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Hello sir!

Well for this class, you talked well again in our class and you shared a lot of things again that really facilitated a great conversation in our class. You are always expressive and
confident though you are already lacking some words to express yourself sometimes. In this, I would really encourage you to enrich more your vocabulary and expose more yourself to
the langauge.

word 1. exceed VERB /ksid/ to be greater than a number or amount, or to go

beyond a permitted limit: He was exceeding the speed limit by 15 miles an hour.
word 2. bulky ADJECTIVE /blki/ too big and taking up too much space: She
carried a very bulky package on the bus.
word 3. possession NOUN /pzen/ something that you own, or the condition of
owning something: [U] She couldnt take possession of the house until the current
occupants moved out. [C] Meanwhile, all her possessions were in
possession of fml If you are in possession of something you have it with you: He
was in possession of two tickets to the concert.
word 4. fortnight NOUN /frtnt, fort-/ a period of two weeks
word 5. toiletries NOUN /tltriz/ soaps, shampoos , toothpaste , and other items
used to keep yourself clean
word 6. sunscreen NOUN /snskrin/ a substance you put on your skin to prevent
it from being burned by the sun
word 7. sunburn NOUN /snbrn/ sore, red skin caused by too much time in the
sun: A long day at the beach gave him a bad sunburn.
word 8. fragile ADJECTIVE /frdl, -l/ easily damaged, broken, or harmed: a
fragile piece of metal Their argument showed us just how fragile the teammate
relationship can be. I feel fragile, as if a breath of wind could knock me over.
Pronunciation Corrections
1. effect /fekt/
2. attitude /ttud/
3. bulky /blki/
4. possession /pzen/
5. suddenly /sdnli/
Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: It's a long time to forget.
correct: I takes a long time to forget.
2. incorrect: I'M wear lot.
correct: I wear lot.
3. incorrect: She DIDN'T pick up her clothes.
correct: She DOESN'T pick up her clothes.
4. incorrect: He DON'T work.
correct: He DOESN'T work.
5. incorrect: We do everything IN home.
correct: We do everything AT home.
The student is satisfied with the class.

Hello Mary! I'm really glad to have you in my class today. Well for this class, you
were expressive and you understood me well. You also have responded well to all
my questions. However, we need to expose you more to some TOEFL speaking
practice tests for you to improve more your skills in different areas of speaking such

as: delivery, organization of your ideas, developing your views, and etc. Slet's try to
improve more on these areas in our next class.
word 1. complex ADJECTIVE /kmpleks, kmpleks/ having many parts related to
each other in ways that may be difficult to understand: a complex surgical
procedure The question of who is legally responsible is a complex issue.
word 2. complicated ADJECTIVE /kmplketd/ having many parts that are
organized in a way that may be difficult to understand: a complicated machine/
process He gave me directions, but they were so complicated I got lost.
word 3. previous ADJECTIVE /privis/ happening or existing before the one
mentioned: The previous owner of the house added a back porch.
Pronunciation Corrections
1. efficient /fnt/
2. start /strt/
3. complex /kmpleks, kmpleks/
4. geology /dildi/
5. group /rup/
6. thus /s/
7. assessed /sest/
8. changes /tendiz/
9. nightmare /ntmer/
10. plenty /plenti/
11. left /left/
12. weight /wet/
13. waste /west/
Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: If the work is very CONFLICT, we can divide the work.
correct: If the work is very COMPLEX/COMPLICATED, we can divide the work.
2. incorrect: When he WAS WORK in his group last term, a member in his group
correct: When he WORKED WITH his group in the PREVIOUS term, a member in his
group ________.
3. incorrect: The scientists USE many EQUIPMENTS to IDENTIFY soil and rocks.
correct: The scientists USED many EQUIPMENTS to IDENTIFY soil and rocks.
The student is satisfied with the class.

