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Recruitment, Training, and

Rewarding in IHRM

Daminda Geeganage
DipM(UK), MCIM(UK), MSLIM(SL), PgdEcon(Col), MEcon(Col), MIOD(SL)

Recruitment, in IHRM is very
important factor as the personal
selected to the position require to
represent the organization nationally
and internationally , equally.
If right person is not selected, can
cause serious of damages to the
organization in terms of image, cost
and loosing out potential business
opportunities and create inefficiency

In international management it is
said that the managers who are
unwilling and incapable of generating
global learning practices significantly
reduces the effectiveness of the
organization (Berrell et al 2002;92)
This can reduce profits and create
frictions among the host- country

Recruitment can be defined as the practice of
deciding what the company needs in a candidate
instigating procedures to attract the most
appropriate candidate for the job. In recruitment
the human resource management will need to
identify the key traits of required
individuals(through working out a job description
and person specification).
Thus the recruitment can be identified as the needs
of the company to fill the vacancy and attracting
suitable clients

Dowling and Welch (2004) has identified four myths of

that have grown up in recruitment of international
managers. Fifth one also developed by different scholars
mentioned below
1. The universal approach to the management
2. People can acquire multicultural behavior without outside
3. There are common characteristics shared by all
successful international managers
4. There are no impediments to mobility.
5. The difference between both manger and assignment can
vary widely with difference between national, cultural
and legal regimes

Factors affecting criteria for

Factors affecting criteria for
recruitment can be identifies as
1. the company
2. Nature of the assignment
3. Need of the person
4. Legal issues
5. Types of training and development

The company
The relationship to the global business and to
what level it is expected to develop the
business should be identified before
recruitment initiate
Bartlettt and Ghoshal (2002) note that the
companies tend to take different forms when
operating cross national borders, depending on
the degree to which the company aims of
global integration versus embeddedness in
various national context.

Nature of the assignment

Nature of the assignment is required to analyzed
and could demand different skills and capabilities
as followings
1. Teaching a new process
2. Helping a branch through a matrix integration
3. Setting up new branches or representative
4. Assisting joint ventures
5. Facilitating knowledge transfer between
subsidiary and head office

The person
It is crucial the nature of the motivation of
the person that the company require for the
international assignment in order to keep up
to the expectation of the firm. The
combination of motivation factors include
1. Career advancement
2. Financial incentives
3. Interest in the are
4. Interest in travel

Behrend et al (2009) note that companies

which emphasis their pro environmental
credentials had greater success in
When advertising for recruitments, the
credentials of the company and
compensation packages are more
desirable for candidates as well as
countries that the person need to serve
also important

Legal Issues
When outlining the recruitment
criteria, it is required to take in to a
account that the legal framework of
home country and the host country.
This is especially whether any
regulation forbidding the recruitment
of non local staff unless prove that
they are essential. (host country)

Cross national variation in rewards

What ever the direction of movement
of the organization might be,
multifaceted globalization has not
brought international homogeneity in
pay system
Job classification, job evaluation and
pay hierarchies shall have direct
impact on the pay and rewards
system internationally

Strategic space for rewarding MNCs

In a given country, culture and
expectation of employees, social
regulation of work in terms of labor
laws and employee unions &
associations shall limit the
boundaries of the organization in
operation. These external features
explain the strategic space with in
which approaches to establish
reward schemes.

However, with regard to the

approach to the payment of highlevel employees, expatriates ,
managers of national subsidiaries,
the constrain post by external
environment are generally limited
For these employees balance must
be strike so that they are paid in par
with international where homoginiaty

Best practices in international

It is important to analyze the best
practices in international rewarding
system in terms of evident based
than social norm as it varies
As per the expectancy theory if the
efforts of the individuals are
recognized and reward they feel that
the best way and rewards offered are
valued by individuals.

Training in international HRM has major
Training in the Home country
Trainings by experts
On the job
Secondments to other subsidiaries
Panel discussions sharing experiences
IT advancements and transforming

Refer chapter 10 & 11

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