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What are the most common cat

Cats are prone to a handful of specific illnesses, all with distinctive
symptoms. Knowing what ails them and why will help you determine the
right treatment to get them healthy again. Preventing problems, from
viruses to worms, will keep your cat from being sidelined by discomfort.
Here are some diseases to watch for:

Viruses and bacteria can invade a cat's nose, throat and sinuses, causing
upper respiratory infections (URIs). Feline calicivirus and feline herpes
virus are the most contagious types of URIs. In multi-cat homes or
shelters, viruses are passed through shared food or water dishes,
grooming or sneezing. Secondary bacterial infections may develop along
with the viruses. Stress and overcrowding contribute to URIs, and cats
with flat faces, such as Persians, are more susceptible to infection. Signs
of URIs include a runny nose, congestion, nasal discharge, fever, loss of
appetite and rapid breathing. Antibiotics, isolation and fluids will effectively
fight URIs. Keeping your cat indoors to limit contact with infected cats,
minimizing stress, and having up-to-date vaccinations and regular vet
exams, help maintain a healthy immune system.

Feline gingivitis, or gum

inflammation, is the earliest stage of periodontis, the most widespread
feline dental disease. Gingivitis is caused by plaque, a combination of a
sticky bacterial film and food particles accumulating along the gumline.
Cats that've been fed a high-carbohydrate diet become more sensitive to
plaque bacteria. Mingled with saliva and minerals, plaque can harden into
tartar, a yellowish crust that irritates the cat's gums. Left untreated, tartar
eventually builds up under the gum, separating it from the teeth.
Reddened gums, bad breath and difficulty eating are early signs of
gingivitis, which usually begins with one tooth but can spread quickly. This
bacterium can spread to other organs through the bloodstream and cause
kidney damage.
If gingivitis has been diagnosed, your cat's teeth should be professionally
cleaned. Follow up with daily brushing, using a special feline-formula
toothpaste. Good oral hygiene is the best way to fight gingivitis, and
special dental-formula cat foods can help keep teeth and gums strong.
Your vet may also prescribe antibiotics to treat gingivitis.

Even indoor cats can get worms. Roundworm is one of the most
widespread forms, contracted from eating infected insects, rodents or
birds or by contact with contaminated soil. Roundworms invade a cat's

intestines, and can migrate to his bloodstream and organs. Spaghettishaped strings in his feces or vomit, a distended belly, dull coat, lack of
appetite and diarrhea indicate roundworm infestation. A large buildup of
roundworms can be fatal for kittens.
Cats get tapeworm, long and ribbon-shaped, from ingesting a flea that
has consumed tapeworm eggs. The larvae hatch in the cat's stomach,
attaching to its small intestines. Tapeworms sap nutrients; a feline heavily
infested with tapeworms will lose weight and suffer mild diarrhea. Riceshaped grains around the cat's anus and in his feces signal tapeworm.
Oral dewormer medication is the treatment for roundworm and tapeworm.
Cleanliness, flea control and keeping the cat indoors will help fight worms.

Urinary tract disease occurs in the bladder and the urethra, the tube
leading from the bladder that carries urine out of the cat's system.
Characterized by blood in the urine and painful urination, urinary tract
disease has no specific cause but several possible ones: cystitis,
dehydration, bacterial infection or the high ash and mineral content in dry
cat food. Cats experiencing urinary or bladder problems may strain while
urinating, squatting and meowing in pain. Your vet may discover a
thickened bladder wall, and blockage of urine flow or urinary crystals.
With prescribed medication and a change in the cat's diet, the infection
should cease within 10 days. Your vet will conduct several urinalyses to
monitor the presence of blood in the urine. A low-stress environment and
the proper nutrition can help prevent urinary tract infections.

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