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1. Single clicking on the large kanji window will no longer inserts the kanji,
you have to double click.
2. Fixed bug in the sort option for the dictionary.
3. Fixed bug where JIS table would some times use a very large font.
4. Fixed small formatting error in UTF-8 dictionaries. "/" is now correctly
turned into ", "
5. Corrected tab order for "Are You Sure?" dialog box.
6. Fixed bug that could crash dictionary during resize under some complicated
procedures. (Thanks Gernot Federspiel).
7. Improved the WINFO utility to be very fast. Older JWP format is no
longer written. The code is still there and you can enable it by removing
a single comment.
8. WINFO utility was rewritten to work on an array list. The utility is now
very fast. The input format has been made more flexible. Handling of the
verb iku is much improved.;
9. When selecting text and moving up over the top of the window JWPce will no
longer select all the bottom of the text. (MS published procedure for the
mouse position is not really correct, it does not properly handle when
the mouse is at a negative coordinate.) This is fixed for both lists and
the main file.
10. The manual and help were revised to generally use "Windows" for Windows
95/98/... and "Windows CE" for CE platforms.
11. Help was added to the history dialog.
12. Manual and web updated to use new images from XP.
13. Fixed bug in CE color dialog was not setting the current color correctly.
14. Added ctrl+^ to toggle the input mode. This was in the manual but never
got added.
15. Corrected problem in handling cached kanji information.
16. Fixed bug in auto-cycle on the dictionary. Pressing i would bring up
character information. This has been fixed. The list control now
requires pressing ctrl+I.
17. Removed the setting to delete conversions.
18. Added options to select blank for kanji info you don't want to see.
19. When getting character information for kana characters JWPce will
display the romaji equivalents accepted.
20. Fixed bug in the margins dialog box.
21. Added option to remove the kanji bar.

22. JWPce is now compiled with Visual C++.NET (VC++ 7.).

23. Most notes left in the code as undefined variables have been removed.
These are now stored as comments using VC++ comment based task feature.
This gets rid of warning messages during compilation, but the comments
are harder to find. since they can only be seen when viewing the task
list for each file, not for the project.
24. JINDEX utility will now index EUC and UTF-8 dictionaries. The utility
provides a number of options to control how the index is generated.
25. Fixed bug in searching Mixed dictionaries. (Thanks Jean-Marc!)
26. Fixed auto-typing for dictionaries, now correctly reconizes most Mixed
27. Updated translation kits.
1. Fixed bug in IME support.
2. Fixed minimization of dialog boxes. This was messing up the display.
3. Corrected some spelling.
4. Fixed a problem with getting multiple search messages if you keep searching
with the search dialog open.
5. Cleaned up the past back functions.
6. Added way to insert the kanji from a kanji-info window back into the file.
This can be done by double clicking on the kanji box.
7. Fixed bug in window placement so if you restore old placement the window wil
not grow one pixel each time.
8. "Search" and "Find Next" are now in the popup menu associated with the list
control. Added keyboard shortcuts for search (Ctrl+F, Ctrl+S, and F8), to
match the main text window. Added keyboard shortcuts for Find Next (Ctr+N
and F9), again to match the main window.
9, Corrected error message reporting for searches in lists (similar to #4).
10. Added memory to size of the info and more info dialog boxes. This changed
the configuration file. I didn't want to do that but well, you know.
11. Fixed bug in editing user dictionary.
12. Fixed small bug in EDIT_list class processing.
13. Sort option has been added to the user dictionary, main dictionary, and to
the user kana->kanji conversions. The one in the main dictionary is probabl
not too useful, but people have asked for it. All of these sorts work
primarily on the kana.
14. Corrected the install for project files so if you choose not to install it.

15. Added install for .jfc file. This option installs JWPce to edit (not open)
JFC files. Thanks for the suggestion by Gernot Federspiel.
16. Corrected for difference in XP. JWPce trapped the mouse events to prevent
generation of a context menu event. This did not work in XP so this was
17. Fixed bug in handling some times of clipboard imports. Most noticeable effe
is imports from Outlook will not have extra characters on the end.
18. UNICODETEXT is now the primary import format for clipboard and will be used
even over the user selected format. This format accurately represents
all characters possible in JWPce.
19. Added ctrl+shift+A keyboard shortcut to select all in lists. Also added
this to the popup menu.
20. Added ctrl+I as keyboard shortcut to access character information from
21. Added ctrl+I (actually I) as keyboard shortcut for character information
in the JIS table.
22. Changed the word right and left commands so that you no longer see the
carrot move. This makes these function much faster (particularly on
Windows CE).
23. Changed the way some TrueType fonts are loaded. This handles fonts with
full UNICODE support better (such as Arial Unicode MS). These fonts
report a large width because of some of the other languages. JWPce will
use the height as the width in this case. This is not great, but is OK.
Probably will drop support for 95 soon, to shift to full UNICODE support.
24. Fixed config structure to long word alignment.
25. Added blank windows size structure to the config system for later expansion.
26. Fixed some small problems in the PPC dialog box layouts. Updated some of
the PPC pages to the newer smaller cleaner format.
27. Added PPC (PocketPC) options to change the up/down buttons to do page
scrolling instead of line scrolling. These options are on the general
options page. This option is only provided on the PPC systems, since
only these systems don't have separate controls for page down and down.
This feature can be controlled separately for the files and for the lists.
28. Fixed bug in change all from search and replace. (Only was a problem in
29. Added dialog to tell how many changes were made when doing a no-confirm
replace. Also added a dialog to warn that no changes were made if that
30. The Big Font and the Printer Font were reversed in the font settings.
This meant when you were setting the big font you were actually setting
the printer font.
31. Font size for the IME is now set to match the editor font for the same
window. This was necessary because using the IME in a text box would

reduce the IME font to a small size. Thanks Christophe Verre.

32. The Fonts page of the options dialog now uses the system font. This
allows Japanese systems to correctly display Japanese font names.
Thanks Christophe Verre.
33. Mouse selecting now works better.
34. Popup menu can be open by holding down the left mouse button (or the
pen). This is a normal interface element in PocketPC, but it does
not seem to present a problem in Windows or HPC systems. This also
takes care of iPaq type systems that don't have a select/open
35. Provided a kludge fix to the XP problem. Basically the dictionary
will not accept a new search for 100 ms after finishing a search.
I will keep looking at this to determine if I can fix the actual
36. The section labels used in the Character Information dialog have been
moved to the string table.
37. A standardized label generator has been provided for lists. This is
used in the dictionary and the character information, and simplified
line formatting routines.
38. An option to separate direct dictionary matches from advanced
dictionary matches is now provided. This feature resets the priority
sort, if it is used and moves priority items for direct match to the
top of the list and priority items for advanced search to the
top of that list.
39. Dynamic controls have been added to the dictionary dialog. If you
expand the dialog additional controls will become visible. This
does not work on PPCs (not enough room to expand the dialog), and
is limited on HPCs. Most of the controls on the dictionary options
can be accessed this way.
40. Corrected shift-JIS display in the Character Information for ASCII
41. Fixed small bug in resizable dialog boxes. The system was requiring
both dimensions to be larger than default, instead of just one to
restore the size.
42. Character information now shows more information if you increase the
size of the dialog box.
43. Information shown in the character information can now be arranged
by the user. With the exception of the bushu field which is fixed.
This can be accessed via the Setup button on the Misc page of the
options dialog, or via the Utilities/Setup Char &Info... menu.
44. Windows CE machines now all correctly display the PinYin codes.
45. Added romaji inputs for dzu, and dsu. These got missed the first
time. Added new conversions for tha,thi,the,tho,thu and dha,dhi,
46. Got the XP bug fixed! Instability in the dictionary system should

be fixed.
47. Background color for bushu characters in Character Information is
now set to white for PPCs. This matches the PocketPC color
48. Windows CE devices use static text instead of edit boxes for
Character Information. This is required to support the new
arrangeable dialog. The loss here is you cannot select the text
and copy it to the clipboard. Probably a small loss.
49. Added exception to dictionary to processing ???? (all in fixed
space JASCII). This will not do a pattern search, but will search
for the actual string. This can be used to read the ID from most
50. Kanji info now uses the last kanji marker in the file. This allows
info for a few more kanji.
51. Fixed bug in the radical lookup dialog. When working I accidentally
disabled the scroll bar.
52. The WINFO utility has been enhanced to accept data in the EDICT
format. The main kana->kanji conversion database has been augmented
by extracting all the priority entries from EDICT. This has resulted
in 6766 additional entries for a total of 37601 unmerged and
25481 merged entries (319kB and 116kB). The previous conversion
database had 30835 unmerged entries or 21210 unmerged entries
(254kB and 105kB).
I have also created a large kana->kanji database that contains
all the entries in EDICT (entries that do not have kanji are
automatically removed by WINFO). This large database has 100703
unmerged entries or 71131 merged entries (1,068kB and 206kB).
Actually, I think this is actually overkill, but some people
want it.
Using the new WINFO, you could process the entire ENAMDICT
and then include all names in the conversion. Just
remember WINFO runs slow.
53. Restructured the string table to make more sense. Related items
are grouped together, and string IDs make more sense. That was
painful, but necessary.
54. Hitting return will execute a kana->kanji conversion if one is
pending. I eventually want to change this to keep the conversion
active, but this is better than before.
55. Chanced default clipboard format back to shift-JIS. Since the
UNICODETEXT format is working correctly in both directions, JWPce
will normally communicate with UNICODE applications using this
method, regardless of the set format.
56. Small bug in KINFO utility has been fixed. KINFO was handling
UTF character correctly everywhere except in the comment line.
This has been fixed. It had no effect on the final result, but
prevented names with extended ASCII from being used.
57. By popular request the lists have solid line markers not the

