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The children who grow up in a family short of money are more capable of dealing

with problems in adult life than children who are brought up by wealthy parents. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?
An appropriate children education method is always a controversial topic which
never falls far from the world spotlight. Of the significantly influential elements of this
issue is the family background. There is an assumption that it is it is the children brought
up in a poor-conditioned environment that that are more likely to address the problems in
the adulthood rather than the ones living under an adequate condition. From my
perspective, I strongly approve of this ideas and in my essay, I intend to clarify this.
The first thing to consider is that it is irrefutable the circumstance obliges children
from impoverished family to be soon faced up with the problems and get familiar with
addressing them. Understandably, children whose familyy hass to financially struggle are
exposed to the real society at their early age to work to supplement the family financial
conditions. As a result, these children can be sharpen the skills to be able to cope with life
Whats more, children under difficult financial conditions are more motivated to
get over their fate to improve their family condition. While their peers from wealthy
families are considering the toy-related topics, these impoverished children are forced to
think about earning money and the way to overcome their condition. This somehow
forms the independent quality in themselves, which is of great importance to dealing with
difficulties. Also, maturity and decisiveness can be noticeably experienced from the early
stage of their life. All these elements create the enormous promotion for them to keep
moving forward no matter what happen.
Nevertheless, the children born with a silver spoon in mouth benefit from the
better-off conditions. They are able to perceive the best education environment, which
can nurture them to become a well-qualified person to deal with problems. Furthermore,
children from affluent families can even encounter problems from the early age. The
pressure to get the achievements in every aspects of life such as education, art , etc. can
accumulate the experience to handle with tension.
In conclusion, although rich children can receive the best environment to develop
their own skills, I still strongly approve of the idea of high appreciation of the abilities of
children from impoverished families in addressing impediment in life

As computers are used more and more in education, there will be soon no role for
teacher in the classroom. Whats your opinion?
Nowadays, technological age is rising; also, the technology barges in almost every
single facet of the modern life all over the world. Likewise, technology and its devices
are now playing such an essential role in educational practices. There is an assumption
that machines will substitute for the teachers in the responsibility of teaching and
culturing the very next generation of the society. From my perspective, I disapprove of
this idea and I intend to clarify this in my essay.
First, teachers provide students with the sense of interaction. Beyond the call of
duty, the role of being a companion and an available consultant to the students is involved
with the emotion and the vision that not any artificial intelligence can replicate. Besides,
the advances of technology prevent the mutual communication among people. Therefore,
the practice of using the computers in lieu of traditional teachers can even
worsen/exacerbate the situation.
Whats more, it is the flexibility in applying various teaching methods that is the
unique feature of teachers that cannot be substituted. Understandably, the targets of the
teacher are the living things, more specifically the human, that are unique and have their
own perceptions. The stiff application of teaching method on different students can cause
the unimaginable consequences. In contrast, teacher can circumstantially create a
classroom environment that intrinsically motivates students through honoring and
encourage the improvements through the methods that they equipped with.
However, the merits of using the computers are undeniable. First, the distractions
of many exterior elements can be avoidable. By illustrations, in the class it is noticeable
that children are often distracted by things such as what the teacher is wearing, her
mannerisms or the kind of mood she is in. These things tend to become so important to
some pupils that they lose focus on the topic that is being taught. Moreover, the computer
can guarantee the equality in classroom. It is explicable that teachers are human who
apparently have emotions. Therefore, bad impressions can by any degree affects the
teachers judgement.
In conclusion, although the application of computers in school can ensure the
fairness and distraction of students, the teacher is the key elements of the sense of
interaction and tactile application of teaching methods, which is irreplaceable.

