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Soraya Arghandawi


Ella and her 8 year old daughter Rosie have recently moved
into their new house at 3 Oakland Road together, ever since
Ella and Rosies dad split up Ella has been optimistic about
her new start with just her and her daughter at their new house, unfortunately not
everyone feels the same; Rosie is upset about leaving her dad and misses the family
On the day they moved in Ella is sorting through some boxes last minute whilst
Rosie is playing in her room, Ella finds a box shes never seen before and opens it to
find an newspaper article. She starts to read the article with the title MOTHER DIES
AT 3 OAKLAND ROAD When she goes to check on Rosie she sees she has
disappeared and at the same time someone dressed in all back attacks her leaving
her unconscious and dragging her into a room.
Ella wakes up and calls the police as she thinks the person who attacked her has
kidnapped Rosie. The police search the history of the house after Ella shows them
the mysterious box she found earlier only to discover the woman who had lived in
the house before Ella and Rosie moved out because she believed the house was
haunted by the ghost of the woman who died there Charlotte Smith a mental
asylum patient, when they trace the history of Charlotte Smith they find out she was
fostered and had never met her mother and had a twin sister and they were
separated at birth. As soon as the paranormal investigators and demonologists come
weeks of investigation is done to make sure the ghost is safe, tests are done around
the house and finally the ghost of Charlotte Smith communicates with the
investigators through the traditional method of a ouija board, its during this when the
truth comes out. During the session Ella asks the ghost if she has taken her
daughter Rosie to which the planchette on the board moves over to yes, they then
ask is she safe? The board then spells out follow my instructions and listen during
the rest of the session the ghost interacts with them and directs them to a tape
hidden in the attic once they start playing the tape they are all shocked, its a tape
Charlotte Smith had made when she was in the asylum she was crying about how
she was due to be released from the asylum the next day but she didnt think she
would make it because she thought the nurses in the asylum wanted to kill her and if
she was found dead it was because of them, but everyone watching the tape was
more shocked at the fact Charlotte looked exactly like Ella and the reason why
Charlotte had directed them to this tape was not only to reveal her identity to her twin
sister but also so the truth could come out about her murder and that she was killed
by nurses at the asylum.
Ella starts to plead with the ghost of her sister for her daughter back whilst she is in
tears, a gust of wind comes into the room bringing in pictures, one of Charlotte

Soraya Arghandawi

holding her daughter after she had given birth on the hospital bed, the other of a
babys headstone to which they all realised that Charlotte Smiths daughter had died
and the trauma and devastation she had suffered was probably why she ended up in
the asylum. The paranormal investigators then ask her if the reason why she took
Rosie was because of the loss of her daughter and she replies yes they then ask
her if theres anyway Ella can have her daughter back to which she replies on the
ouija board shes already gone the scene then ends on a cliffhanger.

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