dashed line.
58. Fixed odd little display bug in list boxes. Selecting part
of a line with the mouse then pressing down incorrectly
only highlighted part of a line.
59. The font list in the Fonts options is now a drop list not
a drop box (you cannot edit the name). Spelling mistake
60. Chanced the way the spin controls work in some of the lookup
dialog boxes (Radical, Bushu, and Bushu/Stroke). The new
system will automatically skip values associated with the
stroke numbers of the selected radical(s). For example, if
you have an 11 stroke radical(s) selected, The sequence for
the total stroke count will be: 0, 11, 12, 13, ... 29, 30, 0.
Note that stoke counts of 1-10 are automatically skipped.
These combinations will always lead to no matches, because
they have less strokes than the selected radicals.
1. Fixed label on Display page of Options dialog (PPC version).
2. Windows CE programs will now install correctly, as well as recognizing
the correct folder locations on Japanese machines.
3. Small icons have been provided for dialogs and CE machines.
4. Modified the action of the selector controls. Using shift+cursor
motions after doing a kanji conversion now changes to doing a
selection correctly. The partial kanji conversion is not included
in the selected text.
5. Corrected kana input system to correctly process combinations like
matcha. To processes this correctly before you would have had to
enter maccha.
6. Added romaji inputs for jya, jyu, jyo.
7. Fixed a crash bug. If you selected text containing no characters (end
of line) then selected get information JWPce crashed. This has been
fixed. You get character information for no character.
8. Changed operation of the del key. When doing an inline conversion the
del key will delete the kana, but after the conversion has been changed
to kanji, the del key will delete characters to the right. Added a
option to enable the old actions which was to delete the conversion at
all times. (May remove this option later.)
9. Fixed bug in updating the configuration files. There was a bug that would
prevent updating the configuration. This has been fixed.
10. The : character was being rotated in vertical printing. This was not
11. It is now possible to put vertical text on the clipboard as a bitmap.
This is done by setting the clipboard font to a vertical font.
12. The following fonts can now be set in the program:

system font
edit font
list font
bar font
file font
big font
jis font
clip font
print font


Basic font used only for static Japanese text.

Used for Japanese edit controls
Used for Japanese list controls
Used for kanji bars.
Used to display your file
Font used to display large kanji in the Info screen
Used only for the JIS table (16x16 required)
Font used to render bitmaps on the clipboard
Font used for printing.

If the fonts are set at automatic they inherit the characteristics for
other fonts.
system font
+--------->edit font
+-->list font
+-->bar font
+--------->file font
+-->clip font
+-->print font
+-->big font
+-------------->jis font
13. Internal changes in vertical font handling.
14. Auto-cycling is now installed on the dictionary. When you enter a word and
do a search, the results list is automatically selected. If you just start
typing again, JWPce will not automatically jump to the input text box for th
next search. This works if you type any printable character, or right, left
and backspace.
15. Fixed duplicated key code in HPC Kanji menu.
16. Fixed handling of the clipboard tracking, so it no longer hangs up the other
programs when you copy something strange onto the clipboard.
17. Fixed programming kludge in the dictionary system, using the WM_PAINT messag
18. Big changes in the color kanji feature:
a. Kanji list is now stored in EUC code not JIS code so you can open the li
in JWPce.
b. Kanji/Color Kanji/Make Kanji List -- Make a kanji list, replacing the ol
d list.
c. Kanji/Color Kanji/Append to Kanji List -- Appends to the current kanji l
d. Kanji/Color Kanji/Add/Remove Kanji -- Opens a small dialog box. You can

add or remove kanji by entering them into this dialog box.

e. Kanji/Color Kanji/View Kanji List -- Opens a JWPce file and fills it wit
h all
the kanji on the kanji list.
f. Kanji/Color Kanji/Clear Kanji List -- Clears the entire kanji list.
g. Color kanji operations are now much faster.
19. Silenced errors generated from clipboard searches in the dictionary. These
not enough characters, mixed kanji, and kana. The error messages was not ne
useful, since often this was generated while you were working on another pro
and would prevent the dictionary from performing another search.
20. Wheel mouse support is now added.
Main window

--- Just does scroll

-- Scroll by page
-- Scroll through open files.

Anywhere else -plain -- Just does scroll

shift -- Scroll by page
Note, if you have the wheel mouse set to scroll by page, you will always get
by page.
21. Improved processing of the kana->kanji converter. There was a logic error t
prevented verbs such as machigau from being converted correctly, unless you
the entire verb.
22. File extensions are now used to determine the type of files. If you wish to
load a
file without the correct extensions, you must indicate the type. The follow
ing type
indicators are used:
for UTF-8.


JFC file type (preferred UTF-8, but could also be EUC).

UTF format file, with convert to UTF-7 or UTF-8. Preference

Note, .jwp, .jwc, and .jcp files are always recognized correctly because the
y contain
and ID code in the file.
23. Fixed some more spelling mistakes.
24. Spaces are now quietly skipped in the beginning of dictionary searches. Thi
s should

reduced a number of false mixed kana/kanji & ASCII errors.

25. The dictionary treats JASCII as ASCII.
26. ASCII dictionary searches are slightly faster.
27. Pattern searching is now allowed in the dictionary. The patterns supported



any number of characters including zero.

any one character.
only the beginning of the word
only the end of the word

Note *? Will match one or more characters.

To use the pattern search, you must have at least one kanji in your string.
This limit
is based on the current index system and may be changed later.
28. You may now search the dictionary for verbs such as "to read", "to swim", et
c. This will
reduce the number of false matches.
29. Dictionary tracking code removed. This project is not active, and I can add
back the
code if it is needed at a later time.
30. Added an option to disable the auto-scroll. Also provided an option to cont
rol the speed
of the auto-scroll. The auto-scroll regions were also reduced from 1/2 line
to 1/3 line.
Note that the scrolling speed will never exceed the redraw speed of the scre
en no mater
how fast you set it for.
31. Oops! Over optimize error fixed in the find command. This would not find c
characters if you input a lower case search string.
32. The Find Next command has been changed. If you attempt to do a Next before
doing a
search JWPce will automatically go into the search command. Previously you
would have
gotten an error message.
33. The Search and Search and Replace dialog boxes now normally stay on the scre
en and
can be used to search again. This action can be controlled by using the "Ke
ep Search
Dialogs Open" option on the Advanced page of the Options dialog.
34. You can now search in the User Conversions list, or in the User dictionary l
ist or in any
Japanese list. This search finds entries containing the search string. The
search can be
accessed using the ctrl-F and ctrl-N keys. Note the search for most lists c
an only
be accessed using these keys.

35. Some cleanup on the configuration structure.

36. Program files reformatted to make working with the code somewhat easier.
37. Several unused variables removed from the JWP_config class.
38. Code originally used to initialize the tool bar on older systems has been re
moved. This
version will force you to reinitialize the configuration files. This will i
nitialize the
tool bar.
39. Parameters in the configuration structure were reorganized to make more sens
40. Code used to handle a special case of having the incorrect parameters for th
e bushu
kanji searches has been removed. Again, since the configuration will be rel
oaded, the
setup will take care of this.
41. JWPce now keeps track of the last several dictionary searches, as well as te
xt searches,
and replace string. These features are called history for these operations.
You can
can control the size of the history buffers from the Advanced Options page.
The history
is smart and will attempt to avoid duplicating the same entry more than once
The history data is saved in the configuration file so you will have the sam
e history
resorted when the program restarts.
The history can be used in the following way. In the Japanese edit control
you can use
the up key to move further into the back of the history. The down key will
move you
toward the more recent history. If you move down past all history elements
JWPce will
open a small window containing all the history elements, and you can select
You can also access the history list by clicking the small "v" button to the
right of
the edit control.
The default 300 buffer will store about 30 lines of text.
42. Fixed small color display problems with Windows XP. Previously the system c
was a grey color used in the tool bars. Under XP this color is white. Most
places, this
has been changed to COLOR_BTNFACE, which is the color of a push button, and
is the grey
color used for menu strips and tool bars.
43. Kana converter now processes mb and mp combinations a nb and np. This allow
s the popular
romanization of newspaper to be entered as shinbun or now as shimbun.

44. Color system has been completely redone. JWPce will correctly respond to ch
anges in the
system colors. This includes the main windows. The rendering system has be
en updated
to allow the such thing as rendering white text on a black background.
45. Active Japanese list controls have a dotted line around them in Windows.
46. Position of the kanji bar at the top of the screen for CE is now corrected.
I had
incorrectly accounted for the height of the menu/tool bar.
47. With some more consistent code, some specialized Windows CE code could be re
This makes the program easer to work with.
48. The kanji information system has been updated to use the most recent version
KNAJIDIC. This includes entries for the following new references:
P.G. O'Neill's Essential Kanji (ISBN 0-8348-0222-8).
Jack Halpern in his Kanji Learners Dictionary, published by Kodansha in
Father Joseph De Roo, and published in his book "2001 Kanji"
This includes the De Roo cross-reference codes.
49. The above three indexes have been added to the index lookup for kanji. The
system is actually a classification system and a kanji lookup could be built
it like the other kanji lookup systems. At the moment I have decided not to
do this
basically because the system is somewhat hard for me to represent, and only
2001 classified kanji. Note this kanjifno.dat file is compatible with the p
version of JWPce
50. KINFO.EXE now accepts UTF-8 files. This crates a KANJINFO.DAT file that con
tains a
UTF-8 data for the meanings. This is supported by JWPce and allows the kanj
i data
to be translated into other languages.
51. Note, due to format changes in the current version, older project files will
not work.
I was not planning on releasing an update utility for these. If this is rea
lly a
problem, let me know and I will create one.
52. Default clipboard export format is now UNICODE. This format is more common
shift-JIS in the Windows world.
53. The project files have their own icon now.
54. Big bug fixed in the UNICODETEXT format. Do to a bug this format has not be
working correctly at all!. I suggest you keep this enabled, it allows JWPce

exchange data with UNICODE programs.
55. Fixed small bug in the JWPce file write. This would cause the file to be co
rrupted if
a zero was written to the file. Normally there should not be a zero in the
file data, but
it is possible to get one pasted in from the clipboard. I have also removed
most of the
ways to get a zero pasted into a file.
56. Conversion commands ctrl+up and ctrl+down work now in Japanese edit boxes ju
as in the main window.
57. Closing the user dictionary dialog box correctly transfers control to the pa
58. Handling of file type strings for open and save file dialogs has been standa
These strings use the tab_string() routine. This routine replaces tabs in t
he string
with the zeros required by these routines.
59. PPC machines now save backup copies by default. This was disabled because e
CE machines had no file explorer or viewer. PocketPC machines all have a fi
60. Localization files can specify a string IDS_DICT_LANGUAGE. If this string i
set to any value that does not begin with '.', if this is defined, it specif
a localization dictionary that is searched before all other dictionaries. T
characteristics of this dictionary are: UTF-8, Search, Quiet, Use an index i
present. (See below for more details on this.)
61. The processing for the searched dictionaries has been completely rewritten f
scratch. The system is no longer based on a EDIT_list class. The new rout
is based on a memory list of Dictionary class objects. The list is maintain
with by use of a ViewList.
The file format used to store dictionaries is completely different.
All dictionaries are listed in the dictionary list, including the standard
The location of any of the dictionaries (as well as the names) can be change
In the dictionaries dialog, you can move up and down with the cursor keys.
Space will toggle the state of the current dictionary (checked dictionaries
are possibly searched).

