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Group # 2

Ally, Valeria, Roan, Jamari, Elijha

Video Notes
Germany didnt start it but was blamed for everything
Germany was not invited to sign the Treaty
Germany was furious with the other countries
They also had to pay for everything

Article Notes
Article Title: Prisoners of War and Graves
We was blamed for everything
We had to Provide everything
Our prisoners were taken from us without question

Why do you blame us?
We werent the only ones who did wrong,
why do we have to pay for everything?
Is it that much easier to blame one country?
This treaty was like a bird in cage with nowhere to go.
We didnt start the war,
and we didnt want to fight.
Our prisoners should be returned to our country without a fight,
and we want you to do whats right
Why not give other countries the same consequences youre giving us.
Its unfair that we have to provide transportation for countries,
when others dont provide for us.
Our country was screaming in agony, while you were sitting back laughing.
The same rights that are given to others should be given to us,
The same penalties given to us should be given to others.
Our resources should be giving back to us,
our mass graves should be emptied and our dead returned.
Why do you blame us? It was you who stained our grounds.

Vocab Application
Elements of Literature (5)--list them and describe why
Personification - Our country was screaming in agony. A country cannot scream.
Simile - This treaty was like a bird in cage with nowhere to go.
Symbolism - Why do you blame us? It was you who stained our grounds.
Rhyme - Our prisoners should be returned to our country without a fight, and we
want you to do whats right.
Mood - While you read it.
Tone - How we are going to talk.
Hyperbole - Our country was screaming in agony, while you were sitting back

Group Members Pic

Work Cited
"" First World N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Sept. 2015.

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