Discuss the argument for and against raising pets

Since the ancient time, animals has become the powerful assistance in the human life.
Raising pets, undoubtedly,

Topic 74: Currently more and more people respect elders and become convinced that
older people should live with their families, which is in contrast to the view that older
people should live at a nursing home. What is your opinion?
Due to today technological and medical advances, the proportion of senior citizens in
many countries around the world is increasing, raising many questions regarding their
treatment. One of the most common issues is whether nursing homes would be an
appropriate place at where the elderly should spend their rest of the life. While some
people firmly hold that view, others believe only family members can provide elders
adequate care and company, elements which are necessary for a happy life. Convinced by
well-grounded reasons, the author is well-receptive of both stances.
On one hand, there is no denying that nursing homes are capable of fulfilling most of
elders needs. With medical staff and equipment available, these institutions could ensure
that their customers to receive needed help in preventing and treating diseases and
illnesses that often come with old age. Furthermore, one of the most prominent features
of nursing homes is that elders can enjoy the company of the peers of the same age who
generally share the common interests. Nursing homes are particularly helpful in situations
where the old people can no longer depend on their family for support.
On the second hand, staying with their own family can greatly benefits elders in ways
that nursing homes hardly can do. By living near family members, elders will be less
likely to experience loneliness and isolation, common reasons for depression and other
mental diseases. On the contrary with popular consensus, due to higher standard of life
and advances in medicine, older people in this day and age are much stronger and still
able to shoulder responsibilities to their family and community in various ways.
Therefore, keeping the elderly in their family would allow them to stay active and
As suggested above, considering the fact the nowadays, many elderly people are able to
remain healthy and active, they should be given the chances to participate in social and
family activities as well as pursuing hobbies and other interests. Only when their ill
health or emotional well-being becomes a serious problem, should a nursing home be
taken into consideration.

Nowadays, the Silver Tsunami is coming as the boomer generation enters their senior
years. However, whether the elderly people should live in families or at nursing homes
remains a controversial issue. I agree with the view that they should spend their twilight
life with their own families.
Firstly, it is obvious that with rich experience in both work and life, elderly people can
still contribute a lot to the families and communities. This is because they now, after
retirement, have enough social experience to guide the young in the home, act as doctors
to look after grandchildren and have leisure time to do some volunteer work. Hence,
when there is elderly people in the house, the home is always full of smile and happiness.
Moreover, as for these senior citizens, staying with their families can also reduce the
burden of medical care and pension for the governments. Sometimes, the authority has
spared no efforts to take care of the pensioners but find themselves in the dilemma due to
the finite social resources like manpower, fund and facilities, though it is indeed the
governments obligation to do so. So governments would really like them stay at their
own home instead of nursing homes.
That is not to say that the nursing homes are not useful at all. With professional skills and
equipments, the senior citizen in there would be looked after carefully. But to be honest,
not all of they will fond of living in that impersonal place.
In sum, staying with families for elderly is the traditional and probably the best way to
show the respect and love to them; meanwhile, we should remember the social function
of nursing home. Only by doing so can we ensure that the senior citizen would enjoy
their best twilight life after retirement.

Topic: Currently more and more people respect elders and become convinced that older
people should live with their families, which is in contrast to the view that older people
Some people claim that elderly care should be provided by nursing homes these days. In
my opinion, senior citizens are advised to live with their descendants by dint of their
needs of emotional support as well as the responsibility of younger family members.
To begin with, one reason for the elders to stay with their families is that they are likely to
suffer loneliness if they reside at nursing homes. While nursing homes are capable of
supplying a variety of professional service, they fail to provide a sense of community for
their residents. In fact, senior people have to integrate into an alienated environment
unlike their formerly surrounding. Besides, various people struggle to establish
friendships with their roommates due to characteristic differences. Coupled with living
away from their family members and friends, it seems that their loneliness is potentially
Additionally, it should be noted that younger members of the family are suggested to take
responsibility for their elders. Elderly people used to experience a hard time of raising
their children and grandchildren. Furthermore, they were responsible for teaching initial
lessons for their descendants such as how to speak and how to behave. By taking care of
the elders, in turn, can the young generations express their respect and gratitude towards
their seniors. In most Asian countries, looking after the elderly people is regarded as an
obligatory duty of individuals. That is to say, from a moral perspective, it is essential that
To sum up, I would have to reiterate the necessity of the elderly people living with their
family members. Not only do they feel a sense of interaction but also their descendants
will have an opportunity to show their filial piety.