62. A much larger number of dictionary options are now supported:

-- Name of dictionary
-- Actual file for the dictionary.
Japanese text control contains the meaning for the first entry in the
dictionary. For many dictionaries, the first entry contains
the dictionary version and description.
refresh -- Update the Japanese text control.

-- EUC format, or classic EDICT format.

-- UTF-8 format
-- Old JWPce format. For simple ASCII meanings, this is the
same as EUC, however, this format allows extended ASCII in
the meaning. This is mixed, because the kana and kanji are
in EUC, and the meaning is in extended ASCII.

Indexed -- Dictionary has a index and is searched using the index.
Memory -- Dictionary has no index and is loaded into memory and
searched in memory.
Buffered -- Similar to a memory search, but is searched using a memory
buffer instead of loading the entire dictionary into
memory. This is slower than memory, but more suitable
for large dictionaries.
No Names -- Dictionary does not have names.
Has Names -- Dictionary does have names.
Only Names -- Dictionary has only names.
Search this Dictionary -- Search this dictionary.
Quiet handling of errors -- Don't report errors. You should not use this
flag, It is meant for default dictionaries to
suppress errors if ENAMEDICT and CLASSICAL are
not installed.
Keep dictionary open
-- Keeps dictionary open for faster searching, but
can use more memory and resources.
Classical dictionary
-- This is a classical formatted dictionary for
classical Japanese. This has a slightly
different searching algorithm.
User dictionary
-- This is the user dictionary, you cannot change
this flag.
63. Keep and Quiet dictionary options have been implemented for all dictionaries
64. Obsolete dictionary code for filtering has been removed.
65. Dictionary paths using localized characters are supported on all machines.
66. UTF-8 dictionaries are supported. Buffered dictionaries are not yet, but de
to using memory dictionary routines.
67. There is now a dictionary option to convert JASCII->ASCII. The default is
to have this option on, but you can disable it. There are a few entries in
EDICT that could require real JASCII to match.

68. There is a option for ASCII searches to look for full entries instead of
just full words. For example, if you search for "car", without the begin an
end flags you will get a large number of results. If you include the begin
and end flags you will get less entries, but still some odd ones "car chase"
"car horn", "Sweetish car brand". If you select Full ASCII Entry on the
dictionary options, you will get just 3 entries. EDICT is really a
Japanese->English dictionary this may help in going the other way.
69. The size of many of JWPce's dialog boxes can now be changed on the fly.
These are:
Character Information
More Character Information
Count Kanji
User Kana to Kanji Conversions
User Dictionary
History list
These dialog boxes are indicates by a wider drag border that can be used
to change the size of the dialog. The mouse pointer will also turn into
a sizing arrow when held at the edge of the dialog box. These dialog boxes
also have a maximize control.
We the exception of the Character Information, More character
Information, and history dialog boxes, JWPce will normally member the size a
position you last placed the dialog box and use these to open the dialog
box next time. If you reduce the size of the dialog box back to the
minimum, the dialog box placement will again be determined by the system.
The size memory was not implemented for the Character Information
dialog boxes because, generally these are already big enough. The main
reason for changing the size is to see all of the information for a
single kanji at one time. There are only a small number of kanji that
really require this. Further, Character Information dialog boxes can
be open from several locations so this was a problem.
While changing the size of a dialog box JWPce reformats the information
in the dialog box to fit the new size. If you are dealing with a dialog
box with a lot of information, this can take some time, so please be
CE does not support dragging the boarders of windows, but you can maximize
these dialog boxes. This does not buy a lot for PPCs, but does buy some
for HPCs.
70. Vertical scroll bars now support large files. All scroll bar math is done
at 32 bits for the list boxes and for the main window. 16 bit calculations
are used for all other cases, since these don't really require the larger
size. Using the scroll bar to scroll through EDICT was not reasonable
before, because JWPce could not update the location information fast enough.
This system has been changed to be very fast. It is now possible to move
through EDICT using the scroll bar.
71. Dotted boarder is now used on Windows CE machines for list boxes.
72. ARM/StrongARM PPC machines should have control over the input panel.

I don't have an ARM machine to test this on, and it is a bit difficult to
add, but I think it should work. Eventually I will create a PocketPC
73. Special version was generated for older Windows CE devices that do not
support system requests for directory locations.
74. Distribution dictionaries updated.
75. Windows CE versions are now compiled with eMbedded Visual C++. This
appears to have resulted in a smaller size executable.
76. Option to sort priority dictionary entries to the front of the list.
1. Changed how corrupted files are processed. JWPce now classifies the type
of error. A serious error will be reported just as before. However, if
JWPce can extract some of the information from the file you will be given
the option of loading the partial file.
1. Mouse events are captured in the JIS Table lookup. This prevents
problems with right clicking on a character and getting two windows.
2. Fixed a problem where if you closed a parent dialog, children got
closed, but did not get removed from the list of active dialogs.
3. Right clicking on the JIS table now correctly leaves the kanji-info
dialog activated.
4. Some messages were changed to be more descriptive and fix some spelling.
5. All strings required for internationalization have been placed in a
string table. This moves all parts of JWPce associated with
support for language in the resource file.
6. .txt file types are include in Japanese File types. This is because
this is a very common extension for these types of file form Japan.
7. A missing text string has been fixed in the list manager. Removed some
unnecessary code.
8. Because of the non-modal dialog boxes, it is possible to have a parent
dialog go away and take all the children. Thus the user dictionary could
be close out from under you. If this happens, JWPce will ask if you
want to save your changes.
9. Modified the way dialogs are closed again. The key problem is dialogs such
as the User Conversions and the User Dictionary. If these are closed withou
a chance to save the data, the changes are lost. They new system does not
require that you close these, but will prompt you to save the contents if
they have been changed.
10. JWPce now supports localization. A file named JWPce_lang.dll can
be placed in the same directory as JWPce. This will replace all menus and
dialog boxes with those of a different language.

11. Error in dialog processing list has been fixed.

12. Fixed character info display for extended ASCII characters.
13. More Info button is now disabled on non-kanji characters.
14. When no results are shown in the kanji lookups, double clicking
or pressing space will no longer insert a garbage character into
the file.
15. Processing of i-adjectives in the kana->kanji converter is more
sophisticated. The user can also specify a particular conversion is
for an i-adjective.
16. Fixed a major goof. I had some reports of people having trouble
with the dictionaries list getting corrupted, and other such problems.
When the list files were being written, the old contents of the file
were not being cleared. This can cause some major problems if the
size of the file is getting smaller. This has been fixed.
17. The Search and Replace dialogs are now modeless. The handling of
replacement sequences is better now. When replacing a->aa JWPce
will no longer loop (the old results are excluded from the new
18. The input-mode selection controls are no longer included in the tab
stops. Since they do not accept keyboard input they should not be
in the tab controls. This also caused confusion, since when the
control was selected, there was no indication that his was the active
1. Fixed a problem in using the right button in the kanji lookups
to get character information for the kanji.
2. Fixed small problem with closing a file that was not open.
3. Fixed a bug in the handling of the non-modal dialog boxes. It
turns out Windows does not deactivate a window before destroying it.
This created the possibility of corrupting the files list. This
could be seen from the user dictionary.
4. Fixed small bug in the Character Information routine that could
cause an error if no character was selected.
5. You can no longer shut down the dictionary when the user dictionary
is open. This leads to a crash because of the way Windows deals
with modal dialog boxes. Since JWPce can not tell if you want to
keep changes to the user dictionary or not, it simply does not allow
you to close the dictionary until the user dictionary is closed.
6. JWPce will now refuse to let you exit if certain dialog boxes are
open. This is because these dialog boxes require you to respond
with a selection. JWPce will not try to guess whether you want
to accept changes or not.
7. Fixed some errors in processing kanji in the kana->kanji conversion.
These only effected user defined kanji that contained godans.

