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In what ways does Eva Pern exhibit qualities of both La Maliche and

La Virgen de Guadalupe?


Pickett 10
Gillion 4


Powerful Spanish Women

Everyone loves an underdog type of story. Where your character grows up poor or
under privileged, then somehow ends up on top. This is true in many situations, people
grow up with bad surroundings, and then find their own path to the top. There are three
ladies that being compared today, Eva Pern, La Malinche, and the Virgin of Guadalupe.
All three have in their own way this underdog quality. Eva Pern will be compared to the
other two to see how they exibit the same qualities.
La Malinche grew up with no control in her life. She was sold off into slavery by
her own mother, because she wasnt wanted any more. She was one out of twenty slaved
women that Cortz seemed to take to. From La Malinches background she was able to
speak two languages and was very useful to Cortz during the conquest of Mxico. She
was an interpreter for Cortz. She gained a lot of respect from the citizens because Cortz
could not have done it without her. Eva Pern was similar to La Malinche by how she
gained her political power. Eva Pern gained her status through a man. Her husband was
the President of Argentina. At fist Eva Pern just began to speak to the public about
issues. And the Public really respected her and related to her. After people, herself
included, realized she was making a difference, she was going to run for Vice President
of Argentina.
The Virgin de Guadalupe is a famous symbol in South America. The Virgin de
Guadalupe was brought to the eyes of the people by Juan Diego. Juan Diego saw the
Virgin de Guadalupe on the top of a hill, and he brought flowers and a piece of fabric up
to her. She put the flowers in the piece of fabric, and when Diego looked. The piece of
fabric was left with the detailed inscription of the Virgin de Guadalupe. This made her a
symbol to people. But, she would not have been known if it was not for Juan Diego. So
you see how these famous women were all brought to be famous in some way by a man.
Eva Pern compares to the Virgin de Guadalupe by leaving her mark on South America.
But it wouldnt have happened if it was not for the man they intervened with.
Eva Pern made her way into political power by having a voice and opinion on
issues in her societies. She was able to do this because of what she did when she was
younger. Eva Pern left her home when she was 15 to go be an actress, and in one her
productions, she met her husband, Juan Pern. Juan Pern is what led her to be able to
speak out. She was the President of Argentinas wife. And this opportunity led her to be
able to have a voice and to make a difference. If it was not for her husband she could not
have been such a great figure in South America. Eva Pern was a perfect example of an
underdog taking the world by storm.


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