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Big Ben
Clock tower in London, England
Big Ben is the nickname for the Great Bell of the clock at the north end of the Palace of Westminster in
London, and often extended to refer to the clock and the clock tower. The tower building is actually called
Elizabeth Tower.
Address: Westminster, London SW1A 0AA
Opened: 1859
Height: 96 m
Function: Clock tower
Architectural style: Gothic Revival architecture
Phone: 020 7219 4272
Architect: Augustus Pugin

A scaled model

Facts about the Bell

How old is Big Ben?

The Bell

He was cast on 10th April 1858, so he's 151 years old.

Is Big Ben one of Britains famous landmarks?

Yes! Without a doubt, Big Ben is a very famous and beloved British landmark; he was voted #1 in a 2008 survey.

Where is Big Ben located?

Big Ben is the giant bell in the belfry of the Clock Tower at the Palace of Westminster

Who named Big Ben?

Londoners did. SUPPOSEDLY, the bell was going to be named Victoria after Queen Victoria, but Londoners started calling the bell "Big Ben" and the
name stuck. (Giving nicknames is still a London custom - just think about "the Gherkin"!)

Where and when was Big Ben made?

Big Ben was cast at Whitechapel Bell Foundry, in East London, on 10th April 1858. It took him two weeks to cool, and once he was ready, they
transported him to Westminster on a horse drawn carriage. Londoners lined the route and cheered as the bell went past.

How much does Big Ben weigh?

He weighs about 13 and a half tons, about the same as a small elephant.

The Bell

How tall is Big Ben? How wide is Big Ben?

Big Ben is 2.28 metres tall (7 feet six inches) and 2.75 metres wide (9 feet). That's right -- he's wider than he is tall!

How loud is Big Ben?

If you're standing in the belfry when it rings, you can feel the vibration all the way from your head to your toes.

Can you hear Big Ben inside the Houses of Parliament?

Yes, if you listen. But it's not as loud as you'd think. It's actually easier to hear it OUTSIDE!

What materials is Big Ben made out of?

Tin and copper, plus pieces of the old Big Ben, which was broken up after it cracked.

What colour is Big Ben?

Kind of grey, with some green marks and a bit of old pigeon poo.

Does the clapper inside ever need to be replaced?

Big Ben doesn't have a clapper. He hangs very still from the belfry, and he is struck by a hammer from the outside.

Who owns Big Ben?

You do!
If you are a citizen of the UK, and if you pay taxes, you are one of the owners of Big Ben. In fact, you own the whole clock tower and the Houses of
Parliament too!

How much is Big Ben worth?

We think he's priceless.
But we're checking with the Whitechapel Bell Foundry to find out how much he'd cost if they made him today.

The Bell

The Clock Tower

Who designed the Clock Tower?

The Tower

Charles Barry and Augustus Welby Pugin.

How long would it take me to climb it?

About half an hour, if you're fit. If you're not fit, you probably wouldn't want to make the climb. After 334 steps you can sure hear your heart pounding!

Why is Big Ben so famous? How did Big Ben come to be such an important symbol?
Because it's beautiful. That's our first answer!
It's also reliable -- after all, you can set your watch by it.
We think it became famous during the Second World War, because Big Ben's chimes were heard around the world on the BBC World Service radio.
During the Blitz, people from all over the world listened for Big Ben on the radio. His chimes meant that Great Britain had not been defeated.

Why was Big Ben built? Why was the clock tower built?
The Palace of Westminster burned down in October 1834, and so Parliament needed a new place to meet. They built the Clock Tower

How long did it take to build Big Ben?

34 years.

Big Ben Clock Tower

Dimensions: over 96 metres and 12 metres square
Steps to belfry: 334
Steps to lantern (the Ayrton Light): 393
Amount of stone used: 850 cubic metres
Amount of bricks used: 2600 cubic metres
Number of floors: 11

The dial of the Great Clock of Westminster.


The hour hand is 9 feet (2.7 m) long and the minute hand is 14 feet (4.3 m) long.

The four clock dials are 180 feet (54.9 m) above ground.
The clock dials are set in an iron frame 23 feet (7.0 m) in diameter.
The whole tower is 315 feet (96.0 m) high.

The face being cleaned.

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