One believe elderly people should live in nursing homes, others think they should
live with the younger family members. Discuss both view and give your opinion.
It is commonly accepted that places for elders is regarded as one of the most concerns in
the society. This can be seen in many developed countries where the number of elderly
people is reaching higher levels. Proponents argue that nursing homes are better living

places for elders than their families. Both sides of the issue will be discussed in my
Generally speaking, no one can deny the benefits of living with families, including
expenditure. From the governmental perspective, irrefutably, the higher the number of
elders are, the more demand of the nursing homes are. As a result, there will be a need for
government to allocate more money for the purpose of meeting demand including nursing
house building and staff training and paying. An ambiguous example of this is Japan, one
of the countries having the most aging rates in the world. In 2002, Japanese government
spent a budget of $60 billion on health care for elderly. Living with families can be a
Nevertheless, living with families sometimes have some drawbacks. Facts have shown
that people at older age tend to easily feel depression because of their health which
usually is not as good as they used to be and their loneliness. In the modern society, their
children prefer working to staying at homes, all of which makes elderly feel more
dejected. The modern family is often not close-knit and members do not have habits of
spending time chatting with each other. In this case, going to nursing houses is better
suitable choices for elderly since at least there are somebody talking and playing with
Looking at both sides of the situation, I am convinced by the belief that it is better for
elderly to live with their families. In the time of economic crisis, the expenditure per
head, according to statistics, keeps escalating and, therefore, not a number of families
could afford this. Also, local authorities could organize programs with participations of
elderly, including "Walking for a green environment" which provides them opportunities
All things considered, regarding both views of the issue, I am of the latter belief. As is
stated above, living with families is an economic choice. Nonetheless, for the purpose of
limiting pessimistic effects, local authorities and families should motivate elderly
participate in social programs.

Writing Task 2 - Elders and Nursing Home

Currently more and more people respect elders and became convinced that older people should
live with their families, which is in contrast to the view that older people should live at a nursing
For all of us it seems obvious today that people with long age have special experiences to solve
problems and consult about right behaviors. On the other hand, some of them need much
specific equipment or a full time patient person to care about them and maybe they can only live
The first point and the most important word to note here is; insofar as morality, loyalty and polite
behaviors are concerned, we; ourselves, must care about our elders asamount much as
possible in return of their attempt to educate us, grow us, and all the things that they do for us
and our society. They have bestowed their life to improve today's nation. They helped us to
move forward, and today's situations are consequence of their effort and their endurance. We
In addition of mentioned As shown above, we strongly need them to live with. The elders are the
ocean of awareness and knowledge prosperity. One expert in each home is like an invaluable
treasure. They can teach our children and us how to impact and solve the great problems of life
and living. They are university of sustainable relationship and mirror of durable
Another unoverlookable issue about them is, by respecting them, we show the youngsters and
children; in indirect and effective way to respect us in retirement and disablement years.
Despite all believes beliefs and creeds, there are many times in our life that we have to do
something in spite of (opposite) our willing. For instance, it is impossible for some persons to
work and care about somebody at the same time. Unfortunately many economic and
environment problems also force people to take their beloved parents to nursing homes.
As indicated above it is not easy to make a vivid judgment or give a plenty order to for all men's
life but there is no doubt that all of us are and will be falling in debt on them.
Currently more and more people respect elders and become convinced that older people should live with
their families which is in contrast to the view that older people should live at a nursing home. What is your
In eastern countries, elders usually live with their own families, while in western countries, they
normaly choose to live at a nursing home. Although I am from Vietnam, an eastern country, I am personally
opinion thanks [better
use due ]to
The first reason is that there is always a gap between two generations, which can demolish their relationship
when they live under on one roof. For instance, in my home country, older people prefer having dinner at