8. Fixed a few small memory leaks. Also fixed a bug in the insert
text routines. Thanks to Vitaly Zagrebelny!
9. Added a copy to clipboard from the JIS Table. This can be accessed
by using the Copy->Clip button, or by pressing C when character is
selected in the JIS Table.
10. The user dictionary (and the main dictionary) now support extended
ASCII codes in the meaning fields. This is a mixed blessing. This
means that European users (and others) can make a user dictionary
in an easer manner. However, there are some problems with this.
First, the dictionary file is now a mixed format file, that will
present some problems later. You can edit the file with JWPce's
dictionary tools, but you cannot open the file directly in JWPce.
The other problem is that the meaning field cannot contain Japanese
text. This is normally not a problem since CLASSICAL is the only
dictionary I know of with meanings in Japanese.
11. Fixed small inconvenience with the clipboard tracking in the dictionary,
the Insert to File will no longer insert to the dictionary edit box.
(The order in which messages get sent from Windows can be a bit
12. Fixed small bug in the Insert to file feaster. When inserting a line
that contained a fragment of kana text, an extra space was being
13. Changed the Insert to File system to prevent insertion into the same
dialog box.
14. Added option to compresses the display fields in the Character
Information. For people using Windows CE machines (or anyone else),
this can result in much more displayed information. To maximize the
display turn on the compression and turn off the titles, form the
Misc page of the options dialog box.
15. A shortcut was added for the flies list (Alt+W).
16. Icons are now shown for the Windows CE systems.
17. Modified code to work with WineLIB. Thanks to all the work by
Matthew J. Francis, JWPce can be run on UNIX systems using WineLIB.
18. JWPce will not crash when trying to print without any printers
installed on the system.
19. General code cleanup.
20. NULL assignments to non-pointers replaced with assignments to null.
21. New type tchar defined as const TCHAR is now used a lot.
22. Now that I have an SH3 machine, I found a compiler error in the
character information routines. This has been fixed much as the
the others CE system errors.
23. The bug on NT systems with the dictionary reporting incorrect search
parameters (search string too short) has been fixed, I think??
24. CE systems now correctly display icons for files associated with

25. Windows determines the size of dialogs based on the size of the system
font. Unfortunately, Windows CE does the exact same thing, and the
system font varies from system to system. On a Jornada 690 many of
JWPce's dialog boxes were too big (because the Jornada uses a taller
font that the Velo did). The dialog boxes have been changed to work
on newer systems, and with the task bar enabled.
26. SKIP button was added to the task bar for HPCs.
27. Some Windows CE display stuff was cleaned up.
28. Fixed cursor positioning bug that can cause the cursor to move above
the display.
29. Changing the sate of the No Names dictionary checkbox, some times changed
the sate of the Begin With and End With boxes. This has been fixed.
30. Partial IME support is here for Windows 2000/NT/CE users and users of
Asian versions of Windows. JWPce is only a partially IME aware program.
I will be fixing this in the future to change JWPce into a fully IME
aware program, but his will have to wait until I have an IME system to
test on. Thanks to Gregg Tavares who contributed some pointers to the IME
I have disabled the IME on input windows that only have a limited input
acceptance (the Radicals, Lookup Results, etc). I have not done anything
with some of the windows (the big kanji window from Info, bushu window, etc)
These really accept no input, so I have not blocked the IME, but maybe I
should have blocked the IME?
31. Half-width katakana is now converted to full width on Windows CE systems.
32. Added support for additional Unicode characters (specifically line drawing
characters. This will also allow better auto-recognition of UNICODE texts.
33. Processing of invalid JIS codes has been changed. This corrects the display
problems on the JIS table when using TrueType fonts.
34. The count kanji feature now contains a summary of the count. This includes
the total number of kanji, kana, ASCII, characters. For students who have t
write a sakubun containing a specified number of characters this may be help
35. JWPce now captures the mouse when the left button is pressed. This gets
rid of some odd behavior if you drag the mouse outside an edit box.
36. Problems in the handling of Unicode pages for Greek and Cyrillic have
been fixed.
37. The page changes in the JIS table have been revised. The new algorithm skip
pages that contain no valid characters in the current font. The previous
system skipped pages by fixed values. This allows the JIS page system to
adjust for the different fonts on the system.
38. A newer smaller, more complete kana->kanji conversion dictionary has been

created. The new conversion system organizes the kanji by the most common
conversions first. Changing to the new system can cause some oddities with
your old previous choice list, but overall, this is a much nicer conversion
system. Further, the conversion dictionary was generated by me, and thus
I can make changes to it. The utility used to make the conversion dictionar
is in the utilities package.
39. Some IME support was removed from CE versions, since the IME only exists in
Windows CE 2.1 forward and JWPce supports CE 2.0 still. When I build in
full IME support, I will add support that is only functional in 2.1 systems.
41. The new kana->kanji dictionary has been compressed at a savings of over 50k.
This results in a change in the user dictionary. The utility NewConvert.exe
will convert your old user conversion dictionary to the new format.
New Files

Old Files (obsolete unless using JWP)


42. New kana->kanji conversion supports ichi-dan verbs.

43. Fixed problem in the PPC version. Using the down/up rocker will now allow
selection of possible kanji conversions correctly. This means to use the
down/up rocker for moving the cursor you may have to clear the selected text
if in a kanji conversion.
Version 1.32 was a test only version and was distributed only to a
small number of users doing some testing. All 1.32 versions are
followed by a letter indicating the test being conducted.
1. Fixed two bugs in the toolbar system. The first bug caused the
toolbar to loose one icon each time it was generated. The original
toolbar system used auto-spacing buttons. Most systems this works
correctly, but on other systems this would require an upgrade of
a system library. I do not want to require people to make changes
to their system. I have restricted to toolbar to use fixed button
sizes. This may cause problems later, but works for now.
2. Fixed a small glitch in the initialization sequence that generate a
non-sense error (about not being able to save the configuration) the first
time you ran JWPce.
3. Fixed the confusion between the UNDO and CONVERT buttons.
1. Big changes in the Character Information dialog. Basically, all
the information from Jim Breen's KANJIDIC is now available. The
dialog leads to a chain of dialogs, the length of the chain depends
of the system platform.
The data fields in the Character Information are also now selectable.
This allows you to copy the contents of the fields to the clipboard.
You cannot edit the fields or change them, but you can copy them.

2. Internal processing of character information has been made much more

3. Fixed error with processing lists with big words when using big fonts,
this results in a formatting error that can crash the system.
4. Fixed bug that caused the settings to become corrupted if you deselect
the save settings on exit flag.
5. SKIP code lookup system in installed.
6. JWPce adjust to the configuration of the kanji-information file, by
disabling some features that you do not have information for.
7. Fixed on of the radical mappings in the kanji info. This was mapped to
nen (wish) and is now mapped to katakana yo.
8. Bushu based kanji lookup has been implemented. This is basically the
system used by most kanji dictionary and locates kanji by one key
radical (Nelson or classical) and the number of strokes.
9. Index based kanji lookup has been added. This allows you to find kanji
via various dictionary indexes.
10. Select all was added to the popup-menu.
11. Kanji search engine based on the reading of the kanji has been added.
12. Modeless dialog boxes:
Bushu Lookup
User Conversion
Four-Corner Lookup
Index Lookup
Character Information
Radical Lookup
Reading Lookup
SKIP Lookup
User Dictionary
JIS Table
Kanji Count
All reasonable dialogs are now modeless. They may launch other modeless
or modal dialogs. All of the modeless dialogs have a minimize gadget that
will drop them to the bottom of your screen.
13. On kanji search engines, pressing Ctrl+Shift+C in the results window, or
pressing the Shift key and selecting the Copy->Clip will the entire results
list to the clipboard.
14. Fixed that bug with the line auto-wrap placing the cursor at the wrong
15. The dictionary can now automatically monitor the clipboard and automatically
search for whatever is placed on the clipboard. When the dictionary is left
open this can be very useful.

16. Classical dictionary search mode has been implemented. This makes special
provisions for searching the classical Japanese dictionary.
17. Some redundant drawing code was removed from several custom controls (radica
lookup, JIS table, etc.). This code was left over from when these controls
were flat and were separated via a line drawn around them.
18. Added a kanji lookup based on radical-strokes / radical / total strokes
variant on the Bushu lookup
19. Added kanji lookup based on the Hadimenski and Spahn encoding system.
20. DeleteDC changed to ReleaseDC in jwp_stat.cpp. This was incorrect, but work
OK. (Thanks to Matthew J. Francis).
21. Some unnecessary code has been removed from the CE version font routines.
22. Option to show all fonts in the printer and display font list has been added
I advise against using this, but it will allow you to find a Japanese TrueTy
font that does not have the correct flags set for Japanese type face.
23. I was incorrect about the font handling on Windows CE. Windows CE systems
either have TrueType fonts or Bitmapped fonts, but not both. Using some
tricks, I have enabled TrueType Japanese font support on CE machine which
TrueType fonts.
24. Fixed small input bug in the PPC. This was preventing the following inputs
from working correctly: si, tsu, tzu.
25. Various very annoying problems with the cursor not being rendered where it
actually is have been fixed.
26. HPC's now have a button bar.
27. PPC's now have a button bar.
28. Windows machines now have a configurable toolbar.
29. Changed addressing into kanji information to get around problems in the
Microsoft CE compliers. This guarantees anything larger than a byte will
be accessed from an aligned address.
30. Option is added to allow the kanji information database be cached. This
allows much faster searches using some of the new kanji lookup systems.
*31. JWPce contains a UNICODE character input bypass. This may allow JWPce to
operate with the IME on Windows 2000 systems.
32. Changes in the Page Layout dialog are now reflected in the file correctly.
Previously you had to do something to get JWPce to re-layout the page.
33. Added controls to allow suppression of the clipboard BITMAP and UNICODETEXT
formats. This can be useful on NT machines to control the used format.
34. Major revisions to the manuals and documentation.