Hello Cher! For this class, you have shared your brilliant ideas and opinions again in
the class and you were able to clearly related them all to me. As usual, it's a very
interesting class and you never fail to give me camrt answers and you confidently
expressed them all to me. So great and it was really fun. So far, let's practice more
on your pronunciation of words.
word 1. theme NOUN /im/ [C] (SUBJECT)
the topic of discussion or writing: The theme of the conference was the changing
role of women in modern society.
word 2. gypsy NOUN
word 3. sanctimonious ADJECTIVE /sktmonis/ showing that you believe
you are morally better, or more religious: sanctimonious remarks
word 4. teleport VERB / to (cause to) travel by an imaginary very fast
form of transport that uses special technology or special mental powers
Pronunciation Corrections
1. man /mn/
2. kind /knd/
3. society /ssti/
4. fake /fek/
Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: He's bad man.
correct: He's A bad man.
2. incorrect: He HATE her and want to do something bad for her.
correct: He HATED her and want to do something bad for her.
3. incorrect: He WANT to save the girl.
correct: He WANTED to save the girl.
4. incorrect: Those people who live in low rank society is very kind.
correct: Those people who live in the low rank society ARE very kind.
The student is satisfied with the class.
Hello Sunny! Well for your class performance today, you actually participated well
and paid much attention to our class though sometimes you are playing. But
anyway, this is just fine you were still very interactive in the class and you always
follow the instructions that I am giving you. You are actually amazingly impressive
because you English skill is improving despite your very young age. So wuth this,
just continue your exposure to the language and you'll improve more.
word 1. shiver VERB /vr/ (esp. of a person or animal) to shake slightly and
quickly because of feeling cold, ill, or frightened: Your creepy look makes me shiver.
Robbins shivered in the chill air.
word 2. perspire VERB /prspr/ to excrete a salty, colorless liquid through the
skin which cools the body; sweat
word 3. yawn VERB /jn/ to open the mouth wide and take in and let out a deep
breath without conscious effort, usually when you are tired or bored: She yawned,
covering her mouth with her hand.
word 4. blush VERB /bl/ [I] (REDDEN)

to become redder or darker in the face, usually from embarrassment: He blushed

at the thought of what hed done.
word 5. bashful ADJECTIVE /bfl/ easily embarrassed and uncomfortable; shy:
She gave a bashful smile when she was introduced.
Pronunciation Corrections
1. shivering /vr/
2. perspiring /prspr/
3. embarrassed /mbrst/
4. yawning /j-n/
5. bashful /bfl/
Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: I always SHOUTING when I'm angry.
correct: I always SHOUT when I'm angry.
2. incorrect: He biting his nails because he's nervous.
correct: He IS biting his nails because he's nervous.
3. incorrect: It always DRINK when it's thirsty.
correct: It always DRINKS when it's thirsty.
4. incorrect: They always go to Stanley's Restaurant when they hungry.
correct: They always go to Stanley's Restaurant when they ARE hungry.
1. incorrect: When I'm tired, I yawning.
correct: When I'm tired, I yawn.
The student is satisfied with the class.
Hello Mary! I'm really glad to have you in my class today. Well for this class, you
were expressive and you understood me well. You also have responded well to all
my questions. However, we need to expose you more to some TOEFL speaking
practice tests for you to improve more your skills in different areas of speaking such
as: delivery, organization of your ideas, developing your views, and etc. Slet's try to
improve more on these areas in our next class.
word 1. complex ADJECTIVE /kmpleks, kmpleks/ having many parts related to
each other in ways that may be difficult to understand: a complex surgical
procedure The question of who is legally responsible is a complex issue.
word 2. complicated ADJECTIVE /kmplketd/ having many parts that are
organized in a way that may be difficult to understand: a complicated machine/
process He gave me directions, but they were so complicated I got lost.
word 3. previous ADJECTIVE /privis/ happening or existing before the one
mentioned: The previous owner of the house added a back porch.
Pronunciation Corrections
1. efficient /fnt/
2. start /strt/
3. complex /kmpleks, kmpleks/
4. geology /dildi/
5. group /rup/
6. thus /s/
7. assessed /sest/
8. changes /tendiz/

9. nightmare /ntmer/
10. plenty /plenti/
11. left /left/
12. weight /wet/
13. waste /west/
Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: If the work is very CONFLICT, we can divide the work.
correct: If the work is very COMPLEX/COMPLICATED, we can divide the work.
2. incorrect: When he WAS WORK in his group last term, a member in his group
correct: When he WORKED WITH his group in the PREVIOUS term, a member in his
group ________.
3. incorrect: The scientists USE many EQUIPMENTS to IDENTIFY soil and rocks.
correct: The scientists USED many EQUIPMENTS to IDENTIFY soil and rocks.
The student is satisfied with the class.