home; meanwhile young couple usually like to eat out to save time. Obviously, the conflict may involve much
bigger matters which the two generations never share the same thought. By and large, living together has a
negative impact on the relationship if parents and children have very dissimilar perception s [ No s].
Another reason is that living at home; the elderly never receive the same professional service as at nursing
home where all staff is staffs are certified for their qualification of in taking care of older people. For
example, the elderly is at times in hot temper which only patient nurses know how to deal with properly. By
sending parents to a nursing home, children can still visit them every day and ensure that they are receiving
the best service on ending days of their lives. Seniors are therefore best taken care in a nursing home
As suggested above [ write In conclusion] , the elderly should live in a nursing home to avoid possible
conflicts with their children and to receive a professional service. It is recommended that eastern countries
like Vietnam or China develop a better system of nursing houses to provide older people with better living

With world being more competitive people are more focussed on achieving more and
more without having enough time for the care of their old parents. Therefore, I
completely agree that older people are taken better care in specialised organisation run
under professional guidance rather than in busier and noisier family environment.
In the present context, people have busy time in their work and taking care of their own
child. Therefore, they do not have enough time for the proper care and even effective
communication with their old aged parents. They eventually develop feeling of loneliness
and worthlessness as being burden to their own family. Likewise, teenage grand children
like to play music in high volume which is irritating and disturbing for their grandparents
to perform daily activities. In addition to this, some of them come against their religious
and spiritual beliefs which again act as an unfavourable place to sustain. All of this has a
negative impact on their physical, psychological, spiritual and cultural aspects of their
There are various reasons which consider nursing care homes as a suitable place for care
of older people. The first important point is that such organisation are fully equipped with
skilled manpower like nurses, doctors, speech and language therapists who have a
distinctive characteristics such as empathy, compassionate and kindness that an old
people expect. The second point is that the environment is also appropriate for them
showing respect for their privacy and dignity. It delivers good quality care which
promotes dignity by nurturing and supporting older persons self respect and self worth.
Lastly, they get an opportunity to reinvigorate the new relationships with people of
similar age making their life healthier physically and mentally.

In conclusion, the availability of qualitative care by expert manpower in a sound

environment of specialised homes is more compatible than busy family members to live
happily and healthily for the old people.

Essay topic
Currently more and more people respect elders and become convinced that older people
should live with their families, which is in contrast to the view that older people should live
at a nursing home. What is your opinion? (34mins)
With the growing elderly, the puissance of several factors on the older generation has become a
bone of contention to the most individuals. Various sentiments have risen, including the
perspective that the elders should live with their families. Others disagree with this notion and
present that old people should live at a nursing home. The dynamics of this contentions demands
a better understanding of its intricacies before a resolution could be provided.
Thanks to the advancement of technology, the elderly populace is growing and has become a
highly controversial matter to the general public. In fact, opposing sentiments have risen as to the
proper care of the elderly. Many aver that they should best live the remaining of their days with
their loved ones, while others insist that the elderly should be put in a nursing home for obvious
reasons. Looking into these assertions will help us come up with an objective decision as to
which is a better home for the elderly.
There is nothing more important to the elderly than a familys care. It is a known fact that only a
family could look after the old constituents with love. The mass media even broadcasts the
noticeable families who take care of their old parents. Another consideration is the unnecessary
expenses. It is clear that if the elderly stays at a nursing home, it needs a large amount of money.
Also, the elders could raise their grand-children; the younger generation would only concentrate
on their work not their children. It can help not only familys expenses but also the nations
Everyone concedes to the fact that the family is the best care giver for senior citizens. This is
because ones loved ones can provide the tender, loving care most elderly require. In fact, the
society even extols families who personally take care of their old parents and awards them
accordingly. Besides, putting them in a nursing home entails a lot of ones resources, which
could put a great burden on the family. In addition, the elderly will enjoy looking after their
grand children while their own children works to sustain the needs of the family. Their
contribution to the family will further encourage them and vastly improve their self-esteem,
knowing that they can still be productive even in old age.
There are those who strongly oppose the above supposition. They claim that the newest medical
equipments and services are the most prerequisite to the elderly life. Old peoples number one
problem is their physical problems. It they could live in a nursing home, their condition would be
better. Secondly, the elderly who have been retired from their job want to enjoy their second life
with leisure activities. The elders today respond more to their friends and hobbies more than they
do to their family. Enjoying their life can prolong the elderly life healthier.
Others, however, do not agree to the above supposition. They insist that the elderly must be
given the proper medical medication they deserve and this cannot be provided by the family
themselves. Current medical equipments in nursing homes will improve their physical health
immensely. Furthermore, it is well known that the elderly needs to be socially active as well,
more so as they age. Nursing homes provides them with enough interaction among diverse