35. Added feature to select all radicals from a given kanji in the radical looku
This can be done by pasting a kanji from the clipboard onto the radicals win
This will select all radicals in the given kanji.
36. The distribution version of EDICT has been changed to the most recent versio
37. The classical Japanese dictionary CLASSICAL is now being distributed.
38. The shime (closing mark) was not being rotated in vertical print.
1. Small bug in the font failsafe (if JWPce could not find your font
it was supposed to open the 16x16 font), has been fixed.
2. Fixed small bug in PPC version the blocked the ASCII fonts.
3. Bug that could lockup machine when processing corrupted dictionary files
has been fixed. JWPce tries to decode the data, but will not crash.
4. Fixed memory allocation error that could cause a problem in the user
dictionary or the user kana->kanji conversions.
5. Fixed processing on ASCII character 255. The metric was missing for this
character which caused strange spacing. This character is used in
6. Switched all multi-page dialog boxes to using my handler. This is smaller,
but does not support the Ctrl+Tab switching of the pages.
7. Fixed the problem with jerky vertical scrolling.
8. Corrected some spelling mistakes (probably made some new ones too).
9. JWPce will now read and write JFC files. (Actually JFC files are just
EUC or UTF-8 so JWPce could always read them.) When writing JFC files,
JWPce will always write in UTF-8 format. You have to explicitly save
in EUC format and change the extension if you want to use EUC files.
JFC read EUC or UTF-8 format files, and determines if they are JFC format
by the extensions (.jfc).
10. The configuration file was changed again. This will cause JWPce to go
to the default configuration. The new configuration system contains
room for expansion. This will allows me some freedom to modify the
configuration without forcing JWPce to use the default configuration.
11. Project files have been added. Choosing Save As... then selecting file
type of JWPce Project will save not the current information, but the state
of JWPce, including all open files, and all configuration settings. These
can be reloaded by opening a project file again. The management of the
recent files list has been modified to make projects somewhat easier to
use. Note: The project file can be in any directory, not necessary where
the files associated with the project are.
12. The UInfo utility has been rewritten in a major way to support UNICODE

13. JWPce now adjust the UNICODE processing to the local code page used by the
system. This will cause UNICODE translations of Russian, Greek, etc to be
valid in all systems. If JWPce cannot identify your code page (or you have
and east-Asian code page) the USA/Western Europe code page will be used.
A previous mistake in UNICODE data processing caused JWPce to incorrectly
process UNICODE data (including UTF-7 and UTF-8) that had characters in the
extended ASCII space of the code page. This affects special characters
such as umlauts and accented characters. Before installing this version of
JWPce convert any such files to JWPce/JWP file format, so the characters wil
not be garbled. -- Sorry for the inconvenience.
14. I finally got fed up with adjusting the extensions list, and made it a separ
list structure. This costs an extra 400 bytes of code space. Oh well...
15. The context menu button (and in most cases Alt+F10) have been activated. Th
do basically what the right mouse button would do in most cases.
16. A problem with getting character information from characters within a list o
PPC machines has been fixed.
17. Using the right mouse button (or alt+left button), it is now possible to che
the meaning of kanji on the kanji bar when editing in the main window.
Checking is not yet supported in dialog box windows, because of limitations
in the windows system (click are not recorded in the kanji bar when a dialog
box is open).
1. The line spacing has been adjusted so that the bottom of ASCII
characters with descanters is not clipped. The screen line spacing
now matches the printer line spacing.
2. Font handling is generally improved, with better handling of different
for each different part of the program.
3. TrueType font support. This include a small edit box on the options
screen that can be used to determine what the size of the TrueType
font will be in pixels. This may be an odd way to do this, but it
actually allows you to choose the size for readability.
TrueType fonts are not supported on Windows CE devices, since the
current version of the Windows CE TrueType font engine does not
support glyph indexing.
4. If your selected font cannot be open, JWPce defaults to the standard
bitmapped 16x16 font.
5. Due to the way fonts are cached, you will get some very strange display
results if you change the device resolution (screen size) while JWPce
is running.
6. The order of the recent files list, and the order in which files are
loaded when JWPce starts have been standardized.

7. A missing queued event in the undo system has been corrected. This was
causing the first line of pastes to paragraphs to not be undoable.
8. Fixed bug that could cause a system crash if you redo before undoing.
9. Should be able to enter European characters directly into the system.
Control character ranges are blocked (ASCII < ' '). But this should
allow all code values from other codepages.
10. A small bug preventing expanding of half-width katakana in EUC files
has been fixed.
11. New read and write formats have been added for UTF-7 and UTF-8. These
formats are also supported on the clipboard. The UTF-7 format cannot
be distinguished from ASCII text (it was designed that way), so it is
not auto-detected. UTF-8 format is auto-detected on the clipboard and
on file loads. JWPce attempts to attach the .utf file extension for the
UTF-8 file format.
12. Previous versions of JWPce relied on the system code to add the extension
to saved files. This codes does not appear to function correctly, so
JWPce is now adding extensions directly. This seems to solve the extension
13. JWPce now formats very long ASCII strings without a break correctly.
these are now simply placed on one long line that extends past the
right margin. Note that most people would only encounter this when
loading data from an incorrectly decoded file.
14. The up-down buttons can now be used in PPC devices to do a kanji-conversion,
or to select the kanji conversion. This is a big improvement and allows
the PPC machines to make a really good dictionary. If you are not in a
kanji-conversion the up-down buttons will simply move the cursor up or
15. HPC versions of JWPce now adjust the main window when the input panel is
open or closed.
16. Some dialog boxes in the PPC version have been adjusted so that as many
of the input boxes are located above the input panel as are possible.
17. The PPC version now manipulates the input panel to generally open the input
panel when input is expected and to close it at other times.
18. An option has been added to move the kanji bar to the top of the display.
The option to move the status bar above the kanji bar has been removed.
19. JWPce is now compiled under Visual C++ 6.0.
20. Small bug in the radical lookup when using just stoke count with the +/options has been fixed.
21. JWPce now behaves correctly on a system with no printers.
22. Fixed some mappings in the UNICODE translator to support the non-standard
codes used by Microsoft Applications.
23. Some small revisions to the uinfo and kinfo utilities.

1. Fixed a bug in the UNICODE translation, that caused Greek and
Cyrillic characters to be translated wrong. This also caused some
kanji to be incorrectly translated to Greek or Cyrillic.
1. Fixed bug in processing of godan user conversions that end in u.
2. Fixed small bug the could trap you in the dictionary when searching
for an invalid search string. This bug only affected version 1.01
and 1.02 which were not widely distributed.
3. Small imperfections in the advanced dictionary searches that were
released with versions 1.01 and 1.02 have been fixed.
4. The "Are You Sure?" dialog that comes up when you close the file
has been converted to the more standard Windows version that
automatically suggests saving the file. This is different than
the JWP default.
5. PPC version dialog boxes have been adjusted.
6. PPC version now links JWPce into the program directory correctly.
7. PPC version now supports the action button. Generally this will
do what clicking the right mouse button will do.
8. Menus on the PPC version have been corrected to fit in the display.
9. Clicking and holding the action button when in the kanji lookup
dialog will display info for the currently selected kanji. When
you release the button you will be returned to the kanji dialog
10. On PPC versions, you can click on the kanji in the Character
Information dialog box to get a big view of the kanji.
11. Windows CE PPC's do not seem to support mutable types in the
file open dialog, thus JWPce/PPC sets up the open dialog box to
look for .jce file types. I have left the Japanese File Types in
the list in the hope that MS will fix this problem at some time.
12. The file path is now initialized to "My Documents". This is
necessary for Windows CE, so this is the default used.
13. Both the options and the Page Layout dialog boxes are now working
under PPC systems.
14. Alt-^ can be used to toggle the input mode. This provides better
compatibility for people using Japanese Windows
15. The JIS table is now accessible from the popup menu. Since the
table initializes to the hiragana page, this allows it to be used
to select characters for input.
16. Fixed clipboard cut bug that caused the wrong section to be copied
to the clipboard when selecting part of the line from the beyond
the first line in a list.

17. User dictionary editor was fixed to no longer report an error on

words containing a chouon (long vowel marker). Actually this was
in the code by the character code was for a long hyphen, not a
18. Ctrl+F has been added as an accelerator for the Edit/Search command.
The Ctrl+S accelerator is retained for the moment, but may be used
later for some other feature.
19. Since PPC's don't have a file manager, the auto-backup feature is
now disabled by default. You can turn it back on in the Options
20. Due primarily to the lack of a file management system on the PPC's
a file delete function has been added. This will allow you to
delete the disk copy of the current file. Because of limited space
on the HPC's, this function is not in the menu, but can still be
accessed via the keyboard shortcut Alt+D.
21. For PPC versions of JWPce, the program will not allow more than one
version to run at the same time. If you try to run a second version,
the existing version will be brought to the front. The is to deal
with the difficulties of task switching and finding out what is
running on a PPC.
22. An auto-search feature is now on by default in the radical-lookup
dialog. Every time you select a radical, or change the count, the
system will search again. The radical searches have been made
faster. The cost of this option is the loss of the >= count
count option. (I must admit, that I have never used this option
for real work, but if people really miss it let me know and I
will see what I can do.)
23. Rendering in kanji lists (used on the kanji bar and the radical
lookup) has been greatly increased in speed, specially for long
lists. (Basically we stop rending at the edge of the screen!)
24. Small glitch that caused the incorrect name to sometimes be displayed
in the title bar has been fixed.
25. The Insert to New File popup menu time has been modified. It still
creates a new file and inserts the selected text to the file, but
it now returns you to the file you were editing.
26. Since PPC machines do not have TrueType fonts, JWPce will allow
bitmapped fonts to be used on them (ASCII font).
27. All dialog boxes now work on PPC machines!
28. Windows CE systems, the OK button will close the dialog box.
29. Fixed bug that caused punctuation to be misplaced when printing
vertical sometimes.
30. Fixed problem with window position changing when minimizing and
then restoring JWPce window.
31. Big fix in reading UNICODE. Some punctuation characters were not
being correctly processed. This has been fixed.

