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Ed 3501
Danny Balderson
Nov, 9 2015
Lesson Overview rationale
My over arching question for my three lessons for the grade 2
temperature unit is: how does different temperatures affect a
thermometer, different objects and rooms, as well as the particles in
these objects (or rooms) and how can temperatures be manipulated
and in turn manipulate different objects (or substances). My
overarching objective would be: students will explore different
temperatures, how to change these temperatures and what affect
changing these temperatures may have on the feel and look of and
object or room as well as the particles in this object or room. I choose
to start from scratch building up and connecting knowledge. They will
begin by understanding what a heat source is, getting some general
knowledge and ways to identify a heat source moving into how
particles move in hot and cold temperatures (which will be used in
everyone lesson throughout the unit). I think it is important to
introduce them to this topic before getting into the key aspects of the
unit. They will then discuss safety rules as these will be used when
exploring what happens to objects when we manipulate the
temperature in an extreme way. From there they will look at the
thermometer and different temperatures at different locations
discussing why these temperatures may be different and then

predicting how we can manipulate and change these temperatures by

using the hot and cold houses examples (again tying in the particle
activity by acting out what happens in hot and cold houses). We will
then put the manipulation of temperatures into action and see what
happens when you take the manipulation of temperatures to an
extreme, really showing them how temperature changes can affect an
object and the particles in the object. I think this aspect is important
because many kids are visual learners and seeing the manipulation of
temperature in action and the causes of this manipulation creates
greater understanding. We will continue to relate examples back to the
particles and what they would be doing in the different temperatures
(by acting out what the particles did in the sugar and the ice). I believe
that a teacher lecturing at the front of the classroom can prove very
boring at any age, especially this one and that it is important to
incorporate many different activities to increase engagement of the
students. This is why I used a lot of group work and acting examples, it
allows students to get out of their desk and move around. When they
have to come up with answers to questions on their own through group
work it allows for a lot of rich barnstorming and also focus, as they
really have to pay attention to instructions and prior knowledge to do
this group work and acting activities. By doing a lab in the way I have
chosen to do it, it allows me to summativley assess them in a fun
engaging way and takes off a lot of the pressures of summative

assessment. They can see something many have probably not seen
before (burning sugar) making it very exciting. The students will learn
(or reinforce) how to use a thermometer, what different temperatures
there may be around the school and why, ways to manipulate
temperature in both small and extreme ways and what happens to the
particles of an object when these temperatures are manipulated. I used
a number of SLOs as opposed to just building off one because I feel as
though in a unit (if I were to teach it) you would not be basing the
entire unit on one SLO, but rather scaffolding the SLOs so they build
on each other. This unit will start off small and end with a bang!

Teaching Strategies and Classroom Climate Rationale



Direct instruction with class

I used direct instruction for many

feedback and formative check for

of my intros and explanations as


there are key things the students

have to know before starting into
the body of the lesson or carrying
on with the next lessons. The
students needed general

knowledge on the topic, safety

rules and instructions and I felt as
though this was most effectively
given through vocal explanation
with formative feedback of
understanding from the students.
By getting feedback I am not only
making sure that the students
understand but I am also checking
and making sure they are
engaged. I have worked in a
grade two class before and know
with the range of reading levels it
may be hard to give written
instructions which is another
reason for choosing vocal
instruction (however as mentioned
in the lesson plans some lessons
contain power points with key
Group discussion with guided

things for visual learners).

I find students are more engaged


in the learning when they are able

to learn for themselves as
opposed to having a teacher

lecturing at them. With group or

peer discussion they are able to
explore their own ideas and also
gain perspectives on new ideas
from their peers, broadening their
knowledge. I will be sure to walk
around giving them guiding
questions if they are lost or off
track to ensure they are on the
right path without simply giving
Acting activities

them the answers.

These acting activities were my
connectors through out the lesson
and also a great way to get the
kids up and moving to shake their
wiggles out. With longer classes
packed with knowledge it is
important to allow students brain
breaks with physical activity, this
one just happens to connect to the
learning in a fun way making it

Friendly competition game

more engaging!
The hot and cold houses game is a
way to bring together the learning

for the day in a fun and engaging

way. Instead of closing with a
lecture of what we had learned
that day in terms of temperature
and changing or manipulating
temperature I turned the learning
Visual and hands on examples

into a fun game.

Using the lab activity as well as
the thermometer activity allows
the students to physically see
what we are learning as opposed
to just hearing about it. I think at
any age it is beneficial to see
learning in action, it makes it
engaging and easy to
understand. By taking in their lab
and marking it summativley I am
able to produce a mark through a
fun and engaging activity.

