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My name is Alexander, I cannot tell you my full name, because the world I am from, that

is very dangerous. If you knew my full name, my mother would find you and it would not be a
very pleasant ending for you. Im one of the 6 children in the autumn court. I have 4 brothers
and 2 sisters. I am the youngest. I am 16, I have been 16 for about 3 centuries. My sisters
names are, Raven and Waverly. My brothers are Vladimir, Thaddeus, and Pierce. The oldest out
of us all is Thaddeus (hes 6 centuries old), raven and Waverly (twins, 5 centuries), Vladimir and
Pierce (also twins, 4 centuries.) I dont enjoy being the youngest, but it isnt bad because my
mother, or as we are supposed to call her, queen Maryella, favors me the most. She always
makes sure I am protected, which Im thankful for, but it gets quite annoying. I do know how to
defend myself, Ive been practicing my fighting for 3 centuries.
Alexander! I awoke to a very loud knocking on my door, The queen would like to see
I mumble back, Okay! Ill be right out! I jump up and grab my cape, boots, and pants
and slide them on as i do everyday. I grab my sword and put it at my side. Finally, I open my
door and walk through the long corridors of the castle, often losing my way, despite of all my
years living here, doors and corridors seem to pop up everywhere. I finally find my queen and I
walk in. Stumbling over some gnomes huddled in front of the door.
Hey! Watch where youre walking! The leader yells, but he has a very high-pitched
voice, causing me to laugh. They all stare at me and I sigh, straightening and walking towards
my mothers throne. My brothers and sisters were all standing near the throne, scowling at me,
like I had just fallen into something that smelled rotten. I stared at them and rolled my eyes.
Prince Alexander, its nice of you to finally to join us. Queen Maryella said, with her loud
voice. She eyed my siblings who started to snicker. I have a task for you, it is a dangerous
quest though. You could die, Alexander.
Yes, queen. I would be honored to complete this task for you. I said confidently,
although I was very nervous.
Good, good. Here is the task, prince of the Autumn court. You must go into the human
world, I froze. The human world I really could die. It would take a very long time, centuries,
maybe thousands of years. You see, we have a deadly allergy to Iron, you could say. We can
not touch it, our flesh burns, it leaves behind a very bad wound, and if we are in the human
world, it takes a very long time to heal. Even if I were to find a healer, my wound would take a
long time to heal. Maryella sighs, pulling my attention back to her. You have to find King
Vincent's daughter Yes, daughter. He has another child her name is Fairy. She is with her
mother in Salem, Massachusetts. She is only a newborn, with her father of which whom I will
not name. But, Prince Alexander, find her, bring her to me, to safety. You will have to watch over
her though, for many years, about 16 years. Watch over her and take care of her. Do NOT let
her out of your sight. Do not let anything bad happen to her, because if you do, I will make sure
you are dead and out of my sight. Do you understand?
Yes, I understand perfectly, when do you want me to head out? I said, trying to sound
confident and not nervous. This did not work, because the queen smirks and taps her fingers on
the arm of the throne.
At dawn. You will leave at dawn, you will have no protection. And please, for the love of
everything, do not bring that dreadful friend of yours. You are not allowed to be around him,
remember? I nod and bow to her.

Okay, I will head out at dawn. If I may, Im going to go get ready for my quest. She nods
and I walk out of the room, and spend what seems like days, trying to find my room. I finally find
it and I walk into the room and slump down on the bed.
A girl? Did he really have to have a girl? This is going to be a fun time. The courts were
not supposed to interact with each other, not at all. I have no clue why mother wants me to find
and watch over this girl, or why I have to find her. This is the Spring Kings daughter, were
talking about. This is illegal among the courts. The queen could die because of this. I will not
question her, though. I will only do what she tells me.
I walk around my room, thinking of what I need to bring. I pack some healing potions,
some extra clothes, weapons, and anything else I need. Once I am all packed I lean against the
wall and look out the window, seeing all the leaves fall makes me smile. It happens everyday
but it is still a gorgeous sight. As im looking out the window a giant crow bumps into my window,
I jump back and then I roll my eyes. I open it and my best friend, as humans call them, flies into
my room. Puck, from the book A Midsummer Nights Dream falls down in a swirl of feathers.
Hey! Hows my favorite Prince?
Im fine, Puck. I just have this huge task my queen wants me to do. I said yes. To all of
this! I explain everything my queen had told me, and Pucks eyes sparkled with excitement. I
knew he would want to go with. I will let him.
Puck, I swear to all things holy. Do not, I repeat DO NOT, let anybody see you. Do not
try to kidnap this baby and play tricks with it. Do you understand? he smirked at me and I rolled
my eyes.
Fine, prince. I wont. I promise. I was content with that promise because now, he could
not break it. I sighed and sat down on my bed and looked up at him.
Puck, what am I going to do? I know nothing about this girl or her family. This could get
us killed. I could fall in love for god sake!
I thought you were in love with me? Puck blurts and falls on the ground laughing. I roll
my eyes and look at him. This was the usual Puck, Jester of the Summer Court. Always
cracking jokes and pulling pranks. I enjoyed it most of the time, but not tonight. This was
Puck! Focus! We need to figure something out! He stops laughing and blinks at me. I
soften my tone, sorry, I shouldnt have shouted but, we do need to figure out something. We
need to quickly. It will be dawn in only a few hours. I know, I just woke up about an hour ago,
but time moves differently here. You never know when youll see the sun or when night will fall.
The sun and the darkness get into fights sometimes, I wish they could just find peace. It isnt
very fun when the daytime changes to nighttime in a matter of seconds. I sigh and look back at
puck who is sitting in the corner. So, this girl, her name is Fairy. She is only a newborn. Born
about a month ago, I think is what the queen said. I need to watch over her for 16 years, Puck!
Thats a long time. Are you sure you want to come along? Oberon wont mind?
Oh, hell mind a whole bunch, but do you think I care? I need to get some fresh air, hes
always asking me to do things. Chase goblins, red caps, and many other things out. It gets tiring
I need a break. I smirks and looks sideways at me, Besides, I wouldnt want anything to
happen to my dear prince, would I? No, because Id miss him so, he snorts with laughter and I
roll my eyes. Plus, I could use some fighting. I havent gotten much practice since the last

adventure into the Wyldwood together.

Puck, that was yesterday.
Exactly my point. Its so boring without daggers and swords being flashed all over the
place, now isnt it?

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