32. Support for European characters has been added to the UNICODE
33. Big improvements in the auto-detect system correctly recognizing
34. A message box was added to indicate when a file could not be loaded.
JWP files containing an bug in the undo information cannot be
loaded by JWPce. JWP has specific code to deal with this bug, but
I could not understand what the problem was. So convert your files
by saving them without undo information, or by cut and paste.
35. Fixed problem with entering i character on the PPC's. When you do
this using Jot, first an "l" is sent, then a <back space>, and
finally an 'i'. This really messes with JWPce's decode system.
Special code has be added to handle this stupidity.
1.03->1.04: (Version with limited distribution)
1.02->1.03: (Version with limited distribution)
1.01->1.02: (Version with limited distribution)
1. Fixed character processing to allow correct loading and saving of
extended European characters.
1.00->1.01: (Version with limited distribution)
1. The Save dialog box does not show the read only check box any more.
This never was supported.
2. The TAB character now correctly flushes the romaji->kana converter.
3. The JIS table now initializes to the hiragana page. This allows
the JIS table to be used to select hiragana that you cannot
remember the romaji for. Note the katakana page is the next page.
4. Minor improvement in dictionary search speed. The dictionary was
previously filtering all searches weather they required it or not.
5. Improved dictionary search speed (and code size at same time).
Dictionary keys are pre-processed for faster and simpler comparisons.
This should speed dictionary searches, especially on simply search
6. Big chances in the dictionary. The No Personal Names and No Place
Names have been combined into a No Names check box (tri state). An
Advanced check box has been added. The advanced search will use
grammatical rules to attempt to find a match for the search pattern.
Check boxes have been added to the Dictionary Options dialog
to control the advanced search. They are:
Advanced Search -- Activates the advanced search (same as on
the Dictionary Dialog box).
Always Search
-- Normally an advanced search is only
conducted if the normal search fails. If
this is checked, an Advanced search will
always be conducted.
Show all
-- Normally advanced searches stop after
results are found. This will cause the


search to continue until all possible

matches are found.
-- Attempting to match search strings against
potentially can lead to a number of
miss-matches. Clearing this will block
searching for i-adjectives.

7. Fixed a bug that prevented Windows CE machines from loading

supplemental dictionaries.
1. The Edit/Select All command now correctly activates the Edit/Cut
and Edit/Copy commands.
2. Fixed rendering routines so non-white background will be supported.
Note Windows CE still requires a white background for execution
speed considerations.
3. Windows CE versions were not correctly redrawing the bottom of
the edit region (when the file is shorter than one page). This is
4. Background color on several window styles has been better defined
to be COLOR_WINDOW, this better supports changing the background
5. When selecting clear from the radicals' lookup dialog box the radicals
window will automatically be activated. The initial radical selected
in the radicals lookup window now adjust for the size of the
window in Windows CE versions.
6. The kana processor has been upgraded so n" -> hiragana n and N" ->
katakana n. This allows typing katakana with the caps lock on.
7. The kana processor has been modified to include the complete
Hepburn, Kunrei, and Nippon romanization systems. As many as is
reasonable and possible of the odd combinations that are using in
katakana strings have also been included. Some of there cannot
be included because they conflict with the hiragana patterns in
one or more of the system. Other have not been included because
they would make entering hiragana unreasonable.
8. The l character is not interchangeable with r in the entry system.
9. Occasional misplacement of the cursor when using the mouse to
select text has been fixed.
10. A button to copy the selected radical from a radical search to
the clipboard has been added. The keyboard shortcuts C (any
qualifier except alt) and I (any qualifier except alt) can be
used to copy the radical to the clipboard or get character
information, when the results window is active.
11. The radical lookup dialog has been modified to clear the radical
list whenever you change any of the settings. Further, the
buttons that cannot be used are deactivated instead of generating
a beep.
12. The unsupported vocabulary menu item has been removed. When the

vocabulary utility is done I will add it back.

13. Due to some confusion on the Format File and Format Paragraph
dialog boxes (one formats the current/selected paragraph and the
other formats all paragraphs in the file). The names have been
changed. This was the first dialog box in JWPce and has been
changed to match the style of other dialog boxes.
14. cm units are now handled correctly. Actually there could be a
general problem in setting the margins (previously) to anything
except 1. This has been fixed.
15. Undo and Redo are now available in all Japanese edit controls.
This can save you if you accidentally delete a kanji you worked
hard at getting.
16. Some changes were made in the standard popup menu. This was
modified to allow the Unto and Redo commands to be added. The
mode selects were moved to a sub menu so CE machines can display
the menu correctly. Since there are buttons everywhere to set
the mode I do not see a problem with this.
17. A bug in reading files containing page breaks. The bug caused
all following paragraphs to be loaded as page breaks.
18. The processing used in adding page breaks was revised slightly
to make it more intuitive. When adding a page break at the
beginning of a paragraph, a blank line is no longer inserted in
front of the page break.
19. Fixed Windows NT problem that caused NT to constantly report that
JWPce is not installed. I am surprised that this had not been
20. Windows CE dialog boxes have been centered for better location.
21. Fixed small bug causing Windows CE choose color dialog box to
invoke the help system at unusual times.
22. First trial at a PPC version. All dialog boxes except Character
Information, Page Layout, and Options have been adjusted.
Internal version! Not released! Do not use!
1. Fixed hole in the undo system when doing a clipboard paste over
a selected region, this could not be fully undone.
2. Font selection routines (Options dialog) have been changed to
select exact fonts. Previously they attempted to use the closest
match to the font you had selected (in case you remove a font).
Windows, however thinks that "Ariel Black" is closes to "Ariel"
than "Ariel" is!?!?
3. Cancel button is spelled correctly on the Dictionary Options

4. Fixed bug in using the From Clipboard button in the Character

Information dialog box.
5. Corrected a number of spelling mistakes in the program, help,
and documentation (thanks Alec).
6. Distribution now includes the newest version of EDICT (26JUN98
V98-002). Thanks again Jim.
7. Version 0.90 will not print vertically. Somehow, this got
disabled, and has now been fixed.
8. Change the printing samples in the documentation to version
actually generated with JWPce. Took a while to find a print
capture utility that worked correctly.
9. Removed some unused font rotation code from Windows CE versions
This saves around 1k of code, since CE versions do not
------------------------------------------------------------------Manual, Windows 95/98/NT Help
------------------------------------------------------------------1. Corrected the scroll bar on Japanese list controls.
2. Corrected the processing of the x character in JASCII mode.
3. Fixed bug in kana to kanji conversion that would not accept A.
4. Changed kana->kanji conversion so combinations such as A then F2
result in a kana->kanji conversion on a hiragana A.
5. Fixed small display problem with the cut to clipboard using the
Shift+Del combination.
6. Fixed placement error on list-box popup menu.
7. Somehow in version 0.81 the double click features of some of the
controls get disabled. These have all been repaired.
8. I have revised the handling of color-kanji in the bitmap clipboard
format. Previously, the bitmap format was a duplicate of the screen.
This works okay, but makes bitmaps that take too much memory. This
method is still used if color-kanji is include. If color-kanji
is not included, JWPce now generates a monochrome bitmap, which is
smaller. The default configuration has been changed to disable
the color kanji in bitmap formats.
9. Fixed bug in the format routine, that could crash the system. It
was possible to delete text, have JWPce reformat the paragraph and
end up deleting the line with the cursor.
10. JWPce now accepts negative values for the first indent value for
paragraphs. This allows handing indents. If the parameters you
enter are incorrect for formatting a paragraph, the message box is
attached to the Formatting Parameters dialog, not the main window.
Some range errors are handled silently.

11. Fixed hole in the undo system for reformatting paragraphs, the line
spacing was not being saved and restored.
12. Fixed display of ASCII JIS values in the Character Information
dialog under Windows CE.
13. Fixed a number of small bugs in the mouse handler (double click,
and selection routines).
14. Slight changes in layout of some dialog boxes (Radical Lookup &
Misc page from Options).
15. < and > keys can now shift kanji the Radical Lookup results.
Selecting a radical in the Radical lookup window will clear the
results (Matches) list. This means the results always represents
the state of the radicals buttons. Shift+click (or shift+right
click) in the radical results will always get Character Information.
16. Removed configuration flag related to double clicking in the radical
lookup results bar. This is now handled by a consistent set of
mouse clicks. Double click always inserts to file. Shift+right
click does kanji info.
17. Fixed a big bug that could crash the machine when using the popup
menu inside the list box of the Count Kanji feature. Also fixed
screen flashing when doing a copy to clipboard from that feature.
(Bug leftover form the changes in version 0.80).
18. Cleaned up the width calculations used in breaking lines to fit
in list boxes, this gives a much move pleasing appearance, with no
characters being partially displayed.
19. Fixed small goof in processing characters in some custom windows.
This usually just caused flashing of the screen, but in the case
of the radicals window could cause erratic cursor movements.
20. A bug in the clipboard paste from a list box allowed JWPce to
access such clipboard items, but not other programs.
21. Removed the Check if Installed box from the Advanced page of the
Options dialog. This was unnecessary since you can simply launch
the Install dialog and access this option.
22. ^+ Keyboard command can be used to enter the + character in kanji
input mode.
23. Corrected processing of <> characters such that with Ctrl, these
do a kana->kanji conversion, and with shift these enter <>.
Previously they were trying to do a kana->kanji conversion too
24. Changes the name of the Font/Format/Print options page to Font/Format,
since the printer stuff mostly moved to the Page Layout dialog.
25. Minor changes to menus to make them consistent.
26. ASCII mode files are actually saved as shift-JIS files.
27. Correct the Headers/Footers page of Page Layout to display &&

28. Fixed bug in cursor placement when deleting text that is not in
the first line of a paragraph.
29. Japanese edit boxes will now scroll the text to make full use of
the window when displaying long lines of text. Really helps!
30. Fixed special codes list in the Date/Time page of the Page
Layout dialog box.
31. When splitting a paragraph, the new paragraph inherits the format
parameters of the old paragraph.
32. Found another formatting error introduced when changing the screen
updates. This affected splitting paragraphs away from the top.
33. ASCII text is now justified when printing. Simplified the ASCII
printing options from one for short and long text to just one.
You can justify or not. This is really the same as setting both
of the older ones the same way. This was dumb to have separate
settings before.
34. Fixed small bug in the refresh for the JIS Table. This was
preventing the character window from refreshing on Windows CE
machines. Fixed small problem with window not activating when
you clicked on it with the mouse.
35. Changes the kanjinfo.dat file again. The Character Information
dialog now includes the index numbers for New Nelson's dictionary
(edited by John Haig). Further the Character Information dialog
now include the classical bushu (when different from the Nelson
bushu). This is included as both a number and as a character.
36. Manual! (jwpce.doc, Word 95 [7.0])!
37. Help! Windows 95/98/NT only.
0.81->0.82: Version 0.82 is internal only and should not be used!
1. All Japanese List boxes now carry a pop-up menu. You can access
this menu by pressing the right mouse button over the list box (or
Alt+the left mouse button). From this menu a number of things can
be done:
A. You can copy text to the clipboard.
B. Get character information (for the character under the cursor)
C. Insert text in the parent file (which may actually be a
Japanese edit box.
D. Replace text in the parent file (which may actually be a
Japanese edit box.
E. Insert text into a newly created file.
F. Insert text into any open file.
G. If you use options D or E, JWPce will keep track of the last
file that you inserted to and will define that as an
accumulation file. Once you do this once, another menu
item will show up that allows you to insert directly into
your accumulation file. This allows you to make vocabulary

list in a separate file easily.