Teaching Recourses Rationale

A huge teaching recourse for me was simply the science program of
studies and my brain. I am used to working with the English program of

studies, which is very broad, thus working with a program of studies

that was so specific was much easier to plan and create lessons for.
This was a large reason as to why I used science, I really wanted to
look into another program of studies and the science program of
studies is a resource with in itself. For things like the safety rules,
looking at temperatures around the school and changing temperatures
my ideas came directly from the program of studies and my own
brainstorming. I also consulted my ed 2500 teacher who proved to be a
phenomenal recourse discussing different activities that could be
useful. Edmonton public had many cool videos and activates, which
jump started my brainstorming for some of the activities I did in my
lesson plan. In our seminar class we took a resources workshop where
we were able to explore different online resources and Edmonton
public really stuck out to me. The AAC website was great in helping me
find rubrics and final summative projects. YouTube always proves to be
a great resource for hooks and starting lessons as well as for
informational videos (which I sued to brush up my knowledge on things
like how particles act in different temperatures). As I knew I has to
brush up my knowledge I also consulted my mom who just finishing
teaching in a grade two classroom the year prior. Using my mom and
my ed 2500 teacher as resources I feel is something that every teacher
needs to do; to be more specific teachers need to collaborative and
work with others, bouncing ideas off one an other. I did attempt to use

different recourses on the internet besides YouTube, AAC and

Edmonton public, but really struggled to narrow down and find
recourses that were applicable. With this struggle came a reflection, I
was able to note that I need to become more versed in searching the
web and pulling out resources.

C and I Mini Unit: Lesson 1

Grade 2 Science

Unit: Temperate
October 21, 2015
Length of

Topic: Heat sources

Lesson: 45 minutes
Specific Learning SLO #4: Students will identify safety practices for handling hot and cold materials
and for avoiding potential dangers from heat sources.




1. Power point containing: Sun song, picture of oven for example of heat source,
written instructions for each activity
2. A piece of poster paper to write the safety rules

Introduction 1
(5 min.)

Students will:
Brainstorm different examples of heat sources
Act out what hot and cold particles do
Collaboratively construct a list of safety rules

- (2 min.) I will begin by playing 10 seconds of a

YouTube video that will get them engaged and
show them an example of a heat source (I will
explain that for the rest of the unit when they hear a
song it indicates science time)
- (3 min) I will begin with a short explanation of
what a heat source is, explaining it is something
that gives off heat, also explaining that often times
if you put your hand in front of this thing you will
feel heat. I will give them an example of a heat
source (oven)

Assessment Methods
Formative: I will ask for
feedback after my explanation
of a heat source by asking the
students for a thumbs up or
down. If I see that any one is
not paying attention I may get
a student to repeat what I said.
I will ask them if they can tell
me what a heat source is by
raising their hands an verbally
telling me. I will also actively
be observing to see if students
are engaged

Body of Lesson 1
(25 min.)

(10 min.)

There will be 2 parts to the body of this lesson:

1. (15 Min) I will create groups of 3-4 using
popsicle sticks. I will first tell the students
that they will be getting into these groups to
brainstorm at least 5 heat sources. I will tell
them that they have to work collaboratively
and that each person must give at least one
idea. I will tell them that they have about 5
minutes to do this and that at the end we
will come together for group discussion and
write everyones ideas on the board (I will
also put them in the power point in case we
need to refer back to them). (TRANSITION,
I will play the song that I played in the intro
to signal it is time for group discussion)
2. (10 Min) I will have all the desks moved to
the side and have the students stand in the
middle of the room, I will explain to them
that when things are cold the particles in
them(or the things that make them up),
huddle together really closely and do not
move a lot. To make it relatable I will say
this is often what we do when we are cold,
we huddle up. I will then explain that hot
particles are spread out and move fast! After
I explain this I will get them to act it out,
having the whole class huddle together and
stay still when I yell cold particles and have
them spread out and move around when I
yell hot particles (TRANSITION I will once
again play the song to signal that it is time
to move the desks back and sit back down)
NOTE: The body of this lesson assumes
they have just begun this unit and that they
need to be taught certain aspects in order to
continue on. They need this prior knowledge
so I can meet my SLOs
(10 min) For closure I will explain that for the rest
of this unit we will be dealing with hot and cold
things and thus we need to brainstorm safety rules
so no one gets hurt. As I close I will have them tell
me safety rules, possibly prompting them if they

