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Every effort has been made to make this electronic book (eBook) as complete and accurate as
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Copyright Vinayak G 2010


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Dear friend,

First of all I would like to THANK YOU for downloading this eBook. I have tried to keep
this eBook very short, precise and focused on the sole objective of increasing your website
traffic. I have eliminated some of the technical terms like niche, keywords, web 2.0 etc. to
make this book readable and convenient to beginners. This eBook will tell you about how to
attract targeted traffic to your website in short time. The techniques mentioned are easy and
legitimate techniques that have worked well for me and many others.
No matter what type of website you have or the nature of your content, you will find the
ways narrated in this book very effective to increase you website traffic. In this book, I will
teach you the exact-same techniques that I used to create a phenomenal increase in my
website traffic within short time. Techniques which you can apply yourself and see real
results. Some of the techniques mentioned will give you results within 24 hours. I will
disclose my proven step-by-step techniques to increase your website traffic.
READ AND TAKE ACTION. You should take action after reading this eBook. Try to implement
these techniques. Don't forget to report your results! Send me your comments and ask
questions if you like by email to Due to scarcity of time,
sometimes I may not be able to answer all your queries but still I welcome your success
stories. Your unique problems and real-life results will help subsequent editions to stay
updated and useful. I appreciate your feedback!
To your Success,
Vinayak G

Table of Contents

HOW TO GET TRAFFIC? ................................................................................................................. 6

TYPES OF WEBSITE TRAFFIC ........................................................................................... 6

DIRECT TRAFFIC .............................................................................................................................. 8

WHAT IS DIRECT TRAFFIC? ............................................................................................ 8

WHAT YOU SHOULD DO TO GET DIRECT TRAFFIC? ....................................................... 8
REFERRING TRAFFIC .................................................................................................................... 14

WHAT IS REFERRING TRAFFIC? ................................................................................... 14

SOURCES OF REFERRING TRAFFIC: ............................................................................... 14
1. Search engines ........................................................................................................................ 15
2. Article directories ................................................................................................................... 25
3. Website directories ................................................................................................................. 27
4. Social bookmarking ............................................................................................................... 28
5. Social media marketing ......................................................................................................... 28
6. Hubpages ................................................................................................................................ 29
7. Xomba ...................................................................................................................................... 31
8. Commenting in related blogs ............................................................................................... 31
9. Video Sharing Sites like YouTube ....................................................................................... 32
10. Give away free downloadable eBooks .............................................................................. 33
11. Holding contests................................................................................................................... 34
12. Link exchanges ..................................................................................................................... 34
13. Email signatures ................................................................................................................... 34
14. Forum posting ...................................................................................................................... 34
15. Forum signature ................................................................................................................... 35
16. Squidoo .................................................................................................................................. 36
17. Distributing free software ................................................................................................... 36
18. Creating free screen savers ................................................................................................. 37
19. Write articles in newspapers .............................................................................................. 37

20. Classified ads online ............................................................................................................ 37

21. Yahoo answers ...................................................................................................................... 37
22. Profile pages in Amazon and eBay.................................................................................... 38
23. Publishing newsletter .......................................................................................................... 38
24. Guest post in related blogs and websites ......................................................................... 38
25. Yousaytoo .............................................................................................................................. 39
26. Preventing leakage of website traffic ................................................................................ 39
27. Shetoldme .............................................................................................................................. 42
TRAFFIC FROM ADVERTISING ................................................................................................. 43


SUMMING IT UP ............................................................................................................................. 47
A CLOSING NOTE .......................................................................................................................... 49

How to get traffic?

Getting traffic to your website and blog is easy provided you have these:
YOU know what to do to.
YOU know how to do.
YOU take the required action.
The above 3 factors mentioned have to be combined to achieve the goal desired GETTING
This book deals about what to do to get traffic and how to do it. The third part i.e., taking
action is left unto you.

Types of website traffic

Traffic that a website receives may be divided into 3 different categories:

Direct traffic

Referring traffic

Traffic from advertisement

All the traffic your website receives comes under above mentioned categories. We will
discuss about these different types of traffic in the coming pages.

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Sources of Website Traffic


Direct Traffic:

I reached your
website by clicking
on a link posted in
another website

I know your website

address and your
website is very
useful to me.

Traffic from
I reached your
website by clicking
on your website Ad.


Copyright Vinayak G 2010.. Page 7

Direct traffic
What is direct traffic?

In this scenario, people come to your website by typing the address of your website in their
web browser's address bar; or they may come to your website by clicking on saved
bookmarks in their web browser. In simple terms people come directly to your website. For
getting direct traffic two criteria should be satisfied.