people from all walks of life, while at the same time; provide enough leisure activities that will
keep their creativity going. Enjoying their daily activities will help prolong their lives in
miraculous ways.
Considering the given factors, it is uncontestable that living the elderly with their families would
can help both elders and youngers. However, the elders could have better life, when they live in a
nursing home with convenient medical services and their interests.
Thus, we can construe from the given assertions that the elderly can benefit greatly from living
with their loved ones and looking after the younger members of the family. However, their lives
will become more meaningful should they pursue their personal interests and be given proper
medical care immediately, as soon as they need it

Currently more and more people respect elders and become convinced that older
people should live with their families, which contrast to the view that older should live
at a nursing house. What is your opinion?
In present times, it is a widely-held perception that the world is subject to the tendency of
the aging population and its subsequent influences/consequences. Besides, as for many
countries the policies for and views of nursing elderly do not fall far from the spotlight/
become of a great concern. Some people feel that the elderly are supposed to live among
the members of their families, whereas there is an opposite view that such respectful
people deserve to receive special care from nursing houses. In my essay, I intend to
examine both sides of the argument and give my own opinion.
On the one hand, the proponents believe that it is the family atmosphere that is the
optimal choice to older people. Firstly, the elderly are less likely to experience the feeling
of loneliness and abandoning when living with their descendants. Many old people suffer
from being left in nursing houses, longing for the rare visits of their children, which may
cause depression and diseases in a long term. Moreover, considering the morality,
descendants are supposed to take responsibility for caring the later life of their parents, to
whom they owe the countless debt. This value can be experienced in many Asian
countries. Besides, irrefutably, the expenditure for nursing houses is extremely high,
which can be such a burden to the elderly family members.
On the other hand, some people hold the belief that nursing houses are worth considering
for many households. First, these places can provide the professional medical treatments
to the senior citizens. There is no doubt that professional staff in such places, who major
in grasping the psychology, psychiatry and medication, are the best option to take care of
later life of ole people who are likely to suffer from inevitable diseases. Second, the
elderly in nursing houses can enjoy the sense of community as living among their peers,
who have the same emotion, thoughts and sympathy for each other, which can hardly be
found in their descendants. Besides, the atmosphere of nursing houses are appropriate for
the life of the senior citizens. Noises made by children, neighbors and surrounding may
irritate them.
All thing considered, despite the existed arguments about the advantages of nursing
houses, I still approve of the idea of elder people living with their children. However, the
limitations of this solution can be addressed if the governments and family members can

encourage the elderly to take part in more social activities and to have a sound life with
exercises and peer communications.

First and foremost, it is indisputable that the young leaders are likely to be sensitive to
novelty, which is the core elements in the competitive and selective commercial world.
explicably, the world is experiencing the drastic and revolutionary changes by second.
Therefore, grasping the trend of these conversions and effortless adjusting to the turn of
the trading game is considered as the decisive point, which is the distinct feature of
youngsters. Take Microsoft as an example. Bill gate who created this billion-dollar
business was just the students at that time but it is the decisiveness, and the sensitivity to
the new wave of the young CEO turned out to be successful. Besides, young leaders are
capable of more likely highly efficient application of new technology on the work. This is
undoubtedly an edge of these youngsters over the older generation.

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