Formative: I will once again

ask for questions and a thumbs
up or down at the end of my
instructions. Assuming I have
an assistant in the room the
assistant and I will go around
from group to group making
sure they are on task, making
sure everyone is participating
and prompting them if they can
not think of ideas. When we
come together as a group their
shared ideas will also be a form
of formative assessment to
ensure they understood what a
heat source was
Formative: This is the brain
break part of the lesson the
children are receiving a lot of
information in a long class, if
they do what they are supposed
to when I yell hot particle/cold
particle I will know they
understood the instructions
Behavioural note: With the
acting it out activity behaviour
can be an issue I will explain
that students have to respect
each other meaning hands to
yourself, if anyone does not
follow these rules they will get
one warning then be asked to
take a seat. When moving the
desk I will make sure to do it
strategically in groups so it is
not chaos

Formative: I will ask them if

they have any questions about
what they learned today, and
have the students give me one
example of a heat source, tell

have forgotten any key ones. As they tell me their

ideas I will write it on a poster board and hang it up
in the classroom so we can continue to refer to it
throughout the unit. I will quickly go over with
them how a thermometer works (however assuming
they have been working with thermometers all year
for morning calendar this should be a brief review)
I will also end off by telling them to remember our
particle activity as we will be using it throughout
the unit to connect understanding.
Sponge Activity

me what cold and hot particles

do and give me one of our
safety rules to ensure they were
listening and to debrief.

They will have a few options of things to do if done

early- this will be a class routine.
1. Finish unfinished work
2. Read silently (I will have specific science
books on temperature for them to read)
3. Write in class journal about what we learned
that day
4. Go over how to use a thermometer

C and I Mini Unit: Lesson 2

Grade 2 science
Topic: Thermometer
Lesson: 45 minutes


Nov 9, 2015

Unit: Temperature
Length of

SLO 2: Measure temperatures in degrees Celsius

SLO 6: Identify ways in which the temperature in homes and building can be

2. Students will:
Work in groups to take the temperature of different rooms around the school
Brainstorm ways to heat and cool a hot and cold house


Introduction 1
(13 min.)

Body of Lesson
(30 min.)

3. Thermometers
4. Worksheets to fill in students findings
5. List of different rooms to go around to and what group is going to each room
6. Smart board thermometer interactive activity
7. Power point for hot and cold houses game and YouTube song
8. Stop watch to time 5 minutes during thermometer activity
9. Some sort of prize
10. Parent volunteers

- (3 min) Hot and cold Katy Perry song (Chipettes

version) to get the students engaged and show them it
is time for science
- (10 min) Assuming that the students already know
how to work and read a thermometer (as, if this was
my class room we would use it every Moring during
our calendar time to show what temperature it was
outside) I will explain to the students that we will be
getting in groups of 5 to go around to different rooms
in the school and measure the temperature of that
room. I will explain that each group will tape their
thermometer to the wall and leave it there for five
minutes. Once it has been there for five minutes
students will write down the temperature on the
- ( 30 min)After instruction I will place the kids into
groups and for each group hopefully have an adult
parent volunteer to ensure that all the groups are
doing what they need to do and also to time. I will
tell each group where they are going ex: the gym the
staff room the entrance our classroom and so on.
Once everyone has a parent helper and is in their
groups they will head to their room and tape the
thermometer to the wall. They will record the
original temperature and then wait for 5 minutes.
After this 5 minutes is up they will look at the
thermometer and write down what the temperature
is . When they are done this they will come back to
the class and each group will come up to the smart
board, where I will have interactive thermometers for
each group, and show where their thermometer was
at to begin with then move it to where it was at the
end. They will also hand the sheets that they recorded
their answers on into me. At the end we will come

Assessment Methods
Formative: This is a large set
of instructions to be given at
once so after each small set of
instructions I will pause and
ask if there are any questions
and for a thumbs up or down
for understanding. I will also
check to make sure everyone is
clear on how to use a
thermometer by getting them to
read a few that I will draw up
on the board

Formative: By having them do

the interactive example with
the smart board I will see
whether or not they understand
how to use a thermometer
correctly. By having them hand
in their results I will see that
everyone participated and
Note: this will not work with
out a parent volunteer for each
group so be sure to contact the
parent volunteers before hand

together for group discussion and brainstorm why

there are different temperatures in different rooms for
example the gym was warmer because it has a lot of
people running around the entrance was cooler
because it is right by the doors to outside.

(10 min.)