People should know about your website and its address.

People should feel that your website is useful to them.

What you should do to get direct traffic?

Give some publicity to your website and you will get more direct traffic. There are lots of
online and offline methods for gaining publicity.
This includes social media marketing, YouTube marketing etc. and can be used to gain huge
publicity online. We will be discussing about them in the coming pages.


Do not feel shy to ask them to do so. This is one of the best methods to gain publicity. Each
of your friends may share it with 3 to 8 of his friends. Within a few days the number of
people who know about your website can go over 100. If you provide useful content or
service, people will come back to your website again and again.
2. CIRCULARS: There are community halls, clubs and associations in most cities and towns. If
possible organize a circular to announce your website.

Copyright Vinayak G 2010.. Page 8

3. BUSINESS CARDS: Printing your website address in your business card is a very good
method to get traffic.
4. NEWSPAPERS: Advertise in newspapers if you sell products /services in your website.
This will give a lot of targeted visitors.

Few years back, I and my team printed our domain name and logo in
T-shirts to gain publicity. Moreover, we distributed these T-shirts to the
winners of a contest that we ran in our website.

There are a lot of offline methods to promote your website. Exercise your creativity and you
will come up with some excellent ways to promote your website.
Factors to be considered for getting lot of direct traffic:
Website visitors should feel that your website is useful to them. There should be something
that grabs their attention. They should feel that they are gaining something by visiting your
website. To achieve this all you have to do is:

Provide unique and useful content in your website.

Review and update the contents of your website at regular intervals.


You can write the content yourself or hire someone to do it. You can also get content from
public domains.
Writing it yourself

Copyright Vinayak G 2010.. Page 9

First decide on what topic you are going to talk about in your website. Then write articles,
reviews of products related to your website topic and latest happenings related to that topic.
For E.g. If you are starting a website about Plasma TVs. Here you should write articles on
what to look for when buying a plasma TV, What are the features of a Plasma TV, Reviews
on few Plasma TV models, News of the latest product (again a plasma TV) released by a
Plasma TV company, News about any new technological advances made in the field of
Plasma display etc.
Hope you got an idea on what to write, after you select the topic for your website.

Try to be specific when you select a specific topic. E.g. Instead

of starting a general forum on health, start a forum dedicated to
particular category within health topic like hair loss, weight loss etc..
This technique has always proved successful. So be as specific as
possible when you choose a topic for your website.

Hire someone
You can easily hire some freelancers to write the content for your website. You can also ask
your friends or relatives to provide you some content to publish in your website. But cross
check that the content received from these sources are not copied from other websites.

Search engines severely penalize websites that use content copied from
other websites. So be careful to make sure that the content you receive from
other sources isnt a duplicate one. You can use websites such as for checking the same.

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Getting content from public domain

There are tons of free content in the form of Public Domain works. You are free to edit,
republish or sell them and make money out of them. Once you have found out about them
you will never run out of content to publish in your websites.
What are there in public domain works?
These are books, articles, audio or video recordings and pictures whose copyrights have
expired or those which are not copyrighted. Since they are not copyrighted by anyone they
can be edited, published or sold by people without paying commission to anyone. Websites
such as Project Gutenberg is a good source of public domain content.

Always remember to double check the license associated with

the content before you publish it in your website.

Since contents in public domain are available freely, hundreds of people

would have already published the same content you have selected from the
public domain. So search engines might take this as a duplicate and penalize
your website. Dont worry about this; you can solve this issue by rewriting the
content. Rewriting the content is easy. You can rewrite by replacing the words
by synonyms. There are lots of tools which help to reduce the time needed to
rewrite articles. One good example is Magic Article Rewriter.


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Update your website regularly by adding new articles. The simplest way to do this is to
include a blog in your website. Updating a blog is comparatively very easy. You can create a
blog for free at Blogger now provides you the facility to have your own choice
of domain name in the blog you create in For example you can have your
blogger hosted blog at address
You can also use wordpress to create a blog for your site. Wordpress is free software which
you can use to create website or blog. You can download it over HERE.
You might also need a web hosting account and domain name for setting up your blog in
external server other than blogger/wordpress. You can get good quality hosting HERE.
You will be amazed at how simple it is to create, edit web pages and post blog entries.
Updating can be easily done in wordpress or blogger. You can find some excellent
wordpress tutorials over HERE.
I would highly recommend using wordpress because it is a tested and proven platform.

When people find that YOU are updating website regularly,

they will visit your website again and again to know about YOUR
new additions. You can include subscription options to notify your
readers when YOU update your website. YOU can use Feed burner
for this.

Copyright Vinayak G 2010.. Page 12


Never copy and paste content from other websites.