Hello Mr. Kevin! In this class, you have sati8sfied me well with your answers to all
my questions. You were indeed very expressive and you have responded well to all
my questions. As I have said before, you don't simply answer my questions but you
also share a lot of you experiences that really made our class discussion more
interesting and fantastic. However, please ensure to pronounce the sounds of the
words well. You did great again sir!
word 1. opinion NOUN /pnjn/ the ideas that a person or a group of people have
about something or someone, which are based mainly on their feelings and beliefs,
or a single idea of this type: [C] When you're a teenager you've got strong opinions
on/about everything. [C] McGuinness was expressing his personal opinion. [U] Her
writings influenced public opinion. [C] I think youre wrong, though youre certainly
entitled to your opinion.
word 2. clarification NOUN /klrfken/ to make something clearer or easier
to understand:
[U] Two of your points deserve further clarification.
word 3. advice NOUN /dvs, d-/ an opinion that someone offers you about
what you should do or how you should act in a particular situation: She gave me
some good advice. I think Ill take your advice and go home.
word 4. comment NOUN /kment/ an opinion or remark: [C] One of his
comments had to do with the state taxes. [U] The reporter couldnt reach any
government officials for comment (= to ask for their opinions).
Pronunciation Corrections
1. normally /nrmli/
2. presentation /preznten, prizen-/
3. opinion /pnjn/
4. clarify /klrf/
5. knowledge /nld/

Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: Its DEPEND on the topic.
correct: It DEPENDS on the topic.
2. incorrect: They afraid to put up the question.
correct: They ARE afraid to put up the question.
3. incorrect: Every people related to this project has the right to know about the
correct: Every PERSON INVOLVED to this project has the right to know about the
The student is satisfied with the class.
Hello Ms. Z! Well for this class, it's totally one another challenging class for you.
Though you had a little difficulty is developing your response for the second
question a while ago which is about BIOLOGY, science, still you have tried your best
to deliver such a well-organized response. This time, let's just expose yourself to
these questions which are somehow tough so that at least you had for possibililities
of having this kind of topic to answer during the exam. Just continue to have that
strong confidence of yours and don't feel bad about it. You are more capable. OK?
word 1. conjunction NOUN /kndkn/ (COMBINATION)
[C/U] a combination of events or conditions: [U] Physicists are working in
conjunction with engineers on the project.
word 2. homeostasis NOUN /homiostess/ biology the process by which a
living thing or a cell keeps the conditions inside it the same despite any changes in
the conditions around it
word 3. constrict VERB /knstrkt/ to make or become tighter and narrower: [T]
Bright sunlight constricts the pupil of the eye.
Pronunciation Corrections
1. cool /kul/
2. escape /skep/
Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: This rabbit has ability to ______________.
correct: This rabbit has AN ability to ______________.
The student is satisfied with the class.

Hello Del! For this writing class, I really like to applaud you for including the most
important data that needed to be highlighted in your essay. So far, the content of
your essay was good. Nevertheless, we have to enrich more your vocabulary when
it comes to describing graphs. In your essay, you weren't able to organize well your
ideas because you lacked some appropriate words that can clearly explain well the
information that you wanted to expalin. So please, work on this part and please try