H. Shift+right click (shft+alt+tap for Windows CE) will go
directly to character information for the character under
the mouse.
2. A bug was introduced in the install routines in generating the
CE version. This bug prevented the correct icon from being displayed
on the command line or on the desktop, but has no other effect.
This has been fixed.
3. During creation of the CE version the auto-detect for UNICODE files
got disabled. This has been re-enabled.
4. When selecting text with the cursor/mouse, JWPce now shifts to
center character coordinates, after the mouse is first pressed.
This gives a much more intuitive feedback, having to drag past
the center of a character instead on into the next character.
5. Because the character information dialog box can be entered from
a number of different points, the routine is now re-entrant,
allowing more than one character information dialog boxes to be
open at the same time.
6. Listbox handler has been expanded to allow selecting characters
within the line. These characters must be all on the same line,
and must be selected with the mouse.
Listbox handler has been expanded to allow drag selecting of
multiple lines. Auto-scrolling will enable if the mouse is moved
below the center point of the bottom line or above the center
point of the top file.
7. Edit-list handler has been expanded to allow multi-select. This
is very useful in the user dictionary. The list manipulation
commands, however, will only function on the currently selected
line (has a box around it).
8. JWPce now writes a UNICODE ID at the beginning of UNICODE files.
JWPce also recognizes this ID as indicating the file is UNICODE,
and process the ID on reading the file.
9. An error in the kanjinfo.dat file has caused all characters with
bushu codes greater than 127 to be assigned the wrong bushu codes.
This has been fixed. The newest version of the kanjinfo file
contains the corrected version of the bushu codes, and extension
fields are initialized. These fields will allow added information
to be added to the file. All users will have to update their
kanjinfo files.
10. Auto-scrolling is now active in the main file window. This means
that if you are marking text with the mouse, the display will
automatically scroll the display.
11. Mode select button has been added to all dialog boxes containing
a Japanese edit box.
12. The popup menu now contains a check next to the current input mode,
much as the main menu.
13. Double clicking on an editable list will invoke the edit command,

not the add command, if you are clicking over an item.

14. The File/Revert command will now reload the file even if the file
has not changed. This was changed because if the file really has
not changed then you only loose some time. If you changed the
disk file somehow, you can revert, even though JWPce has not
changed file.
15. Cleaned up the code a lot, added some comments, and tied up things.
I know nobody cares but me, but clear code is nicer anyway.
16. Greatly improved the screen redraw rates. For general editing,
the redraw can be over an order of magnitude faster.
17. Fixed an error in the clipboard handling routines. Previously,
pasting with invalid data on the clipboard could have unpredictable
results (including crashing JWPce).
18. Found an error in the cache handler that could cause an endless
loop when reading files with half-width-kana. Verified that the
half-width-kana routines function correctly. They do convert
half-width-kana to kana.
19. Re-edited the Windows CE code to remove some code that is not
really necessary. This should make no change other than reducing
the size of the program.
1. Corrected routine for processing return key such that if you have
a selected region that text will be replaced by the new paragraph.
2. Modified code for the close button. If the alt key is held down
the close control will close the program, if the control key is
held down the close control will close the file. If neither is
held down, the control will do whatever is set in the options
3. Modified the mouse handler routines so that alt+left mouse button
brings up the popup menu. This is typical for windows CE.
ctrl+left button now selects the word under the cursor, and
shift+left button gets character information for the character
under the cursor.
4. There was a bug in the Japanese edit control. If you invoked
the character info on an empty edit control the system would
crash. This has been fixed.
5. The order of the special codes in the Header/Footer page of the
Page Layout dialog box has been changed back to separated by
main items, and summary items. I had it this way earlier but
changed it to make it alphabetical, however, I didn't like that.
6. Page Layout dialog no longer indicates that the file has changed
if you cancel the layout.
7. You can now abort out of the Page Layout and/or Options dialog
boxes by pressing ESC (like all other dialog boxes in JWPce).
The things that need to be programmed in by hand in Windows never
cease to boggle the mind! The same applies to the ENTER key and

these dialogs.
8. The Page layout page for headers and
back to editing the header or footer
selector no longer comes back blank,
crash when you try to change it from

footers now correctly comes

you were editing. The edit
and the system will not

9. Added and ctrl+> for forward kana->kanji convert.

Also added ctrl+< as backward kana->kanji convert.
10. Windows CE generation choices:
Bitmap clipboard format is not supported.
TEXT and OEMTEXT clipboard formats are not supported (just UNICODETEXT).
Support for half-width katakana has been dropped. I have not yet
encountered a file using this and it saves some code space. In
addition, since I have not encountered a file using this I have not
yet been able to test the routines.
Multi-file selects are not supported (Windows CE does not allow)
Printing is not supported in Windows CE.
Some items were removed from the Edit menu, because the menu was
too long for Windows CE display. The removed items are Insert
page break, and the mode settings.
Network startup options are not supported.
11. Major restructuring of the Clipboard routines to support Windows CE.
The new routines provide for better UNICODE support anyway.
12. Restructured all resource access to use integer coding, this is much
smaller in terms of code space, faster in execution, and more
13. Many of the menu short-cut keys have been revised. This is mostly
to allow better operation on Windows CE machines that have limited
keyboard capabilities.
14. Static data areas have been replaced with specific window classes
for all special functions. This is because static windows are not
supported under Windows CE.
15. Custom list-box class has been constructed that is now used for
all list boxes. This class is supported under Windows CE for
list management.
16. Corrected the inset into file such that when you do a multi line
insert, it correctly pushes your previous text down instead of
leaving that odd line handing on the end.
17. Since the Japanese list box manager had to be rewritten, some new
functionality was added. In particular, when working with lists,
the insert key will add a new entry, the delete key will delete
the current entry, and the control-arrows will move the entry up
or down. The space key will edit the entry.

18. Visual improvements, most of the custom window styles now have
a 3D border around them. This is more ascetically pleasing than
the previous system.
19. Button was added to go to the user dictionary from the dictionary
options dialog.
20. Radical Lookup has been modified. When the radicals dialog is
activated, you can now enter a number and will be taken to the
first radical with that number of strokes. The system uses a last
number remember, thus when entering the numbers 1 and 7, the 1
will take you to 1-stroke radicals and 7 will then take you to
17-stroke radicals, and another 7 will take you to 7-stroke radicals.
21. The radical lookup dialog box got completely overhauled. This
was motivated by converting this dialog box to function under
Windows CE. This has resulted in the stroke count buttons being
replaced by an edit box and a spin control. This should be
easier to work with and takes up less space.
1. Thanks to file sent in by John Villasenor, I was able to track
down what I think is the last JWP file variation that JWPce could
not read. This had to due with storing undo changes in the file,
that spanned more than one paragraph.
2. Error in size of kana->kanji conversion buffer has surfaced,
this has been corrected by changing the size of the buffer.
The file handling for the kana->kanji converter has been completely
recreated. The new system uses the IO_cache objects to perform
the file IO. This permanently gets rid of the problems with the
old fixed cache being the wrong size.
3. Internal option to disable the caching for the main display font
is now available to the user via the Advanced page of the Options
Dialog. This will allow the program to run faster at the
expense of using more memory.
4. Printing of desired parts of a file has been implemented. You
can either print by page or the selected region. When you have
a selected region JWPce suggests printing the pages that contain
the selected text. You also have the option of printing just the
selected text. If you print just the selected text, the headers
and footers may not make any sense.
0.75r: (special research version created for UCLA research project)
1. This version was not released to the general public. If you
have obtained this version, it contains code that is specific
to a UCLA research project and you should obtain a release
version, that does not contain this code.
1. Vertical printing has been added.
2. Internal code improvements.

0.74r: (special research version created for UCLA research project)

1. This version was not released to the general public. If you
have obtained this version, it contains code that is specific
to a UCLA research project and you should obtain a release
version, that does not contain this code.
0.73->0.74: (never released publicly)
1. You can now open and work with display and printer fonts of any
size (bitmap only).
2. You can specify the printer size used.
3. The options dialog box got overhauled.
4. There are now options to disable color-kanji in the bitmap
clipboard format, and in printing.
5. Format paragraph
routines. I was
the way JWP kept
goes 10k of disk

box got overhauled to use the new float math

avoiding math because of the size, but due to
real number margins I need to follow, so there

6. Ctrl+TAB will always generate a tab. This can be used to insert

a tab into Japanese edit-boxes. This can really be useful if you
are doing search and replace for tab strings.
7. Tab order in the confirm change dialog box has been corrected.
8. A bug was reported in the automatic search and replace functions.
Basically if you did a search on space and replaced it with
nothing, when you did a replace all, it would skip every other
space on consecutive sequences of spaces. This has been fixed.
While working on the last bug I found that if you moved the cursor
vertical, did a global search and replace, then moved the cursor
vertical, the cursor would jump horizontal. This is fixed.
9. Margin and print settings (landscape & vertical print) are now
implemented in the files and are compatible with JWP.
10. Fixed problem with some stray bits of characters being left on the
first line on pixels on the left side of the screen.
11. JWPce now fully implements the summary, headers and footers.
12. Modified the file existence check to disable error processing.
This can be used to prevent error dialogs when floppy drives are
not inserted.
13. Printer setup dialog has been added.
14. Fixed bug when you when you select text then go to dictionary and
come back, you cannot copy the text to the clipboard.
15. Major revisions in the printing routines.
16. Code added for UCLA research project. This code is only compiled
into versions containing the r code (i.e. 0.74r).