Never post useless stuff on your website for increasing

number of pages.

Recently, I spoke to my friend who is a content writer for many popular websites. He told
me that he prefers dynamic websites over static websites (In dynamic sites like the ones
running with wordpress, updating can be done frequently due to the relative ease, whereas
in static sites(the ones made with simple HTML files) the website remains unchanged for
long time due to the complexity of updating process.) I asked him why he preferred
dynamic websites. He replied that when people find that new articles are getting added to
the site, they will visit your website frequently because they are eager to know your
So that was all about direct traffic and how to get direct traffic.

Useful content + frequent updating will surely bring in a lot

of direct traffic.

Copyright Vinayak G 2010.. Page 13

Referring traffic
What is referring traffic?

Referring traffic comes as a result of people finding about your websites from other websites
or search engines. Other websites can be social networks, forums, web directories, blogs etc.
We will be discussing a huge list of traffic sources in the next section.

Sources of referring traffic:

Referring traffic comes from different sources. I have listed some of them below. We will be
discussing about these sources of referring traffic in the coming pages.

Search engines

Article directories

Website directories

Social bookmarking

Social media like face book



Commenting in related blogs

Video sites like YouTube

Free downloadable e books

Holding contests

Link exchanges

Email signatures

Forum posting

Forum signature


Distributing free software

Creating free screen savers

Copyright Vinayak G 2010.. Page 14

Write articles in newspapers

Classified ads online

Yahoo answers

Profile pages in Amazon, eBay etc.

Publishing newsletter

Guest post in related blogs and websites


Proper use of 404 pages


1. Search engines
Every day billions of people make use of search engines to get information about various
topics. Search engines like Google (figure 1), Yahoo and Bing helps people find websites that
are highly related to the topic they are searching for.
When people search for a particular topic in search engines, it displays a list of websites
related to the topic with a link to these websites. This page is commonly referred as search
results page. People click on the links to go to the websites displayed.



For e.g. around 5000 people search for German leather shoes. If your website is about
German leather shoes then your website will receive more traffic from search

listings will give you better traffic.

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Figure 1: Search engine Google

Search engines position websites in search results pages according to how relevant the website
is to a particular topic in the eyes of search engine. There are various methods to appear more
relevant in the eyes of search engines. These methods are called by the name search engine
optimization or SEO. You might have heard about this term.
Many companies charges above 1000s of dollars to do search engine optimization. We are going to see
some SEO strategies which you can apply to your website. This will give your website more
search engine traffic. These tips can save you over 1000s of dollars a month which you
would otherwise need to pay to SEO firms to optimize your website.

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Figure 2: Search results page in Google for topic: web hosting

We will discuss about some SEO strategies to gain better ranking. They are:

Good domain name

Alt tag in images

Meaningful page titles

Give relevant page names

Give relevant page descriptions

Use site-map for your website

Using robots.txt file

Getting plenty of back links


Having your own domain name is very important. If you do not have a domain name you
can get your own domain name at affordable rates. Search engines give more relevance to

Copyright Vinayak G 2010.. Page 17

domain names than sub-domains (Free sub domains are provided by some free web hosting
sites. Purchase a domain name if you do not have any. It is simple to purchase a domain
name. Also you have ownership to the domain name. It is an asset. So get one.)
Search engines value domain names like far better than free
sub domain names like

Figure 3: Including search term in domain name can boost your rankings in search
(Search term is Cochin tourism. Note that the website with the keyword Cochin tourism in
the domain name has a good ranking in Google.)

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Include the main keyword (The word that denotes your

websites content. In case of German leather shoes website the
keyword is German leather shoes) in your domain name. This
will surely boost your rankings.


Alt tags are HTML tags which tell search engines about what is present in images. Search
engines dont understand images like humans do. They can only understand the text. They
don't understand the content of images/graphics. Alt tags are used to tell search engines
what is the content of the image.
For e.g. If there is a picture of a hen in web page alt tag should mention A Hen. Search engine reads
the alt tag and understand that it is the picture of a hen.
<img src=picture1.jpg alt=A hen >: This code is used to display an image in web page.
alt= A hen: This is the alt tag in the code.

Figure 3: Alt tag example

While using alt tags some points are to be considered. They are:

Alt tags (in above example is cochin tourism) should not be more than 7 words.

Never use alt tag that is very much different from what the picture stands for.

The image and the text matter of that alt tag should convey the same meaning to the viewer
without creating any confusion.