to use some transition words and be sure to use them correctly. Remember, writing
is far formal that speaking so every detail must be clearly explained.
word 1. represent VERB /reprzent/ (DESCRIBE)
[T] to show or describe something, or to be a sign or symbol of something: The
memorial represents the sacrifice of men and women who gave their lives in war.
word 2. illustrate VERB /lstret/ to add pictures to something, such as a book:
She writes childrens books and also illustrates them. To illustrate is also to show
the meaning or truth of something more clearly by giving examples: To illustrate her
point, she told a story about how her family felt when they moved here.
word 3. distorted ADJECTIVE /dstrtd/ to change something from its natural or
usual shape or condition:
The article presents a distorted view of life in small-town America.
word 4. crooked ADJECTIVE /krkd/ (OF BENT PART)
not straight or not even; twisted, bent, or uneven: That dogs tail is crooked. Your
glasses are on crooked.
word 5. because CONJUNCTION /bkz/ for the reason that: "Why did you throw
it?" "Because Carlos told me to." We cant go to Julias party because were going
away that weekend.
used as the subject or object of a verb when referring to a particular person or
when adding information about a person just mentioned: The other people who live
in the house are really friendly. This is Frank, who I told you about.
Pronunciation Correction
Note: We focused more in writing activities so we weren't able to talk a lot.
Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: The dot line in the graph is radio line.
correct: The DOTTED line in the graph REPRESENTS the percentage of people
listening to radio.
2. incorrect: The percentage of population listen to radio increased rapidly in early
correct: The percentage of radio LISTENERS HAS increased rapidly early in the
3. incorrect: After got to the peak in 8:30 a.m., the line turned down.
correct: After the peakest at 8:30 in the morning, the line SLOWLY dropped.
4. incorrect: According to the graph, there are 2 lines standing for percentage of UK
population that use television or radio THROUGHT the day in 1992.
correct: According to the graph, there are TWO lines THAT REPRESENT THE
percentage of UK population WHO WATCH television AND WHO LISTEN TO radio
THROUGHOUT the day in 1992.
5. incorrect: The line which is made up with short lines is the television line.
The student is satisfied with the class.

Hello Ms. Sue! For toay's class, you did great. Si far, I was very much satisfied with
the contents of your responses and these were really interesting. Nevertheless, I
just want you to be more precise and concise when you organize your ideas. Please
try to construct your statements well and deliver them smoothly and welldeveloped. So far right now, I really think that you just need more confidence to
meet all these improvements that you need to do. You already have the speaking
skill let's just try to sharpen it.
word 1. participate VERB /prtspet/ to be or become involved in an
The teacher tries to get everyone to participate in the classroom
word 2. logical ADJECTIVE /ldkl/ reasonable and based on good judgment:
After the children were grown, moving to a smaller house was the logical thing to
Pronunciation Corrections
1. laugh /lf/
2. joke /dok/
Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: There are many things make me laugh.
correct: There are many things THAT make me laugh.
2. incorrect: I think laugh, it means HAPPINESS
correct: I think laughter means HAPPINESS.
3. incorrect: If I will take part a competition in the future, I will do my best.
correct: If I will take part IN a competition in the future, I will do my best.
4. incorrect: I just want to get SOME EXPERIENCE.
correct: I just want to get SOME EXPERIENCES.
The student is satisfied with the class.
Hello Ms. Lilian! It was another wonderful and fantastic discussion with you. Indeed,
you are getting more and more expressive now. Actually, you already know how to
faciliatte an English casual conversation with someone because I can feel how
much you love talking using the language already. It was very much different from
the first time I had you in my class. You totally changed into a better communicator
now. Keep it up. Just have fun with the English Language.
word 1. faucet NOUN /fst, fst/ a device that controls the flow of liquid, esp.
water, out of a pipe:
We have a leaky faucet in the bathroom sink.
word 2. well NOUN /wel/ [C] (HOLE)
a deep hole in the ground from which water, oil, or gas can be obtained:
an oil well
well water
word 3. dig VERB /d/ (MOVE EARTH)
to move and break up earth using a tool, a machine, or your hands, or to make a
hole, channel, etc. by moving and breaking up earth:
[I] Friends came with rakes and shovels ready to dig into the earth.

[M] I was planning to go out and dig up some hibiscus plants.

