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Kristin Threw

Dr. Wyant
Tiger Pride
SO Report Week 2
On September 30th, Brydie Pye taught a physical education lesson to 20 second graders
and the focus of the lesson was underhand throwing for accuracy. The students did the lesson
on the blacktop in a half shaded, half sunny area. In the previous lesson the students worked
on getting comfortable around each other and working in teams. For this lesson, Brydie used 4
hula hoops, 30 bean bags, 20 soft balls, and 8 cones.
Systematic Observation 1:
The first systematic observation that I completed was the teacher/ student
demonstrations which tracks the type of content that is demonstrated and who was the person
presenting it. It also describes how well the demonstration was done. For this lesson brydie
had the students do an instant activity which was sharks and aliens so her demonstration for
this activity was showing them what they had to do if they got tagged. She did a visual demo
of it and made sure that they could all see and hear her. For the second activity she had the
students working on underhand throwing bean bags at a target so the cues she used for
underhand throwing was take a step with opposite hand holding the bean bag, take arm behind
and swing forward (tic- toc). Just like before she made sure that all the students were able to
hear and see her. I would inform Brydie that something she could have done differently was
maybe having one of the students demonstrate the movement to make sure that they fully
understood the cues of the skill.
Systematic Observation 2:
The second systematic observation that I completed was the Time Analysis which
tracks the amount of time the teacher is engaging in management, activities, and instruction
throughout the duration of the lesson. After every 15 seconds I am supposed to either write the
letter M, A, or I to document which aspect is going on during those 15 seconds. This was done
while Brydie was having the kids engage in sharks and aliens and underhand throwing.
Throughout the entire lesson 660 seconds was the kids performing the activity, 195 seconds
was instructions being given and 645 seconds was Brydie giving management directions. I
would say that having the most time spent doing the activity is pretty successful but the
amount of time spent doing management should be lessened. In the next lesson I would
inform brydie that she should be stricter with the students so they know exactly what she
expects from them so she does not have to spend as much time managing their behavior.

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