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Always give the page a title that is most suitable to the content of the page. If you have a
web page about latest chicken recipes give the page title as Latest Chicken Recipes. In title
tag you can give the title.
Title tag in HTML code looks like : <title>Latest Chicken Recipes</title>
Give each web page in your website different page titles. Same page title will cause the web
pages to be treated as duplicate pages by search engines.

Figure 4.1: Example of giving good page titles. In this example, the page title is Cochin
Tourism: How to reach Cochin. This web page tells about how to reach Cochin.


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Instead of giving page name as page1.html etc. name them like latest-chicken-recipes.html
(In this case if latest chicken recipes is the content of your web page.)

Right: latest-chicken-recipes.html

Wrong: page1.html

Page names shouldn't be same for different pages.

Figure 5: Example of giving a suitable page name. Here the web page is about how to
reach Cochin. So we have web page name as reach-cochin.html.

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Page description or Meta descriptions are used to describe the pages content as a summary.
Meta description is specified in tag <meta name="description" content="" />
If your web page speaks about latest chicken recipes then description can be <meta
name="description" content="Check out the latest chicken recipes. Easy to cook chicken recipes for
Never give same page description for more than one webpage. Search engines treat pages
with same page description as duplicate pages and will penalize your website by bringing
your ranking down. Also use Meta keyword tag to specify a list of keywords related to web

Figure 6: Example of giving a suitable page description. Here the web page is about how
to reach Cochin.


There are 2 types of site-maps.



This is a page that lists all the web pages in your website in a

specified structure. There will be links to each webpage. This will help in better



They are basically created to help the search engines. Sitemap

basically contains links to all the pages in your website. XML site-map is written
using XML language. They will tell search engines about all the pages your website

Copyright Vinayak G 2010.. Page 22

has with its address. This will help search engines find all web pages and include
them in their index.
You can either write an XML site-map or use free software available for creating site maps. You can
also create a sitemap by using the websites like Its simple and saves

If you are using wordpress, you will find that it is very easy to do
some of these things mentioned above. It has a site-map creator plug in to
create site-map automatically. It has an All in one SEO pack which can be
used to optimize your website for search engines. Using these modules
helps you save a lot of time by simplifying this otherwise cumbersome

Figure 6: XML site-map automatically created by wordpress plug-in

Copyright Vinayak G 2010.. Page 23


robots.txt file is used to tell search engines what files to index and what not to. You can
use this to block access to files on your websites that you don't want to include in search
engines. (Downloadable products pages which you let users access after making payments
is not to be indexed by search engines.)
You can read more about robots.txt over here:

Figure 7: Example of robots.txt file


The links to your web pages from other sites can be termed as back links. Back links are
considered by search engines as a measure of relevancy. There are many ways to get back
links like commenting on do-follow blogs, purchasing links, participating in forums where
you are allowed to place you website link in signatures.
Highly recommended method to obtain back links is using article directories. We will be
discussing about it in coming pages.

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Get a back link from a high page rank website and Google will
index YOUR website within hours.

2. Article directories

Figure 7: Article directories: go articles and ezine articles

Using Article directories is the best recommended method for building back-links for your
website. This is the method widely used by successful websites to get huge traffic.
Building back-links can give you advantages which include getting traffic, improved search
engine rankings and mass publicity.

Traffic from back-links: People clicking on links in the articles you have submitted in
article directories come to your sites. You can gain considerable amount of traffic
from this.

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Boost in search engine rankings: Search engines give more importance to websites
which have high number of back-links than the ones having low number or no backlinks.

Publicity: These article directories receives huge amount of traffic. Thousands of

people visit them daily. So submitting the articles there would give some exposure to
your articles. More people will read them and they can find your website address.
(You have the option of providing your website address in every article you submit
to article directories.)


Article directories are websites having huge collection of articles. Most of the popular article
directories allow you to submit articles for free. You can visit the article directories, register
for free account and submit your articles. Some article directories publish these articles after
reviewing them. It wouldn't take much time for your articles to get published.
Articles are listed under different categories and subcategories. You will be including a link
to your website in the article you submit to these directories. Some article directories are:,,

SANDBOX EFFECT: When a new website is launched search engines like

Google doesn't give them the same weight age as that of an old site. For some
time the new website may not be showing up in higher positions in search
results page. This is referred to as SANDBOX EFFECT. This will continue for
quite some time. But there is an easy method to get your website out of sandbox.
Build some back-links using article directories. And your website will quickly get out of
sandbox and will get listed higher in search engine results.