1. Printer support is partially installed. I have not fully tested
this but it seems to be working.
2. The real reason for this release is what is internally called
network support. This feature has some other usage, but was
designed primarily to allow JWPce to run on protected area
networks. This is common at universities. In this time of
installation JWPce cannot store the user configuration (user
dictionary, user conversions, color kanji, etc.), because these
are centrally stored in one location which is protected. Even
if JWPce could save the configuration stuff, the various users
would keep overwriting the configuration information for each
The network option basically allows you to specify a directory
that JWPce will use to store the user modifiable files. When
loading these files JWPce will use the user's copy if it is
available. If it is not, however, JWPce will default to using
the centrally stored version. When saving, JWPce will always
save to the user directory.
The files effected are:
colkanji.lst -- Kanji list used by the color-kanji feature.
-- JWPce configuration file, this will be generated
when you run JWPce.
-- JWPce dictionary configuration file. This file
contains information about supplemental dictionaries
you have installed.
user.cnv -- User kana->kanji conversion. This is your own
conversion dictionary.
-- User dictionary file.
-- Holds user selections for kana->kanji conversions.
The user directory location must be specified on the command line.
The option must be the first command line option, and the format
+<user directory>
-<user directory>
The + option enables the typical full error checking. The options suppresses error messages when saving to the user
directory. If you are having user save information on floppy
disks and you want JWPce to run quietly when there is no floppy
in the drive you can use the option "-A:\"
This feature can also be used by a single user to run one copy
of JWPce with two different configurations.
1. Internal changes dealing with printing. These are not ready for
users yet, and have been disabled.

2. Fixed a bug I introduced into the count kanji feature in version 0.71.
This feature is working again.
1. Font caching is now implemented.
2. JWPce can now load all fonts used by JWP.
3. Character info now uses the highest quality font available.
4. Fixed small bug in the way Get Info was handled in the kanji
count feature.
5. Added options control to change size of font cache.
6. Implemented relaxed formatting.
7. Fixed a small bug that caused clicking the mouse to sometimes
place the cursor in the wrong position.
8. Fixed yet another bug in the kanji data. The first kanji, in the
list (ashia/tsugu) was not in the data base.
9. Unicode support is now here. Unicode is supported everywhere, in
both file input and output, as well as clipboard. JWPce always
makes Unicode data available on the clipboard (since it has it's own
clipboard format). When you select clipboard export format as
Unicode, however, JWPce puts Unicode data into the text clipboard
10. KINFO was modified (version 3.0) to generate Unicode data. In the
long run, however, this is not the Unicode data used by JWPce.
Since KANJIDIC only has information on the kanji characters, the
Unicode data contained in KANJIDIC is not complete. Additionally,
a minimum number of hands processing the information is better.
Therefore, a utility UINFO.EXE was generated to extract the
Unicode conversion data directly from files produced by the
Unicode consortium (JIS0208.TXT in particular).
11. Fixed a small bug in the character info dialog that allowed
processing of some invalid characters.
12. A standardized buttons only dialog box processor was generated.
This caused a revision in the Confirm Replacement, Confirm Close,
and Duplicate File dialogs. These now have a nicer appearance.
The Duplicate files now has a custom dialog that is much easier
to understand, and has some increased options, such as allowing
you to close an old version and open a new version of a file.
13. JIS table is done. This function has been expanded to include
not only a JIS input function, and the JWP JIS table, but also
an EUC, shift-JIS, and Unicode input capabilities.
14. Drag and Drop is now implemented in all logical places.
A. Dragging a file(s) and dropping on the main window will attempt
to load the file(s).

B. Dragging a file(s) onto the user dictionary dialog will import

that file(s) into your dictionary.
C. Dragging a file(s) onto the user conversion dialog will import
that file(s) into your user conversion database.
D. Dragging a file onto the Edit Supplemental Dictionary dialog
will initialize the dialog with that file as a dictionary.
E. Dragging a file(s) onto the Searched Dictionaries dialog will
cause JWPce to automatically configure those files as
dictionary files.
15. Fixed bug causing parts of characters to not be redrawn when the
window is uncovered.
16. JWPce will not try to reload files that do not exist.
17. Fixed a bug that can crash the system. The combination N' was
starting a kanji convert and processing too far into the WNN
database. This could crash the system.
18. Clipboard format is implemented. This allows exporting of the
character bitmaps into another program such as word. The text
is output as a bitmap. I have left the color-font active in the
bitmap, but you can always disable the color font.
19. Modified the character placement routines for a more ascetic
character placement.
20. Fixed small bug that caused JWPce to generate a zero width selection
whenever you simply clicked the mouse on a location. This gets rid
of the narrow cursor that used to get generated after a mouse
21. Double-click (or control-click) with left button now highlights
the word under the mouse.
22. Right mouse button (or shift left mouse button) now brings up a
context menu with some common selections.
0.61->0.70 (version 0.62-0.69 never existed):
1. The dictionary interface has been rewritten. JWPce, now supports
the newest versions of Jim Breen's EDICT and ENAMDICT. Further,
a user dictionary is available with an editor to processes the
entries. The entries in the use dictionary are in the same format
as EDICT, but are not indexed.
2. JWPce allows searching of any number a supplemental dictionaries,
including both indexed and non-indexed dictionaries. These
dictionaries can be located anywhere within the system.
3. The radical information data bases have been combined into single
new radical database (RRADICAL.DAT) pre-sorts the kanji by
stroke count. This eliminates the need to perform this operation
during a radical lookup. The new stroke count database
(RSTROKE.DAT) was generated directly from Jim Breen's KANJIDIC

and not from STROKNJI. This resulted in some changes in the

kanji produced by the radical lookup!
I then ended up changing the name of the files to RADICAL.DAT and
STROKE.DAT. I may remove STROKE.DAT in a later version.
A utility called RINFO.EXE has been written that produces the new
combined data files. The KINFO utility has been modified to
produce a stroke count file that is used by RINFO.
4. Added additional error checking to the loaders for the dictionary
and the user conversion files. This is because JWPce lets you
import these files, so the user could try to import any type of
file. This has the minor effect of reducing the dictionary
speed slightly. Zannen ne.
5. Fixed minor bug in the ASCII->kana converter that caused AA to
produce a small tsu.
6. Modified import routines, so when JWPce can not tell weather a
file is EUC or shift-JIS it not defaults to shift-JIS, because
this is much more likely to be correct.
7. Fixed bug in search engine that could cause a crash when doing
a global search and replace.
1. Found a mistake in the ASCII->kana conversion. "myo, myu, mya"
were not translated correctly.
2. In version 0.60 is switched from loading the WNN database
completely into memory to accessing it as needed. The allocated
buffer was too small for some conversions, and could crash the
3. You can now import kana->kanji conversions from another user, and
you can insert your conversion into your documents.
1. Made a small mistake in the previous version, I accidentally
undid the recent files list when I added the File/Close All
command. I fixed this.
2. Revised the load order for files. This means that if you have
JWPce reload your files, the one you were using last will
appear on top.
3. Changed the order of file creates and destroys, this mans that
if you open a file, then close it you will be back at the same
file you were previously using.
4. Fixed bug that caused title bar display to be incorrect
when using the clipboard (was trying to display name of the
internal clipboard structure).
5. Changed accelerator key for File/Close All to Alt+Shift+C
(Ctrl+C) is used for clipboard copy.

6. Fixed cut to clipboard such that it correctly paces the cursor

after the cut.
7. Fixed the undo from clipboard cut to correctly restore the
cursor position.
8. JWPce now saves and restores the current directory when the
reload files option is selected. This will allow you to restore
in the same state as you left.
9. The user kana->kanji converter has been written. Additionally,
improved the internal operation of the kana->kanji converter.
10. All JWPce system files are now open in share mode. This removes
collisions when running mutable versions of JWPce. Overhauled
the open/error/name/buffer usage in the jwp_config class.
11. The WNN database does not need to be loaded into memory, it can
be loaded on the fly.
12. Completed the Count Kanji feature.
13. Compressed the KINFO.DAT Kanji information data file. I started
with Jim Breen's KANJIDIC, file and have created a format for JWPce
that used a file called KANJINFO.DAT. The files are less than
half the size of the KINFO.DAT file and are easier to program
1. Complied with optimizer. Found optimizer bug in kana->kanji
conversion routines.
2. Fixed bug in the kana->kanji conversion. This could cause
problems with conversions starting with A, E, I, O, U. Also
fixed bug that allowed you to start a kana->kanji conversion
with Nja, for example.
3. Added menu item to clear the color-kanji list (Kanji/Clear Kanji
4. Fixed a small bug causing edit controls to think they were in
a mouse select.
5. Fixed improper display of the non-encoded kanji character. Now
it renders a box not some odd pattern.
6. Changed order of file loads. Now first initializes recent files,
Reloads old files, then loads command line files. This means
that when all is said and done you will have your command line
file to look at.
7. Big one, JWPce can now load all JWP files, including with Undo,
Summaries, etc.
TECHNICAL: (Borland C is/was really weird!)
struct {
INT16 landscape:1;

// These were all compressed into one byte.

INT16 vertical:1;
// Since INT16 specified why one byte.
unsigned INT16 undo; // Odd byte alignment!!!!
8. Added a command File/Close All, that closes all open files.
9. JWPce now correctly saves JWP files with margins set at 1.00".

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