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Connor Stevens

A Book Recommendation by:______________________________

Michael Vey Hunt for the Jade Dragn
Richard Paul Evans

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Plot: Michael Vey Hunt for the Jade dragon is the 4th book in
the Michael Vey series. In this book a 9 year old girl has
solved the formula to be able to reproduce the electric
children, which is why Hatch wants her so much. So
Michael and the electroclan have to get the jade dragon
before hatch does. But there is one problem. Jade
Dragon (What the girl is called) is deaf, mute and an
autistic savant. So Michael and the elctroclan go to
Taiwan to get the Jade Dragon.

Characters: Michael Vey, Taylor, Ian, Ostin, Hatch, Torstyn,

Tanner, Tara, Jack, Jade Dragon, Abigail, Mckenna,
Zeus, Teassa, Grace, Quenten, Brian, Kylee, and

Your Opinion: Did you like the book? What was your favourite part and why? Did you learn anything?
Michael Vey is one of my favorite book series, I am
very exited for the future because there are seven
books in the series but only 5 have come out. I have
recommended this series for many of my friends such
as Liam, Jacob , and Jack P and more.

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