Copyright Vinayak G 2010.. Page 26

3. Website directories

Figure 8: Yahoo web directory

Figure 9: Dmoz web directory

You can submit your websites to web directories to increase back-links and traffic. There are
lots of free and paid directories for submitting your websites. Websites like dmoz allows
you to submit your websites for free, while yahoo has paid submission. If you are given a
choice between web directories and article submission always go for article submission.
It would take some time to get your website listed in website directories. From my personal
experience I have found that the article directories are far better than web directories.
However you can choose some specific directories (directories focused on a particular topic)
and submit your website. Some of them will require you to link back to them.
But you should not totally ignore them. Consider this. Even if the traffic from particular
directory is very low, it will add up to huge traffic. Say you get 2 visitors per day from one
directory. Imagine the traffic you will be getting from 20 directories.40 unique visitors! In
one month you will be getting 2*20*30 = 1200 visitors.
Submit your websites to directories which you feel is really worthy. I said this because there is a lot of
spam out there.

Copyright Vinayak G 2010.. Page 27

4. Social bookmarking
Social bookmarking is a great way to generate website traffic and popularity. You can
register at social bookmarking sites like digg, stumbleupon, delicious, propeller, friendfeed,
mixx, blinklist etc. Registration to these sites is free. After registering you can bookmark
your website in them. This is a proven method to generate traffic. Normally you can see the
traffic within 24 hours.

You can use the share option in Google toolbar (Google

toolbar installed for browser) to simplify the submission process.

As soon as you publish content on your site you can do bookmarking.

Figure 10:

5. Social media marketing
You can share interesting pages of your website in social Medias like Facebook, MySpace,
Orkut, hi5.

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The social media sites like Facebook, MySpace and Orkut receive huge amounts of website
traffic per day. They come under top ten most visited websites in the world. Creating a fan
page in Facebook is a method adopted by many large SEO firms for bringing in traffic.

Figure 12: A fan page in

6. Hubpages
Hubpages ( is an online tool to help you publish your content
for free. Also you can earn some revenue from the advertisement that shows up in the
articles you publish in Hubpages. The articles you publish there are called by the name

Copyright Vinayak G 2010.. Page 29

hubs. Hubpages is a large community of people who publishes web content on a regular
basis. You can find there a large number of authors publishing their content.

Figure 13:

Hubpages is a website that receive huge amount of traffic. Publishing content will give more
exposure to your articles and help you generate traffic. Search engines consider Hubpages as
an authoritative site. Hence articles published in Hubpages usually show up in Google
within short time and they usually get high search engine rankings. There are people who
have received over a million views for their articles published in Hubpages within one year.
There are people who have gained over one million visitors to their content posted in
Check this hub: How I reached One Million Page Views on Hubpages (With Proof)
Disclaimer: This is not my hub. I just showed an example to you.
As more and more people comment on your hubs and when your hubs receives more traffic;
it will show up in hot hubs area and eventually in best hubs area. Once your hub reaches
there, you will get massive increase in your traffic! Sometimes depending on the quality of

Copyright Vinayak G 2010.. Page 30

your hub, it can even be listed in home page under featured hubs. Once your hub reaches in
featured area you will receive exponential amount of traffic.
It is free to join Hubpages. Sign up for Hubpages.
7. Xomba

Figure 14:

Xomba is similar to Hubpages. Plus it has got another advantage. You can create two types
of contents in Xomba; articles and bookmarks. You can add bookmarks to your web pages
also. Proper use of Xomba and Hubpages can create a tunnel of traffic to your website.
You can join Xomba over here: Sign up for Xomba.
8. Commenting in related blogs
Leave a valuable and detailed comment on other blogs related to the content of your
website. Almost all the blogs out there will allow your website to be displayed as a link in
your comment. Most people who read the blog entries will consider you as an authority in
the topic and would check out your website.

Copyright Vinayak G 2010.. Page 31

Don't just leave some spam comments

Be courteous

Read the blog post in detail before posting comments

9. Video Sharing Sites like YouTube

Figure 15.1:

Figure 15.2:

Huge publicity can be given to your website by this method. Produce some videos related to
the theme of your website (techies call it niche) and post them on video sites like YouTube,
Flixya, Revver etc. with your website address displayed at the finishing of video. This will
result in an increased flow of traffic into YOUR website.
This method is a proven method for generating huge amount of traffic. Sometimes these
videos can receive over a million views and most of these visitors may also check out your
website. If your website deals with an eBook on Microsoft excel tips, post a video of an excel
tip. After presenting the tip you can tell them that more tips are waiting for them at your
site. Sometimes these videos can receive over a million views and most of these visitors may
also check out your website.

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Figure 16: A video posted in with 49419 views.

You don't need to have a digital video recorder to produce video.

