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Unimonserrate University foundation

Faculty of Social and Economic

Social Work Program
Name: Yurley Elizabeth Pasquel Perez
Semester: VIII

Appropiate for the UNAM, University Nacional Autnoma Mxico (2015).

Discipline that, through its intervention methodology, contributes to knowledge and transformation of social
processes, it is a profession based on the practice that promotes social change and development and social cohesion, as
well as the strengthening and the liberation of the people. The object of study and professional intervention is the
people as social actors and their relationship with the demands, needs and satisfactions social.

Therefore we can say that the social work as a profession from the positive aspects, interact allows in a more
direct way with the community, the families; it also allows your approach from different occupational areas such as:
health, gerentology, education, labor among others.
Although it has some negative aspects for other professions puts in discussion as for example if really this a profession
or as a discipline; and it is still not a race in great power as it should be, for sailing to transform the social situations.
As the first instance by that God gave me the opportunity to be able to start this profession by vocation and the second
motivation is that faithfully because I believe that there is still a possibility generate transformations in our society that occur
from the same moment that interacts with the population and it is possible to identify the needs that have, By which the Social
Worker found means and resources that allow the same community improve their quality of life and in turn potentiate their
skills and abilities that have; on the other hand there is the possibility to participate in the political sphere, Where the social
worker must have a participation and ownership of the policies that handles the country, all in order to generate or propose
public policy seeking to improve the living conditions of citizens.

University Nacional Autonoma Mexico, uman Univesity (2015). Recovered of:

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