The Red Lord

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Dark times have fallen over our kingdom sire.

We must do something to get the children

We have nowhere to start General. We must accept that the end of our days is near....

Chapter 1: Monahue Island

Are you ready to leave? Bob asked hopefully. Today was the day that he and Miranda
were going to go to the best place on earth (or so the brochure said), Monahue Island.
Almost. Miranda yelled through her apartment door.
Hurry up. The plane leaves in 30 minutes!
Bob and Miranda are college students attending the University of Graceland, a small
college located in a small town that nobody knows about, except of course its 145 current
residents. There are only 24 students currently enrolled there, and many of them are leaving for
summer vacation.
Im ready Bob. Miranda said as she walked out of her apartment. We can leave now.
Bob and Miranda practically ran each other over trying to be the first to the car. Bob
owned a 1973 midnight blue Ford Mustang, and the person who got in first got to drive it to the
airport. They reached the car at the same time, but Miranda was in the driver's seat first. Bob
threw his bags in the trunk and hopped into the passenger seat. The mustang roared to life, and
the two of them sped down the road to head to the airport.
As they pulled into the airport, Bob had a sudden feeling that something bad was going
to happen, but was too excited to care. The two of them grabbed their bags and rushed to the

The plane ride was about as uneventful as possible, but neither Bob or Miranda noticed.
All they had in their minds was getting to Monahue Island. When the 19-hour plane ride ended,
and the two of them got off of the plane, Bob found their rental car and they headed to their
Miranda and Bob had pooled all of their money together to afford the hotel room, and it
was in the most beautiful hotel in the world. It was 34 stories tall, and looked like every other
hotel from a distance, but when the doorman opened the door, which was gilded with gold, the

sight was breathtaking. In the middle of the lobby was a 40 foot tall palm tree on a little island,
and a pool of the clearest water surrounded it. The front desk was built with petrified oak and
had an assortment of flyers and a tray of freshly baked cookies on it. Bob walked up to the desk
and spoke to the man about their room.
Meanwhile, Miranda was taste testing the cookies. Bob called Miranda over to head to
their room. A flyer caught Mirandas eye so she grabbed it and walked to the elevator with Bob.
The room was about as amazing as a hotel room could get. It had two king size beds
with red silk sheets, a closet with a rack of bath robes that were made from egyptian cotton, and
a jacuzzi next to a giant window with a view of the coast.
Miranda claimed the bed closest to the window by launching herself onto it, and started
looking through the flyer. It was for a water park, located right in the middle of the island. The
park was called Nemroman Water Park, and looked absolutely amazing. Funnel water slides, a
lazy river that was two miles long, food vendors selling everything from hot dogs to Korean
chicken and dumplings; whats not to like.
We should go there tomorrow. Miranda said to herself.
Where? asked Bob, puzzled by the random statement.
What? Oh, yeah. Miranda said, breaking out of her sudden trance. Here. she added,
handing the flyer to Bob. I saw this in the lobby and grabbed it.
The place looks pretty cool. Bob replied. I say we make a stop there tomorrow
morning after breakfast.
Agreed, said Miranda as she turned on the 50-inch flatscreen to the news.

Chapter 2: Nemroman Park

Wake up already. Miranda thought to herself as she sat on her bed the next morning.
The sun was just starting to rise, and Miranda had a perfect view of it out of the hotel
window. She turned on the television, but finding nothing good on, turned it back off and went
back to watching the sunrise, which was just a beautiful as the sunset had been the night

When the sun was fully above the horizon, Bob awoke and looked over at Miranda. His
first thought was that she looked beautiful in the sunrise, with her dark brown hair falling to her
Good morning. Bob said, startling Miranda.
God, Bob! You scared me! Miranda exclaimed.
Get ready to go. Bob said. Id like to get to the waterpark before theres a line.
When they were both ready to go, Miranda and Bob left the hotel and headed on the
way to the waterpark. The trip lasted only 10 minutes, but it felt like a lifetime to Miranda.
Cant you drive any faster. Miranda complained about halfway through the drive.
Nope. Bob replied. Safety first.
As Bob pulled into a parking spot in the crowded lot of Nemroman Park, he was
surprised by how large the park was. It covered at least four acres of land, and was easily larger
than all of Graceland. He could see a curly blue slide that stretched high above any of the
others and decided that he would go down it first. Miranda had other plans though. As soon as
they had paid to get in, she drug Bob towards the lazy river, which took them around the entire
park in 40 minutes, then she started looking for short lines for the waterslides. The line for the
giant waterslide that Bob wanted to go down had over half an hour of wait, so Miranda kept
After 15 minutes of searching, she found a slide that had no line, which she thought
strange, but overlooked out of sheer excitement. This slide looked like a giant orange funnel that
was entered by a short line of waterslide that would make a person go in circles around the
edge of the funnel. At the center was another small stretch of slide that led to a large pool where
dozens of other waterslides ended.
Miranda practically flew to the top of the stairs, with Bob following at a normal pace. Just
as Bob reached the bottom of the stairs, Miranda started down the slide. Bob watched as she