You can use screen recorders like Camstudio (can be downloaded for free at by which you can record your screen and also your
voice through a microphone. This is more than enough to create your first
YouTube video! Many professionals use Camstudio to prepare tutorials for

10. Give away free downloadable eBooks

Create some eBooks and (can be a combination of articles in pdf format) post a link to your
website as footer or header .Now allow it to be downloaded for free from your websites and
also media sharing sites like

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People may share Valuable eBook rich in content and it can reach over 1000 or 10000 users
within a very short time. They can reach your website by clicking on your website link
present in your eBook.
11. Holding contests
Holding contests is a good idea to generate traffic. Hold a contest and tell bloggers to spread
the word about your contest. It will get you good amount of traffic.
Last year one of our websites was running low on traffic. This method helped us to bring in
steady traffic to our website for months.
12. Link exchanges
You can exchange website links with websites that are closely related with content of your
website. Find some related websites; check their contact address and email them about your
interest in exchanging links.
13. Email signatures
Email signature is a piece of text that is appended to the emails you send. Include your
website address in your email signature. It goes out along all replies you sent.

Figure 17: Example of email signature

14. Forum posting
Join some forums related to your content and post some valuable information. You can place
a link to YOUR website in your profile page. Make sure to read the terms and conditions of
forum before posting content.

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How to locate forums related to your niche? If your niche is

chicken recipes then do a Google search. Type chicken recipes
+ forum in Google and you can quickly get some forums related
to your websites theme.

15. Forum signature

Most of the forums allow members to use signature. Create an eye catching signature. In the
above example you can use something like: Latest mouthwatering chicken recipes with
this term linking to your chicken recipes website. This signature would show up in every
post you create in the forum. Forum signatures can help you in 2 ways. They help you bring
in traffic and also give you back-links.

Figure 18: Example of forum signature

Copyright Vinayak G 2010.. Page 35

16. Squidoo
Squidoo is similar to Hubpages. Here articles are termed as lenses. Sign up for an account
and experiment with Squidoo. Squidoo lenses, like hubs will get indexed within short time
and receive high search engine rankings.

Figure 19:

You can join Squidoo over here.
17. Distributing free software
Distributing free software is a good idea to generate traffic. If you have a website on weight
loss you can create free software for Body Mass Index (BMI) calculation and distribute it for
free. You should place links to your website in the software. You can write their something
like For Weight loss tips visit []. Most people who use the
software will check out your website.

Hire some programmers and create a stunning web

application for social media sites like Facebook with your website
address and logo mentioned. Facebook applications have a huge
potential to bringing targeted customers.

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18. Creating free screen savers

Some people have had huge success with this method. Create some lovely screen savers
with your website address displayed and distribute this for free. There are people who have
got millions of website visitors by implementing this technique. There are lots of free and
paid screen saver makers. You can find a lot of quality screen saver creators by searching for
the same in search engines like Google.
19. Write articles in newspapers
You can write some articles for newspapers on a regular basis. If you are writing about latest
automobiles include a line like Latest automobile updates can be found in
[]. People who like your articles will visit YOUR website for
more details. Writing articles weekly for a column is a good idea.
20. Classified ads online
There are a lot of free classified listing sites. Advertise your website in those sites. Some of
the classified sites are Craigslist , EBay Classifieds and OLX.
21. Yahoo answers
Yahoo Answers is a question answer site. Users ask questions and other users answer them.
You will need a yahoo account for answering questions.

Figure 20: Yahoo answers

Copyright Vinayak G 2010.. Page 37

You can sign up for Yahoo Answers or Sign In at: After logging
into yahoo answers, search for questions related to your website topic in yahoo answers.
Leave a valuable answer and leave a link to your website. While giving answers be specific
and reply to the question. Do not copy and paste content from YOUR website. The person
should feel like you are talking to him directly by your answer.
22. Profile pages in Amazon and eBay
Creating profile pages in e-commerce sites like Amazon and eBay are said to bring in some
targeted traffic. It is because they are receiving huge traffic daily.
You can post reviews about products in Amazon. When buyers come and read the reviews
there is a strong chance that they may click on the link to your profile in Amazon and reach
your profile. Including link to your website in the profile page can pull in a few visitors.
Though I havent tried it myself I have heard that lot of people are getting success with this
You can also consider placing advertisement in eBay or Amazon. It will cost you some
money. But it can give you some targeted traffic. Note that most of the traffic from Amazon
or eBay will be buyers and not surfers.
23. Publishing newsletter
You can publish a newsletter in your website to offer updated information on your niche.
This can help you in retaining visitors.
24. Guest post in related blogs and websites
You can post articles in other people's blogs and websites as a guest author. This article
should carry this statement: Guest post by [name] of [website-name]. This will also give
your website some good amount of referring traffic. This is usually a very popular means to
bring in traffic. Every blog or website is hungry for good content, if you provide them with
that, they are willing to post it with your link. This is a win-win situation.

