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Our Lecturer Findings from analysis

Lecturer Questions
We decided to interview two male lecturers and two female lecturers for this part of our project.
All four of the lecturers that we had interviewed believed that students are dependent on modern
technology to stay social and to help with study. One of our lecturers said that they believe students
use technology mainly for communicating amongst themselves. Whereas one of the lecturers said
that they believe they use technology for communication, using it for Moodle, and that it also
happens to be a distraction to the student.
In comparison to 10 years ago, our lecturers all believed that students use technology more. Two of
our lecturers thought they use it more for communicating than anything else. Where another of our
lecturers said that students are dependent and think everyone has it. Our last lecturer said that
everyone has technology nowadays and believe that technology wasn't around 10 years ago due to
the funds not being there.
Three of the four lecturers interviewed said that an advantage to technology is communicating with
other students and friends. However, only one of the lecturers believed it was reliable.
Three of the lecturers said that students are too dependent on technology and it's also a distraction to
the students when they are studying or in class.
Out of the four lecturers interviewed, two believe that students require technology to communicate,
one said that they didn't and he last lecturer was undecided.
As to whether social media make students self-conscious about themselves, two agreed with the
statement, one disagreed and the fourth lecturer was unsure when they stood on the topic.
Two of the lecturers saw social media as way of helping each other out outside of class, whereas
one was against the statement and one was unsure.

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