also poster competition in Chem-E Car
The important things that must be carefully identified such as, the economic feasibility, environmentally
friendly, the ideas, the other thing that
can give value-added in our car.
(in the near future, one of our goal is to build Chem-E car chassis and car body (rangka dan bodi mobil)
from fiber glass that produced from biomass (need more effort, funding, time, and thinking), just step
by step.
e. Additional rule can be applied
Chem-E Car Types :
1. Chemical Reaction --> Heat --> (via semiconduktor) --> Electrical Energy (5 volts or more) --> (via
motor)--> mechanical energy
2. Chemical Reaction --> gas --> produce mechanical energy to push the car (just like steam power)
3. Chemical Reaction --> via baterry --> supporting by the iodine clock up reaction set up --> turning
solution from colorless to dark color -->
dark color --> cut the circuit through color changing (via An Arduino microcontroller)
this controller function is
to cut the circuit in through light intensity of the solution
4. Find another ideas
Our target :
1. Make our best team
2. Find the ideas and create the Chem-E car system
3. Arrange the proposal (to get funding such as via PKMP or PKMT or Hibah penelitian LP2M
mahasiswa, company sponsorship, etc.)
4. Try to search some funding
5. Build our first generation Chem-E Car
6. Evaluate
7. Join in the competition in 2016 (national and/or international level)
8. Evaluate
9. Develop the second generation and make it more perfect and precision
and so on
Yes We Can
See you at the top
-Best Regards

Dhoni Hartanto, S.T., M.T., M.Sc.

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