Copyright Vinayak G 2010.. Page 38

25. Yousaytoo
Yousaytoo is also an online self publishing system offering revenue sharing. You can post
article in this website or add your blog here. Once your blog is added, the blog entries get
listed in Yousaytoo site. Yousaytoo pages also receive high search engine rankings. Add
your blog after at least 3 posts have been made in your blog. This is a good way to get
targeted traffic.

Figure 21:

26. Preventing leakage of website traffic
This section is about preventing leakage in your website traffic. The one factor many people
ignore. Think about this: A friend coming to your home to see you. You have gone for a
vacation. So he is not able to see you. He may come later to see you. But in Internet, this is
not the case. If a visitor comes to your website and your website isnt available, then he may
not visit again. You should exercise caution to prevent such things.
What causes these problems?

404 errors.

Website is unavailable error.

Copyright Vinayak G 2010.. Page 39


You did all the hard work to get your pages listed in Google and unfortunately you had to
delete some old posts from your blog. A visitor found that deleted page on the Google
search result and a dreaded 404 error! Users who come to a 404 page will mostly leave the
website without a second look. To avoid this issue you can create a web page to display to
your users when 404 errors occur.
For example you can display this message: Sorry, but the page you were visiting doesn't
exist. You can visit our homepage [link to home page] or search our site using search box
below. And place a search box below. Users would find this approach more professional
than the normal 404 error page. You can also list a set of articles closely related to the one the
visitor is searching for. This will help you retain that visitor.

Users may occasionally come to a page on your website that

doesn't exist on your site, either by following a broken link or typing in the
incorrect address. Having a custom 404 page that kindly guides users back
to a working page on your site can improve user experience. Your 404 page
should have a link back to main page of your website or could also have
links to related content on your website.

Figure 22: Wrong method

Copyright Vinayak G 2010.. Page 40

Figure 23: Right method

AVOIDING WEBSITE UNAVAILABLE ERROR: Sometimes, website becomes unavailable. This can
be caused due to several factors like:

Website is hosted in a low configuration machine

The allocated bandwidth for your website is used up



Your website is hosted in a

computer called as web server. If the web server has low configuration in terms of memory
(RAM), Processor Speed, Processor type etc. then it can frequently go down whenever a
heavy rush of traffic comes. A good configuration system can work well even if there is
some spike in traffic to your website. You should host your website in a quality web server.


When you purchase a web hosting package from a

web hosting company, your website is allocated with some bandwidth limit. Every time
visitors come to your website bandwidth is consumed. Once it gets over your website goes
(This depends on hosting company. Some may not pull down your website. They will alert
you in case bandwidth is used up before pulling it down)

Copyright Vinayak G 2010.. Page 41

You should give importance to the bandwidth that is mentioned whenever you choose a
webhosting package.
In short you should host your website in a reliable web host. This will help you in preventing leakage
of web traffic.
You can get a reliable web hosting package over here.
27. Shetoldme is a bookmarking website. You can bookmark (add links to your web pages
with short description) in can give you decent amount of
traffic. Also they offer revenue sharing for adding bookmarks.

Figure 24:

Copyright Vinayak G 2010.. Page 42

Traffic from advertising

You can bring in a considerable amount of traffic to your website by advertising your
website. Advertising is the quickest method to bring in traffic to your website. Advertising
can be subdivided into these categories:

Paid advertising

Free advertising

Paid advertising is the best option to generate quality traffic to your website. By quality, we
mean highly targeted traffic. Online paid advertising can be subdivided into:

Search based advertising


Non contextual advertising


In search based advertising your ads shows up in search results pages when users search in
search engines. You can specify for which terms/keywords your ads should show up. You
can do search based advertising in

Yahoo advertising

Google Adwords

Bing advertising

Your ads show up when users searches for keywords (That you selected while creating the
ad) in search engines like Google. The ads are shown according to the prices advertisers
bids on keywords. Several factors like bidding competition, bidding price etc. decides the
position of your advertisements in search results page.

