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Student Name:
Printed Name of Person
Role of Individual:

Sara Kincaid



John Hagmann

Place of Business:

___Mentor ___Other Professional #1

Clear Lake Presbyterian Church

Business Address:

1511 El Dorado Blvd.

Phone Number:


Date of Interview:


___Other Professional #2

Type of Interview: ___ In Person ___ Telephone* ___Email*

*Documentation Required (Attach E-mail to Interview Verification Page)

1. For someone working in your field, please describe the fantasies versus realities of the job.
(fantasy vs. reality)

I think there are two primary fantasies of my job: 1) that working in a church is amazing, and 2) that
you get to hang out with kids all the time.
The reality is that working in a church is amazing! At the same time, ministry involves people and
people are messy. Working in a church does bring with it a higher standard for maintaining
relationships and Christian integrity but, it does not necessarily make it any easier to get things
The second reality is that Young Family Ministry involves working with parents and adults more than
with kids. For the most part, I manage the teachers and leaders who get to work hands-on with our
students. I partner with parents to ensure their families are getting what they need from our programs.
There are lots of meetings, lots of planning, and relatively few hands-on opportunities with kids.
2. What is your current educational level? What continuing education and training are required?
(educational level and requirements)

I have completed my undergraduate degree and some seminary course work completed. Continuing
education is not required, but you probably would not be in the field if you were not a life-long learner.
3. Please describe the typical day to day activities of someone working in your field.
(day-to-day activities)

One of the neat things about what I do is that there is rarely a typical day. Each day brings new
challenges and you have to hold your schedule loosely. We have to be responsive to people in need and
challenges that arise on the fly. Its always something different.
Revised Fall 2013

However, these activities are typical: reading, study Scripture, lesson prep, managing employees,
gathering materials for class, communications (email, letters, newsletters, meetings, etc.), staff
meetings, printing materials for teachers, finding substitutes for absent leaders, and planning ahead!
4. How secure are you in your current position? What do you think is the future of your field?
(job security)

Thats a good question. I think my current position is fairly secure. The reality of working in a church,
or any non-profit for that matter, is that our positions and their security are based on the generosity of
others. If their generosity wanes or there is an economic downturn, then my position is automatically in
jeopardy. There is never the sort of job security other fields might enjoy.
I think the future of my field is bright, though. I think family is important to Christians and nonChristians alike. I believe we can make a positive impact on families in our church and in our
community. I am fairly certain that folks will continue to have kids so, there will always be a place for
the church to come alongside them and help.
5. What is a typical (average or lowest to highest) salary of someone working in your field?

It is difficult to say there is such a wide range of salary depending on the size of the church,
denomination, experience and education levels, part-time versus full-time employment, and benefits
Heres my best guess: anywhere from $25,000 to $50,000 per year. Id say the mean is around $35,000.
If ones goal is to become wealthy, this is not the career path to choose.
6. What potential for growth is there in your field?
(growth potential)

Thats a great question! If the question is about advancement in employment or pay, then typically, there
is not much potential for growth within the place you are employed. It would take a radical
restructuring for someone in my position to elevate to another level on the organizational chart. It is
not unheard of, but highly unlikely.
The best chance for advancement in our field is one of three options: 1) work for the denomination, 2)
get a seminary degree and become a pastor, or 3) get a similar job with a larger congregation.
The other way to advance without leaving a position is to write, blog, and/or get speaking engagements
at camps, conferences, and retreats. One needs to build their own platform to advance in terms of pay
and notoriety.
If the question is about personal growth, this position is full of opportunity. To meet the challenges of
our changing culture, one must be willing to continue pursuing new and different ways to reach people.
Its challenging and a lot of fun, if you like change!
***Questions 7-10 will be created by the ISM student.
7. Would you recommend this job and why or why not?
Revised Fall 2013

If a person wants to work in a position geared towards serving others and a mission larger than yourself, then I
would absolutely recommend the job. If one is looking to get ahead in the world, have tons of money and
notoriety, then Id recommend something else.
8. What dream goal in this job are you trying to achieve?
My dream goal would be to see the Kingdom of God in our families in our community to be healthy kids are
well taken care of, marriages are thriving, the hungry are fed, the naked clothed, and the community is valued
all because of a steadily growing faith in Christ.
9. What are the highs and lows in your job?
My favorite part of working in this field is seeing the difference that Jesus can make in a family. It completely
changes everything. If we can play a little role in helping families come together and discover the love of Christ,
then it is all worth the effort!
My other favorite part is building something new. We get to create new programs and be as creative as we want to
be. I like building teams and watching folks get involved, using their gifts and abilities to make a difference. It is
really cool to see others have success and accomplish something they did not think they could.
The lows are dealing with peoples negativity. Often times, folks get stuck on traditions or things they really like
that dont necessarily reach people in the same way they did back then. Most people do not like change and for
good reason, its hard however, meeting resistance to every new idea gets old and discouraging very quickly.
10. How long have you worked at CLPC? Where did you work before? Do you like your current job or
your previous one better and why?
I have worked at CLPC for three years. Prior to coming here, I worked at Center Grove Presbyterian Church in
Indianapolis, IN.
I like my current job because I am surrounded by top-notch people. My colleagues are brilliant and push me to
constantly improve. It is a much healthier work environment. However, my old job involved working more closely
with high school students, which I miss incredibly. Also, I developed deep and meaningful relationships with
people back home something that seems more elusive here in Clear Lake.

11. Where are the CLPC high schoolers going for mission trip summer 2016?
Unfortunately, I am sworn to secrecy. I can tell you its going to be awesome and you wont want to miss what
God does in your life and in the lives of those we impact this summer.

Interview Summary
What information from this interview will you select for your page typed,
bulleted list of research informationto be used in your presentation?

Revised Fall 2013

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