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Name: _______________________

Date: _________________________

Writing YOUR News Article

Assignment Instructions:
Write a news article that reports on the events in the climax* of the novel you are
*Climax is the most intense, exciting, or important part in the plot. It comes right before
the resolution of the plot.
Remember, the purpose of a news article is to report the facts of an event. Although
many people enjoy reading the news, the purpose of a news article is not entertainment.
So, do not include your opinion!
What are the main goals of a news article?
A news article tells the truth.
News is factual.
News articles are objective.
News articles relate information.
News articles report on the 5 Ws and 1 H.
The language in news articles is formal.
How to format your news article:
Your news article must be typed, using the font Times New Roman, size 12, and it must
be double-spaced. You must set your margins to 1 inch.
You will be graded on:
1) Content and Style
2) Format (headline, lead, byline, supporting paragraphs).
3) Spelling, Grammar, and Mechanics
Rough draft of your news article for peer editing is due: ______________________
Good copy of your news article is due: _____________________________________
Student signature: ______________________________________________________
Parent or guardians signature: ___________________________________________

News Article Guidelines

Use these guidelines to structure your news article. After you answer the following
questions, you can use your ideas to write your news article following the correct

Lead paragraph
Supporting paragraphs

1. Identify the climax in your novel.

2. Answer the 5 Ws and 1 H in response to the climax in your novel. This will all
be recorded on the Visual Organizer handout.
3. Write a HEADLINE that grabs the readers attention.
4. Write a LEAD paragraph. This information will be recorded on the Visual
Organizer handout, as well.
5. Now work on your supporting paragraphs. These are the paragraphs that follow
the lead. They develop the ideas introduced in the lead, and give more
information. You may include quotes from characters (your witnesses), if you
6. Read through your news article and ask yourself, Is my language formal or do I
sound like I am talking to a friend? Make sure your language is formal, as you
are a professional journalist, after all!
7. Your rough draft will be peer edited by a partner.
8. When your news article is as good as you can make it, make a typed copy for

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