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Separation of Catalonia from

A Spanish, which I thought was very knowledgeable and well prepared, was
invited by a news presenter on TV a couple of days ago. (Sorry, jumping
from one channel to another looking for values I did not withhold names). In
two short sentences he reveals what explicitly are related to the separation:
"... neither party will suit the separation ... I imagine that keep the
union corresponds to the globalization that arises spontaneously by
economic expediency; also by saving bureaucratic personnel, for ex. in
international representations.
Speaking of the tensions created he said: "... it suit to both sides to
divert public attention from the real problems ... What seems to me
is unconscionable and immoral that were used huge amounts of resources
from the public treasury of Catalonia, for the huge propaganda awareness
of the population with false promises, and with the huge cost of filling the
streets with demonstrations and flags. But the worst is exacerbating to the
public with regionalisms without validity today.

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