Copyright Vinayak G 2010.. Page 43

A simple example can be this:

You open a search based advertising account to start advertising. You are planning to advertise your
blog Tasty chicken recipes that is, while creating your advertisement you select chicken recipes
and non-vegan recipes etc. as keywords. And if you are ready to spend more than any other bidding
for the same keyword your ad will appear topmost when users searches for the above mentioned
keywords. Note that this is almost equivalent to getting a first page result in search engines!
Further these advertisements can be divided into:
Here advertisers are charged per click generated on their displayed ads.
Here advertisers are charged per thousand impressions on their displayed ads. The best
example is search based advertising is Google Adwords. You can check out more
information on Adwords at:

Figure 25: Sponsored ads in search results

Copyright Vinayak G 2010.. Page 44

In Contextual advertising, there will be an advertisement provider and they will display
your ads in a network of sites. The displaying of ads (these ads carry links to your web
pages) is based on the content of the network website. If you have a website on dog foods
your ads will be displayed in web pages telling about dog food.
Google Adsense is a best example of this kind of advertising. The network of sites in Google
Adsense is called as Adsense publisher sites. Advertising in Adsense publisher sites is done
via Google Adwords. Using Google Adwords, you can advertise in both Adsense publisher
sites and in Search engines results.
You can specify for terms/keywords which are best related to your website. In contextual
advertising the ads appear based on the content in web page. You can get the best results if
you use Google Adsense, I personally have received considerable amount of targeted traffic
using advertising by this method. You can drive huge traffic to your website by careful use
of Google Adwords.
Here the ads displayed are not determined by content of web pages. In this kind of
advertising, there is no algorithm to find the content of website and display ads accordingly.
Some non contextual advertising are:
Banner advertising: Placing image or flash banner ads in other websites.
Text links: You can buy text links in other websites.
Classified advertisements: You can buy classified advertisements in other websites.


You can also advertise your website in social networks. We will now focus on advertising in
Facebook (Popular Social network).

Copyright Vinayak G 2010.. Page 45

One of the main advantages of Facebook advertising is that you can reach over 400,000,000
active Facebook users. Here you have an option to target audience by location, sex,
Keywords, Educational Qualification, Workplace, Relationship Status, Relationship Interests
and Languages etc. You can target your exact audience with demographic filters.
To advertise your website in Facebook, visit this:

What to do to get traffic to your websites using these methods?

We have discussed some advertising methods. Don't get confused, we will discuss some
best methods to get traffic. I personally prefer search based advertising and advertising in
Adsense publisher sites. Advertising in Facebook has also given me some targeted traffic.
BEST METHOD: There are a lot of advertising coupons available for free. You can easily find
Ad coupons for Google Adwords, Yahoo advertising and Facebook. Many web hosting
companies gives you advertising coupons for free when you purchase web hosting plans
from them. You can get a 100$ worth Google Adwords coupon when you purchase a web
hosting plan.
Use them to test how well you get traffic to your website from paid advertising. If you are
getting good results you can continue with it.
You can download this 84 page guide on how to profit with the Google Adwords system for
free. This guide will help you get started with Google Adwords.
Google Adwords Guide Free Download

Copyright Vinayak G 2010.. Page 46

Summing it up

We saw in detail about various sources of traffic and how to get traffic from them. I would
like to tell you another thing before concluding this book.
In the year 2008, I and my team were working over a web 2.0 website (Website where users
contribute the content).We were not getting proper amount of traffic even though we had
great quality articles. The low traffic continued for over 6 months. We were very
disappointed over this. At this time we realized an important thing.
Building a great website is easy. But getting traffic is not that easy.
We found that, there was some really ugly looking website receiving huge traffic! Then we
started our quest for finding out the secret to get massive amount of targeted traffic. We
came across a bunch of techniques.
We implemented them and our website began to gain considerable amount of traffic. We
have implemented only the traffic generation methods mentioned here and our traffic went
up from 1 or 2 hits per day to over 100 hits per day.
Now that our website is now an authoritative source of information and search engines
respect it so well that all our posts get listed in them after few minutes of posting! This
eBook describes mostly all those methods we discovered. There are some methods left out.
But it is intentional, because we haven't tested them out.

Never use automated traffic. There are paid to surf sites that sent automated traffic.
Stay away from them.

Never forget to use a tool to measure the traffic you receive in your site.

Never post copied content from other sites. Search engines may penalize your

Copyright Vinayak G 2010.. Page 47

Never send spam messages from your website. This may reduce your website's

Never use pop-up windows in your website.

Never use large graphics. Reduce size of images.

You can use free services like site meter basic or Google Analytics to monitor your website
traffic. If you are not using any services to measure website visitors, sign up for one of the
service and start measuring the traffic you are receiving.

Copyright Vinayak G 2010.. Page 48

A closing note

One by one, implement the methods that you have learned.



When you find that it works for you, try the next. Focus upon the

quality of your website. It really matters. Provide quality articles in your website and you
will gain considerable repeating traffic.
Mail me your suggestions, questions and criticisms about this E-book to my email at
To your Success,
Vinayak G

Copyright Vinayak G 2010.. Page 49

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