[T] Most people out in the country have to dig their own wells.
word 4. pail NOUN /pel/ a container, usually with a curved handle attached to
opposite sides of the top edge:
She carried a pail of water.
word 5. dam NOUN /dm/ a wall built across a river to stop the flow and collect
the water, esp. to make a reservoir (= an artificial lake) that provides water for an
area or can be used to make electricity
Pronunciation Corrections
1. ordeal /rdil, -dil/
2. ground /rnd/
3. bucket /bkt/
4. kneel /nil/
Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: The water COME from the ground.
correct: The water COMES from the ground.
2. incorrect: It is MORE EASY for people to wash their clothes.
correct: It is EASIER for people to wash their clothes.
3. incorrect: I'm not easy to give up.
correct: I don't easily give up.
4. incorrect: I'm regret.
correct: I'm regret.
The student is satisfied with the class.
Hello Ms. Lilian! It was another wonderful and fantastic discussion with you. Indeed,
you are getting more and more expressive now. Actually, you already know how to
faciliatte an English casual conversation with someone because I can feel how
much you love talking using the language already. It was very much different from
the first time I had you in my class. You totally changed into a better communicator
now. Keep it up. Just have fun with the English Language.
word 1. faucet NOUN /fst, fst/ a device that controls the flow of liquid, esp.
water, out of a pipe:
We have a leaky faucet in the bathroom sink.
word 2. well NOUN /wel/ [C] (HOLE)
a deep hole in the ground from which water, oil, or gas can be obtained:
an oil well
well water
word 3. dig VERB /d/ (MOVE EARTH)
to move and break up earth using a tool, a machine, or your hands, or to make a
hole, channel, etc. by moving and breaking up earth:
[I] Friends came with rakes and shovels ready to dig into the earth.
[M] I was planning to go out and dig up some hibiscus plants.
[T] Most people out in the country have to dig their own wells.
word 4. pail NOUN /pel/ a container, usually with a curved handle attached to
opposite sides of the top edge:

She carried a pail of water.

word 5. dam NOUN /dm/ a wall built across a river to stop the flow and collect
the water, esp. to make a reservoir (= an artificial lake) that provides water for an
area or can be used to make electricity
Pronunciation Corrections
1. ordeal /rdil, -dil/
2. ground /rnd/
3. bucket /bkt/
4. kneel /nil/
Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: The water COME from the ground.
correct: The water COMES from the ground.
2. incorrect: It is MORE EASY for people to wash their clothes.
correct: It is EASIER for people to wash their clothes.
3. incorrect: I'm not easy to give up.
correct: I don't easily give up.
4. incorrect: I'm regret.
correct: I'm regret.
The student is satisfied with the class.

Hello Bobby! I'm very glad to have you in my class for the first time. In this class,
you had paid much of your attention to our class and became very much responsive
to all my questions to you. Also, you read well with a very clear pronunciation. So
far, when it comes to your pronunciation, you can easily pronounce the words newly
introduced to you. This was really great. You're still young but your skill now will
easily improve more because of you being so attentive in class. You did a great job
word 1. continue VERB /kntnju/ to keep happening or to keep doing something
without stopping:
[+ to infinitive] If it continues to rain, we may have to cancel the outdoor concert.
[+ to infinitive] I will continue to say what I believe.
They continued hoping there would be additional survivors.
You can also continue to do something or continue doing something if you start to
do it again after a pause:
[T] After a break for lunch, they continued their discussions.
word 2. Greece NOUN /ris/ a country in southeastern Europe
word 3. Italy NOUN /t.l.i/ a country in southern Europe
word 4. country NOUN /kntri/ (POLITICAL UNIT)
[C] an area of land that forms an independent political unit with its own
government; a nation considered esp. as a place:
Cuba is my native country, but I now live in Florida.

[U] land that is not in towns, cities, or industrial areas and is either used for
farming or left in its natural condition:
Im spending next weekend in the country with a friend.
word 5. nationality NOUN /nnlti/ the state of belonging to a particular
country or being a citizen of a particular nation:
[C] "Whats your nationality?" "Im from Brazil."
[C] New York City is home to people of many nationalities.
word 6. language NOUN /lwd/ a system of communication by speaking,
writing, or making signs in a way that can be understood, or any of the different
systems of communication used in particular regions:
[C] the English language
[C] American Sign Language
[C] He speaks six foreign languages.
[U] Her language skills are excellent.
Pronunciation Corrections
1. Mr./mstr/
2. Chinese /taniz/
3. Korean /kri.n/
4. bleed /blid/
5. bug /b/
6. bit /bt/
Grammatical Corrections
1. incorrect: He LIVE in China.
correct: He LIVES in China.
2. incorrect: HE'S live in China.
correct: He LIVES in China.
The student is satisfied with the class.

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