(10 min) We will end with a quick game of hot and

cold houses. I will split the class up into 2 teams
each team will have a parent to help them. I will
explain that one team is the hot house and they have
to brainstorm ideas of how to cool their house down
(ex fan) . The other team is the cold house they will
have to brainstorm ways to heat their house up (ex
light the fire place). At the end of 5 minutes of
brainstorming each parent rep will come write the
ideas on the board, whichever team has the most will
win a prize. To close we will once again do our
particle acting out activity by acting out what the
particles were like in the cold house and in the hot

Sponge Activity

They will have a few options of things to do if done

early- this will be a class routine.
5. Finish unfinished work
6. Read silently ( I will have specific science
books on temperature for them to read)
7. Write in class journal about what we learned
that day

Formative: by collecting their

brainstormed ideas at the end I
will see that they understand
how warming and cooling
works. By having the parent
reps I will ensure each group is
on task and all voices are being
Note: Once again I will have to
talk about behaviour when
doing the act it out activity and
if there are any behavioural
issues in the class competition
wise I will have to discuss the
idea of friendly competition

C and I Mini Unit: Lesson 3

Grade 2 science
Unit: Temperatures
Topic: Freezing and burning
Nov 9, 2015
of Lesson: 40 minutes
Specific Learning
SLO #3: Students will describe how heating and cooling materials can often
change them
(Overarching question: how can the temperature be manipulated and in turn
manipulate different substances// how does this manipulation of temperature
affect the particles in these substances)


3. Students will:
o Predict what will happen when you burn sugar and freeze water
o Observe and record how heating and cooling an object will change it
o Act out what the particles would be doing when freezing and burning


11. Safety rules previously created

12. Ice trays/ freezer
13. Small portable stove top
14. Sugar/ stir stick
15. Lab sheet
16. Pot to burn sugar in
17. Oven mitts

Introduction 1
(12 min.)

Body of Lesson 1
(33 min.)

(2 min.) I will begin by once again playing

the Katy Perry hot and cold song Chipettes
version to signal it is time for science
(10 minutes) I will explain that we will be
burning sugar and freezing water, at this
point I will ask students to pull out the lab
sheets I provided for them and make a
prediction with the question of what do you
think will happen to the water when we
freeze it and the sugar when we burn it
(they can write or draw this). I will go over
the safety rules once again that we
previously created.

- (4 min) First I will fill the ice tray with water and
then place it in the freezer (they will observe this);
then I will burn the sugar, which they will also
observe. (Note start the burner at the beginning of
class!) Since we are dealing with something very
hot I will have them form a line and each person
will get to peak inside the pot, the line will
continually be moving so all the students can see
the progress, we will discuss as a group through out
this process what we notice happening. (I will
continually be stirring the sugar) Once the sugar is
totally melted into liquid I will allow all the
students to see then I will grab the frozen water for
the students to see. Once they have seen what has
happened they can then go back and see if their
prediction was right and write or draw a conclusion.

Assessment Methods
Formative: I will ask for
understanding with a thumbs
up or down and ask them to
read or repeat the safety rules
to me as these are very
important for this lesson.

Formative: we will have group

discussion through out the
process and discuss what we
saw so they are able to
complete their labs.
Summative: they will hand
their finished labs into me so I
can check whether or not they
gave the correct conclusion
Note: this can be dangerous if
students are not behaving,
since it is such a hazard if
students cannot behave it will
need to be shut down. I will
have to very clearly set out my

I will walk around to ensure the students are writing

or drawing their conclusion correctly.

behavioural expectations like

no horseplay no running and
hands to yourself.

(5 min.)

(5min) To close we will once again do the act it out

activity that we did in the earlier lesson. I will move
all the desk aside and ask students to stand in the
middle. I will ask them to act out what the burning
sugar particles did, and what the freezing water
particles did. (I may have to prompt them and give
them hints if they dont remember).

Formative: by pulling in a
piece of another lesson I can
check to see if they have been
understanding and making
connections between what they
previously learned and what
they just learnt.
Behaviour: once again
behavioural expectation will
need to be brought up for the
act it out activity

Sponge Activity

They will have a few options of things to do if done

early- this will be a class routine.
8. finish unfinished work
9. Read silently (I will have specific science
books on temperature for them to read)
10. Write in class journal about what we learned
that day

Sydney Cleland
Ed 3504
Lisa Prawdzik
Nov, 9 2015
Evaluation and Assessment Mini Unit Rationale

Rationale: Assessment A

Scaffolding Lesson Plans

Lesson 1:

How does your

What core assessment



lesson scaffold to
your performance
Lesson outcome: SLO This lesson gives
#4: Students will
students general
identify safety
information that
practices for handling they need in
hot and cold
order to move on
materials and for
into the next
avoiding potential
lessons. In order
dangers from heat
to complete the
performance task
the next two
lessons are very
Outcomes: Students
important thus
getting them
started on this
Brainstorm different
examples of heat
information is key.
I also introduce a
topic in this
Act out what hot and
lesson that will be
cold particles do
used throughout
the lessons and
on the
construct a list of
safety rules
task, thus it
scaffolds all the
way through the
lessons right to
the performance
task starting
What formative
techniques will
you be using?
What information
will you be
collecting? How
will you use that

concepts inform your

design choice?
I focused on the ideas of
feedback and prior
knowledge. This is a
lesson to determine what
the students know as far
as general information
goes. I can then see what
I need to teach them in
order to move onto the
bulk of the mini unit. In
order to assess their
prior knowledge I need to
use the concept of
feedback, however in this
stage I will just use
formative feedback, as I
want to see what they
know and add onto
knowledge if needed. I
believe that it is to early
in the unit to use
summative assessment.
With this verbal feedback
I will be able to see
whether or not they
understand general
information in order to
move on.
How does your use of
formative assessment
reflect key assessment

Description of what
teacher is doing:
I will begin by giving
general information
and instruction then
allowing them to
move into group
work. While they are
doing group work I
will walk around and
give promoting
questions, I will make
sure the students are
on task and I will
make sure everyones
voice is being heard. I
will then bring them
back for group
discussion, allowing
them to lead the
discussion only giving
prompts when
needed. During the
act it out activity I
will make sure
expectations are
being met

Once again I will

be using verbal
feedback through
prompts, guiding
questions and
observing for
understanding. In
my lesson plan I
state that after
instructions I ask
for a thumbs up
to check for
From this I will
collect whether or
not they
understand the
information in
order to do the
project and move
onto the next two

Description of what
students are doing:

The students will

engage in
amongst peers
and do an act it
out activity,
which requires
them to follow

Sequence of key

Are there things

in your house
that you can think
of that you can

My assessment concepts
are feedback and prior
knowledge, which are
often used for formative
assessment. These are
methods to check FOR
learning and
understanding of the
general knowledge I am

Evidence of Lesson
(opening, closing,
content, timeline)

put your hand in

front of and feel
What do we do
when we are cold
do we huddle up
to try to keep
warm? Do you
think maybe cold
particles do the
same thing?
What do you wear
when you are
baking and using
an oven or stove
to stay safe?
In the opening I
will: use
assessment via
feedback to
check for
In the body I will
use: formative
feedback through
group discussion
and observation
during the
activity to check
for understanding
In the closing I
will: Use
feedback through
our group
brainstorm to
check for

Rationale: Assessment A

Scaffolding Lesson Plans

Lesson 2:

How does your

What core assessment


SLO 2: Measure
temperatures in
degrees Celsius
SLO 6: Identify ways
in which the
temperature in
homes and building
can be adjusted
question how does
temperature affect a
and how can
temperature be
Outcomes Students
Work in groups to
take the temperature
of different rooms
around the school
Brainstorm ways to
heat and cool a hot
and cold house


lesson scaffold to
your performance
This lesson goes
hand in hand with
the next lesson. It
shows how
affects things for
example how it
makes rooms feel
it also shows us
different ways
that temperature
can change and
in turn change
the feeling of the
room. It begins to
students to the
idea of
temperature and
the manipulation
of temperature.
The next lesson
shows the
manipulation of
temperatures in a
more extreme
way. In this lesson
we once again
bring up the act it
out particle
activity to tie the
first and second
lessons together.
There are pieces
in this lesson that
the students will
need to complete
their summative
final project.
What formative
techniques will
you be using?

concepts inform your

design choice?
For this lesson, once
again I am mostly using
formative assessment,
prior knowledge,
feedback and lots of

How does your use of

formative assessment
reflect key assessment

What information
will you be
collecting? How
will you use that
Description of what
I will use
teacher is doing:
observation and
I will start off the
checking for
class by giving
instructions of what
through the smart
will be happening and board activity and
I will also go with one game at the end.
group to take the
I will see that
temperature of a
they understand
room (parent helpers how to use a
will take the rest). I
will also act as a
through the smart
team leader for the
board game tied
game played at the
with the room-toend. For this lesson I
have parent helpers
to make sure things
taking activity. I
run smoothly
will also see that
they understand
how you can
through the game
at the end. I will
use observation
to ensure they
how the
works during the
room to room
Description of what
Students will be
students are doing:
walking to
different rooms in
school taking
temperature then
come back as a
group and show

