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Overcoming the fear of the unknown is a challenging endeavor, but it can be done

. If you suffer from a fear of uncertainty, understanding what fear is, and how
it affects you, can start you on the road to conquering it.
Fear has been defined in several ways; however, the most basic definition of fea
r is an emotional response based on the fact that we're faced with something unf
amiliar or impending danger.
When we experience fear, several psychological and physiological responses take
place all at the same time.
Psychological events include feeling emotionally overwhelmed, having high levels
of anxiety, and even feeling terrified. Physiological responses include a faste
r heart rate, shallow breathing, and similar effects.
Experiencing fear can greatly impact your view on life, your confidence levels,
and even the potential that you have as an individual.
Here's an example of a situation where a woman had the crippling fear that every
thing she did would result in failure:
Janice was very successful in her career and personal life. It seemed that peopl
e were instantly drawn to her and her ideas, but on the inside, Janice was a mes
Every time she worked on a project, she would throw herself into it. In the end,
she would ultimately succeed, but on the inside, she was always worried that sh
e would fail or that her completed project wouldn't be good enough.
For the most part, she recognized the fact that her fear was irrational. However
, Janice grew up in an abusive home. She was physically beaten and consistently
ridiculed by her father. Regardless of what she did, it was never enough to meet
his expectations.
The result was that she grew up to become a workaholic, often struggling to fini
sh several things at once, and leaving very little time for herself.
The root of her fear of failure was grounded in her childhood. Her father harbor
ed unrealistically high expectations and would be mentally and physically abusiv
e towards her when his expectations weren't met. Once she realized this about he
r past, Janice was able to ease her personal expectations and overcome her fear.
Here are some strategies you can use to help overcome your fear:
1. Recognize your fears. By realizing that you're fearful, you're more likely to
get to the bottom of what the fear is.
* You may also have a fear of facing your fears. The best way to conquer thi
s fear is to accept the truth behind what's causing you to experience limited ha
ppiness in life.
* You might come to understand that you're afraid of failing or taking chanc
es. You may even be fearful because you simply don't have confidence in yourself
* Regardless of the issue at hand, it's important that you recognize your fe
ar and attempt to define what it is that makes you terrified of the unknown. The
key here is not to dwell on your fear, but rather to understand precisely what
it is you're worried about.
2. Determine the underlying root of your fears. How can you identify the cause o
f your fears? An insightful look at your life might reveal the answer. By recogn

izing what causes your fears, it's likely you can overcome them with great succe
3. Face your fears. Once you've accepted your fear and identified the root cause
, you're ready to conquer it! The best method to do this is to face it head on.
* Make a decision to purposely tackle your fears by indulging yourself in ac
tivities that push you outside of your comfort zone. For example, put yourself i
n a place where you're safe, yet uncomfortable, or respectfully confront someone
from your past. In the end, you'll find that you can successfully overcome your
fears, one by one!
Overcoming your fear of the unknown is a difficult undertaking. However, if you
take the time to engage in these three steps, you'll discover a renewed peace an
d happiness within your heart!
As you work to unlock the chains that bind you to your fears, you'll enjoy a fre
edom that you've never felt before.

Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom.

Mastering others is strength, mastering yourself is true power.
Lao Tzu

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