went in circles around and around the slide, and when she disappeared down the tube in the
center of the funnel, he started down the slide.
A scream in the air made Bob's stomach lurch. It had sounded like Miranda. Was it from
joy, or from fear? When Bob reached the tunnel at the center of the funnel, he understood
Mirandas scream. Looking down into it, Bob could see a hole in the tubing, large enough to fit a
car through, right at the bottom of the drop.

Chapter 3: The Red Cloak

Bob landed with a thud on a large rock next to Miranda. He stifled a scream at what he
saw around him. Chained together in a large cave, that now included Miranda and Bob, were
hundreds of children. All were sullen faced, extremely thin, and chained to the rocky walls. The
children saw Miranda and Bob as soon as they had entered the cave, and immediately started
shouting at them.
Get out of here!
Hurry! Hes going to get you too!

Bob felt a hand on his shoulder. He whipped his face around and saw a man in a red
cloak. The man was very thin, but Bob had a sense that he was extremely powerful. The hand
tightened, and Bob was lifted into the air. He looked over to Miranda, and she too was being
lifted by the man.
Welcome! I just love having company! said the red cloaked figure, a smile spreading
across his face, showing his crooked, yellow teeth that were all sharpened to points.
The cloaked man took Miranda and Bob towards the chained children, laughing at his
last remark and carefully stepping over the candles that littered the floor. Bob felt utterly
hopeless. The cloaked man threw Miranda onto the floor as to free a hand to chain Bob with the
children, but Miranda quickly got back up and kicked the cloaked man in the shin. He howled in
pain and dropped Bob, who in turn, kicked the man in a very unpleasant spot. The cloaked man
fell to the floor, and Bob saw his and Mirandas chance to escape.
The two of them ran towards the side of the cave where the slide was, but the hole was
too high to climb through. Miranda and Bob ran back over to the children, who were pointing to
a spot on the wall. It looked like all the other parts of the wall did.
Go through the door! one of the kids whispered to Miranda.
She looked very closely at the rocky surface and saw a small spot that she could fit her
hand behind. Miranda pulled and the rock wall slid open. She and Bob ran through the door, and
just before they pulled the door shut, Miranda vowed to herself that she would return to help the

Chapter 4: Stairs, Mazes, and Old Housekeepers

As soon as the door closed behind them, Bob wished that he had some sort of light with
him. He and Miranda had just shut themselves in a pitch black tunnel, or at least they assumed
so. Bob led Miranda towards a wall. They walked along the wall, keeping their hands pressed
against it, and followed the tunnel. The tunnel turned multiple times, and Miranda and Bob
eventually found themselves at the bottom of a very large staircase. A singular torch burned on
the curving wall. Bob reached for the torch, but instead of easily coming off of the wall, the torch
broke in half and fell to the floor, causing the light to burn out.
Clank. Clank.
What was that? Miranda asked, her voice quivering.
Clank. Clank.
Is that a light? Bob asked hopefully.
The object moving down the stairs was indeed giving off a light.
Clank. Clank.

The object had reached the bottom of the stairs, and landed at Bobs feet. He picked it
up and dropped it immediately.
What is it? Miranda asked as Bob picked the object up once again.
Its a flashlight! Bob exclaimed, But its as cold as ice!
Bob and Miranda headed up the staircase, stumbling on the uneven steps. Time seemed
to crawl. Had it been an hour? Two? Bob was unsure. After what had seemed a lifetime to Bob,
he and Miranda had finally reached the top of the staircase. In front of Miranda and Bob was an
iron door. The words Good luck had been carved into the door.
Bob searched the door for any means of opening it, but finding nothing to grab onto,
decided to try pushing it open. He shoved on the door for a few minutes, after which Miranda
tried to help. They pushed with all of their might, and finally got the door to burst open.
Bob pointed the flashlight through the door, and all he could see was a stone wall. He
walked through the door, and Miranda followed. The wall that Bob had seen created a tunnel to
the left of the door. He and Miranda started down the tunnel, turning left then right, then
stopping when they had a choice to make.

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