I will be using
observation and prior
knowledge once again.
These are once again for
learning. I will use
observation to see
whether they understand
how to use
thermometers properly. I
will use feedback from
the activity to check for
understanding of the
activity and knowledge

Sequence of key

Evidence of Lesson
(opening, closing,
content, timeline)

their findings on
the smart board.
The students that
are not recording
their findings on
the smart board
will be writing
down others
findings, as they
will need it for the
final project.
They will then
play a game to
show the ways
you can change
or manipulate
then once again
do their act it out
particle activity.
What are some
ways we can
make a hot
house cold and
vise vesa? (house
What would
particles do in
both these
What do you
think the
might be in the
different rooms,
Why were the
temperatures of
rooms different?
In the opening I
will: use
assessment via
feedback to
check for

In the body I will
use: my smart
board activity to
formatively check
for understanding
as well as
during the
In the closing I
will: Use
feedback through
our group
game to check for
Rationale: Assessment A

Scaffolding Lesson Plans

Lesson 3:


Lesson Outcome:
SLO #3: Students will
describe how heating
and cooling materials
can often change
question: how can
the temperature be
manipulated and in
turn manipulate
different substances//
how does this
manipulation of
temperature affect
the particles in these

How does your

lesson scaffold to
your performance
This lesson
scaffolds from
lesson two as it
takes the ideas
from lesson two
and shows them
in action. It gives
a visual
representation of
temperate. It also
once again ties in
the particle idea,
which has now
been used
through out all
three lessons.

What core assessment

concepts inform your
design choice?
I use both summative
and formative
assessment in this
lesson. I use formative
assessment in the form
of feedback, observation
and once again using
prior knowledge. I use
summative assessment
for the lab they will

Outcome: Students
Predict what will
happen when you
burn sugar and freeze
Observe and record
how heating and
cooling an object will
change it
Act out what the
particles would be
doing when freezing
and burning objects
Lesson Description:


Description of what
teacher is doing:
I will be doing the
burning and freezing
activities to show the
class. Then I will be
doing observation as
they work on their

What formative
techniques will
you be using?
What information
will you be
collecting? How
will you use that
I will be using
feedback and
prior knowledge
as stated before. I
will use prior
knowledge to
once again make
connections to

How does your use of

formative assessment
reflect key assessment

Once again my
techniques assess for
learning. They will be
used to check for
understanding of the
knowledge they acquired
over the last three

Description of what
students are doing:

Sequence of key

Evidence of Lesson
(opening, closing,

what they
learned to be able
to carry on with
this lesson. I will
use feedback to
check for
understanding by
asking for cues of
understanding. I
will also use
observation to
check for
during the
The students will
make predictions.
The students will
be observing the
lab activity take
place as well as
having group
discussion about
what is
happening. The
students will
write up a lab
What do you
think will happen
to the sugar once
it is burned?
What do you
think will happen
to the water
when it freezes?
What do you
think is
happening to the
particles in the
burning sugar
and freezing
In the opening I
will: use

content, timeline)

assessment via
feedback to
check for
In the body I will
use: formative
groups discussion
to check for
understanding as
well as a
assesse the lab (a
simple check
mark if they got
the conclusion
correct and had
something for a
In the closing I
will: Use
feedback through
our act it out
activity to check
for understanding

Becoming a scientist
GOAL: Your goal is to help a group of up and coming scientists
understand temperature and the affect it can have!
ROLE: You are stepping into the shoes of a scientist to record
what you have discovered and share it with the world!! (or
maybe just the grade one class for now)
AUDIENCE: You will be placed in a group of up and coming
scientists from the grade one class. You will show them all you
have discovered these past few days!
SITUATION: Over the last few days you have become
temperature experts! Your head scientist (Miss.Cleland) cannot
make it to the science fair where she was supposed to teach up
and coming scientists a little about temperature! It is now up to
you as professional scientists to help your head scientist out and
share this knowledge with the up and coming scientists.
PRODUCT OF PREFORMANCE: Over the next 3 classes you will
create a book showing through pictures and writing (in 1-2
sentences) A. 2 examples of safety rules (it is important for the
up and coming scientists to know this so they do not get hurt!) B.
what particles do in heat and what particles do in cold (maybe
have them act it out just like we did!) C. Fill in 2 thermometers
from 2 different rooms from our thermometer activity and explain
in writing at least 2 ways that you can change the temperature
of a room! D. Staple your lab done from the burning and freezing
activity to the back! P.S You will be given a blank booklet to
record your scientific findings, be sure to bring your pencil
crayons for the next three classes!
CRITERIA: Make sure you write neat; as well create neat pictures
with lots of colour! Your audience at the science fair needs to be
able to read your book, and it also needs to catch their eye!

