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Early Childhood Education

All About Me


1. Hard-Working

1. Too Hard on Myself

2. Reliable

2. Perfectionist

3. Personable

3. Procrastinator

4. Driven

4. Sensitive

My Favorite Classes
Emergent & Developmental Literacy
Childrens Literacy
Teaching Science

My Favorite Foods
Biscuits & Gravy
Macaroni & Cheese

My Most Memorable
most memorable moment was whenever my husband proposed to
me. I was singing Marry Me by Train at a coffee shop in Bella Vista
with all of my friends and family around me. I had absolutely no idea
that my boyfriend was about to become my fiance! As soon as I was
finished with the song he had the shop owner turn our song on over the
speakers of the coffee shop, and as I turned around I saw him on one
knee as he asked me to marry him. Of course I said YES!

My Plans After College

After I graduate I plan on attending college for another year to gain my
MAT. Once I am finished with my MAT I plan on finding a teaching job
somewhere in the area while still attending school to get my PhD in
Curriculum and Instruction for, at least, another few years. Then,
hopefully, I will be able to attain a job as a professor at a college
somewhere! If not, then I will continue to teach at an elementary school
in the area.

thats Me!

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