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Dont Kill My Cat

Valerie Flores
October 23, 2015
Anatomy and Physiology
Ms. Giannu

In taking Biology or Anatomy and Physiology students are aware of what they are
getting themselves into. Holistically, these courses include learning more about the world
around us and quite literally who we are. Methods of learning in these particular courses
include lectures, note taking, experiments, and (the controversial) dissection. Some argue
that dissection sparks the interest of students to understand life, beyond themselves and
the frogs theyre standing over in addition to significantly helping students to retain the
information learned while dissecting/observing the specimens through the hands-on
learning that dissection offers. While others recognize the cruel manner in which the
animals used in dissection are obtained and the possible affects to the mentalities of
students dissections could produce. It is my opinion, that dissection should be replaced
with an alternative practice, such as 3D models or virtual dissection, because of the
injustice in obtaining animals to dissect, the negative impact on the mentalities of
students, and the unnecessary cost of such method.
The number of animals that are used in dissections that are obtained in a cruel is
immeasurable, but anywhere between an estimated 6-12 million animals annually in the
U.S. alone is required in order for dissection to take place. Biological supply houses are
the main sources in which schools obtain animals to perform the dissections and get their
fetal pigs from slaughterhouses that cut them from their mothers bodies after their
mothers are killed; and trap or take other types of animals from a variety of location
(PETA 1). Additionally, other animals like frogs and cats are used in dissection and it has
been uncovered that millions of frogs are captured in their natural habitats every year for
dissection and experimentation and the cats commonly dissected in biology courses,
are obtained from animal shelters, pet stores, backyards, and the streets of the U.S. and

Mexico (PETA 1). Animals are dear to my heart and it genuinely hurts my heart to learn
that animals that these animals are not being given the respect they deserve. Theyre
better ways in which students can learn the same sort of things, without killing vulnerable
creatures that have just as much of a right to be here, as humans do. Not only does using
animals in dissection negatively affect the animals but it can also have a negative impact
on the mentalities of children.
Using animals in dissection, is unintentionally conveying the message that animal
lives are expendable, insignificant, and condones an insensitive attitude toward the lives
of other organisms. To validate this, studies have shown that exposing studentsmore
than half of whom oppose animal testingto animal dissection can traumatize them,
foster insensitivity toward animals, and even dissuade some from pursuing careers in
science (PETA 1). The National Anti-Vivisection Society supports this theory also,
suggesting that the use of an animal specimen, when alternatives that can achieve the
same learning objectives are widely available, teaches students that animal lives have
little importance (NAVS 1). In addition to the negative impacts on the social aspect of
human life, it is also considered economically wasteful to use the method of dissection.
Dissection requires animals that have recently died and that are untouched by the
scalpels of previous explorers which means that each time a teacher prepares for a
dissection lab in class, the teacher must replenish the supply of organisms. Which is why
it is a valid point made by NAVS that non-animal alternatives are far more economical
than use of dissection specimens in the long run because they can be used over and over
again, with no need to constantly replenish (and pay for) supplies of once-live animals
(NAVS 1). In conclusion, alternative methods such as computer programs are much

more cost effective mainly because they can be used over and over again(Lewis 1) and
not much else other than a computer (which can be provided by the school) is really
necessary. Though there are many negatives to dissection, there is a beneficial component
in using dissection.
One benefit of dissection is it allows for hands on experience that aids in the
retaining of information. Seeing organs, feeling muscles helps create associations in the
mind, that later helps to remember and recognize functions and characteristics. In
addition to this, dissection also helps youth to learn about themselves and explore their
potential interest in surgery, or other areas of medicine. There are many current doctors,
surgeons who say that they first discovered their lifes passion standing over a dissected
frog (Boettcher 1). In my opinion however, this does not justify dissection, the good
does not outweigh the bad.
The use of dissection in the classroom as a method of teaching anatomy or
biology should not be used due to the negative message it conveys, the unnecessary costs,
and the cruel ways in which the animals used in dissection are obtained. It has even been
reported by studies that students who utilize humane alternatives to dissection score as
well or better on performance tests than students who participate in dissection (NAVS
1), meaning that dissection is also academically unnecessary. Dissections in the
classroom with an animal that was once alive should be replaced with alternatives, like
virtual dissections or 3D models, which do the job just as well, if not better.

Works Cited:
Animals In Education. NAVS. National Anti-Vivisection Society. 23 October 2015.
Animals Used in Education. PETA. People For the Ethical Treatment of Animals.Web.
23 October 2015.
Boettcher, Kaitlyn. Why Do Students Dissect Frogs. Mental Floss. Web. 23 October
Lewis, Olivia. Dissection With Dissection. Vent. Radford University. Web. 23 Octover

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