And remember! Your head scientist is counting

on you!
Note: This is a lot for a grade 2 student to read, thus it is something I
would have to read orally and go over slowly with them.


look at



way to


Writing is
free of
errors and
has correct
n and

Writing has
1 or 2
errors and
with a
on errors

Writing has
more then
two spelling
errors and

Writing has
errors with

(of writing

Writing and
pictures are
very neat
and easy to
read for
your up and

Writing and
pictures are
mostly neat
and can
most likely
be read by
your up and

Writing and
pictures are
getting a
little messy
and may
not be
easily read
by a grade
1 student

This may
be hard for
your up and
scientists to

All the
is hit! Your
up and
will learn all
they need
to know

is almost all
there with
of maybe 12 small
things your
up and

There is
quite a bit
will your up
and coming
be able to
experts on


There is not
here for
your up and
scientists to

ent /
Blank *

No score is
because there
is insufficient
evidence of
based on the
of the



will be


This is very
and will
catch the
on the up
and coming
Lots of
colours and

This is
pretty eye
and will
catch the
attention of
most of
your up and
Some good
and some

This may
not catch
all the up
and coming
Little colour
and not
much detail
in the

This will not

catch the
attention of
the grade
colour and
more time
taken on
the pictures

Sydney Cleland
Sue Bengry
Ed 3502
Nov 9, 2015
Ed Psych Mini Unit defense

Rationale: Ed Psychology Defense

Scaffolding Lesson Plans

Lesson Outcome:
Students will:
-Work in groups to take the
temperature of different rooms
around the school
-Brainstorm ways to heat and
cool a hot and cold house
SLO 2: Measure temperatures in
degrees Celsius

Connections to Learning Theories &

Demonstration of Attention to a Classroom
Structure and Climate
This lesson and the activities in this lesson
require a teacher to focus on the attribution
of motivation. This activity has many
different parts and has students going in
many different directions, thus the teacher
must be prepared in a way to ensure that
the learning activity is done in a stable and
controlled environment.

SLO 6: Identify ways in which

the temperature in homes and
building can be adjusted
(Overarching question how does
temperature affect a
thermometer/rooms and how can
temperature be manipulated)


Lesson Description: The

students will go to
different rooms in the
school to measure the
temperature of the room,
they will then return to the
classroom to report their
findings on the board.
After this we will discuss
why certain rooms may
have been different
temperatures and then
play a game to show how
we can manipulate the
temperature of a room. We
will end off my playing
anact it out activity that
will be done in everyone
lesson to connect the
learning. (What do
particles act like in the
cold room, what do they
act like in the hot room?)
Description of what
teacher is doing: The
teacher will begin with
giving instructions then
take one groups to their
room (while the parent
helpers take the other
groups). The teacher will
then gather the students
back in the classroom and
allow the students to show
their results on the smart
board. The teacher will
then act as a team rep for
one of the teamsrecording their ideas on
the board during the hot
house cold house game.

If the environment is unstable or

uncontrolled the learning will be severely
affected. Thus, I have planned to have
parent helpers watching over and guiding
students through the tasks, ensuring things
are stable and controlled. As a teacher I
choose to make the tasks in the lessons
formative assessment, so the students could
focus on their learning rather than being
concerned with doing an assignment or work
sheet right or wrong, thus increasing
mastery orientation.

Description of what
students are doing: The
students will be walking
around in groups to
different rooms of the
school they will take the
temperature of the room
using a thermometer when
they first get there then
look at and record the
temperature after 5
minutes. They will come
back to the room and
share their findings on the
smart board through a
smart board activity. They
will then get into two
teams and brainstorm
ways to change the
temperature in a house
(hot house cold house

I had the students do group work as it is a

way to motivate unmotivated students. As
stated in the slides unmotivated students
often have a need for affiliation, by having
them work together collaboratively this
need is met. This lesson also uses Vygotkys
theory of scaffolding; working with adult
helpers and peers. This gives the students
the opportunity to reach the zone of
proximal development; where they master
the task by having the appropriate support
and help.

