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GIFT BOX APPEAL 2015 Your Gift Boxes will go to children in Moldavia, Belarus and Ukraine The collection truck arrives early on the 18th November For the past 18 years staff, students and friends of participating schools have prepared and donated gift boxes for underprivileged children in Eastern Europe. Last year you generously donated 2,031 boxes, an important contribution to the final total of 91,100 gift boxes sent from Switzerland! Thanks to your generosity and help many children, living in poverty, on meagre diets in homes without heating or running water, others orphaned or abandoned enjoyed an unexpected gift. These are the children that this appeal is helping, children in need often never having known a loving caring family. With your help they experienced the joy of opening their very own gift box. Each one filled with school supplies, toys and toiletries, warm scarves and gloves, candies and chocolate. While we take these things for granted, for these children they are a dream come true. Assan on receiving his gift said " This is the first time in my life I get a gift, something that belongs to me!" You made him feel special! ‘Thank you for once again participating in the Gift Box Appeal For information regarding the Gift Box Appeal please goto our website \ or contact ‘Tyrvian Livesley or tel 022.776 51 16 Practical information All boxes must be brought to the school by |7/ /: 2O1S(add date of drop off. and where) ‘The contact person at your school is ‘name of school contact person or remove) ‘To be fair each box needs to contain all items listed in the customs label below. Sturdy wine cartons make good gift boxes and will hold all the contents. Please attach a large bag to help ; the child carry their box home. A school bag/ backpack can be used instead of a wine carton. ¥ Boxes should all be unisex (toys/ gloves/socks etc., suitable for both boys and girls) and be suitable for children 4-14 years of age. Include for example, both dolls and cars/trucks, and something for both older and younger children. ¥ No toys with batteries, no books (because of language), no perishable food items. Any used items must be in excellent condition with no dirty or broken parts. If in doubt, please ask. Y Cut off the list below and tape it firmly to your gift-wrapped box. KAN CUSTOMS LABEL PLEASE CUT HERE AND ATTACH TO BOX --——— SCHOOL SUPPLIES CANDIES AND CHOCOLATE (No home-made food/sweets please) 4 pens and 4 Tead pencils 2 bars of chocolate Coloured pencils or felt tipped pens 250 grams minimum of sweets (wrapped in foil iF Eraser and pencil sharpener strong-smelling) 2 school exercise books (50 pages each) T box biscuits (cookies/cereal bars) or numerous |__| Drawing paper (computer paper) individual small packs Z ‘TOILETRIES TOYS T of 2 toothbrushes in original package and For 4 new oF used toys (excellent condition only) toothpaste boys and girls toys: dolls and cars, puzzles, jumping Soap (wrapped in tin foil) > ropes, bubbles, soft toys, marbles, beads, Shampoo and/or shower gel (to stop leakage taped |__| dominoes, lego, polly pockets, finger boards, yoyos closed) etc ‘OPTIONAL EXTRAS: Hats, caps, gloves, OPTIONAL EXTRAS: comb, brush, hair ties, searves, socks (all items new or gently used), ruler, geometry set, calculator, chess set, ete No other clothing please Please don’t forget to attach a bag to carry their gift home in. Thank you, -

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