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Political Science Organization

Meeting Minutes 10/28 2015

Meeting called to order at 4:36. Unacceptable.



Two votes are necessary to vote an individual in for nomination.
A speech follows, and a vote of two thirds will put this person in position.
Were going to try to make a massive flow chart of all the major companies
and their subsidiaries to display how a few control the many. Thisll be


Saturday November 14th is Explore UNH Day!! We have a table and we need
There will be a GMO Debate with Biology Club. Panel/Structured format. For
and Against sides will be decided via coin toss.
Mock Presidential Debate candidates determined: Trump, Sanders, Clinton,
Carson, Bush, and Vermin Supreme.
The Presidential Candidate Dart Board is still up in the air. Proceeds will go to
some form of charity.
The Veterans Association on campus is looking to do some events with us.
Any ideas?
Having passed around an article on the legalization of prostitution, we are
inviting Professor Palmbach to a future meeting to discuss the issue further.
An event will likely, hopefully, follow.

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