Sequence of key
What do your parents do
at home to warm up your
house in the winter or cool
it down in the summer?
Why do you think different
rooms around the school
may have been different

At this age students are in the concrete

operational stage of Piagets 4 stages. At
this stage logic replaces intuition. They can
engage and understand classification,
combining relationships. Thus these guided
key questions are great to prompt the
students in order to get them thinking. They
are logic questions (rather straight forward),
which has them making connections to their
life and what they learned to find the

Evidence of Lesson
Components (opening,
closing, content, timeline)
In the opening: I will use
formative assessment by
checking for student
understanding through
feedback cues like thumbs
up after the instructions. I
will also be observing for
Body: I will use formative
assessment by
observation and listening

In this lesson, as a teacher I would have to

consider all 6 components of classroom
climate. These are all key to have a smooth
running lessons that the students are
engaged in and learn from. As the students
have a large set of instructions
communication and starting the lesson off
effectively are key if the lesson is to run as
planned. For me personally pacing is an
important component to pay attention to, as
I tend to talk fast. As there are a few parts of
this lesson I have to make sure my
transitions are well planned out so one
activity flows well into the other and does

to group discussion. I will

use the smart board
activity to check for
feedback and
understanding of the
activity and instructions
I will use formative
assessment through
feedback from their group
discussion/ brainstorm

not take away from the learning

effectiveness or time. Classroom space is
something to be aware of as I have the
students moving around a lot and I need to
ensure this happens efficiently, while
maintaining the safety of the students.

Works Cited
Woolfolk, A., Winne, P., & Perry, N. (2015). Educational Psychology (6th ed.,) Pearson

Sydney. Cleland
Ed 3508
Nov, 9 2015
Communications and Technology Mini Unit Rationale

Rationale: Communications Technology A

Scaffolding Lesson Plans

Lesson (at least one):

Describe how communication

technology used in the lesson/s,
will promote student engagement
toward the identified learner
outcome(s). This should provide a
strong rationale for using


Lesson Outcome:
SLO 2: Measure temperatures in
degrees Celsius
SLO 6: Identify ways in which the
temperature in homes and
building can be adjusted
(Overarching question how does
temperature affect a
thermometer/rooms and how can
temperature be manipulated)
Students will:
Work in groups to take the
temperature of different rooms
around the school
Brainstorm ways to heat and cool
a hot and cold house
Lesson Description:
The students will be put into
groups to take the temperatures
in different rooms around the
school; recording the
temperature when they first
enter the room and then after 5
minutes of being in the room
with a thermometer. They will
then come back to class and
share their findings with the class
via a smart board activity. I will
have 6 different thermometers
for every room done and they
will be able to adjust the
temperature on the thermometer
to show what the temperature
was in the room before and after.
They will then play a game in
which they will think of ideas of
how to change the temperature
in a house. We will end off with
an act it out activity acting out
what particles do in a hot house
and what they do in a cold

Students will need the findings of

others to complete their final
project. As opposed to just
standing in front of the class
staring at the findings, using the
smart board activity is a fun way
to engage the students and show
the findings of others. It also gives
them more practice with the
thermometer and allows me to
see that they understand how to
use and read a thermometer. By
having the students use a smart
board to present their findings it
ensures the findings are legible for
the other students to write down.
By having the students record
their own findings on the smart
board, I as a teacher am able to
walk around and ensure everyone
is recording the finings. I am also
able to save the findings on
notebook in case we need to refer
back to them.


Describe any potential downsides

to using this technology.
Description of what teacher is
The teacher will take one groups
of students to their room to
measure the temperature
sending the rest with parent
volunteers. The teacher will then
observe and help if needed
during the smart board activity,
making sure everyone is
recording others findings. For the
game at the end the teacher will
act as a team leader for one
team and also record the ideas
on the board

Description of what students are


Sequence of key questions:

Evidence of Lesson Components

(opening, closing, content,

The potential of technology not

working is always a general
concern, thus I would need
another way to present the
findings if this were to happen.
With this activity in general the
problem of everyone wanting to
use the smart board can arise.
Only one member of the group will
be presenting the findings on the
smart board and kids at this age
could definitely fight about who
gets to use it. Fighting about who
gets to use the smart board takes
away from the learning, thus I will
explain at the end of class
everyone will get a chance to play
with the thermometers on the
smart board.
Students are going to different
rooms taking the temperature of
the room when they first walk in
then after 5 minutes of being
there with a thermometer. They
are then coming to the class to
record their findings on the smart
board as well as recording others
findings on a worksheet that will
be provided for them.
What do you think the
temperatures will be in the
different rooms?
Why do you think some
temperatures were different in the
different rooms?
How can we cool down a hot
house and warm up a cold house?
How would the particles move in
hot and cold rooms?
Opening: I will formatively check
for feedback using observation
and visual cues like thumbs up, or

down after instructions.

Body: I will have work sheets for
them to fill out for a formative
check. I will also use observation
to ensure the activity is on task.
Closing: I will use the game to
check for understanding of the

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