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The Elder of Castle Black

It was a dark and stormy night surrounding the depths of Castle Black. Castle Black had been
abandoned for the past 10 years. Though the Castle stood gloomy and neglected, the surrounding village
bustled with life. However, it was known throughout that the village that no one was to talk about or go
near Castle Black. For deep within the dungeons of the castle lurked a noble elder with strange powers.
If the elder caught you in her glance, misfortune was surely to follow. No one has ever seen this noble
elder, but legend has it, she has hypnotic eyes.
In this small village, there lived a prominent family. They had a young son, Edward, who was
mistified by Castle Black. His family refused to give in to his inquiry about the castle. They scolded him
every time he mentioned Castle Black. On the night of the storm however, his curiosity boiled and
bubbled out of control, as wild and uncontrollable as the sky. Edward rallied his friends this ominous night;
determined to find out more about the supposed noble elder and the ghastly castle. Edward and his
friends met behind the old blacksmith shop. Edward told his friends the myth wasnt real and he was
going to prove it.
Ok! Lets see how brave you are then, Edward, sneered rotten, sour Harold. Harold was the
son of the cobbler and nobody liked him. He spent his days throwing stones at carts as they passed by
and scaring little ones when they played in the village square.
If you dont believe in the Elder, then go down to the dungeon and spend the night! Anyone who
is so sure that the castle is empty should sleep easy inside the walls, Harold said. The other boys looked
towards Edward, nodding their heads in agreement with Harold. Edward stared back at them all,
indecision flashing in his eyes. A brief and violent war waged across his face before he shouted,
Lets go then! Im not afraid of an elder that doesnt exist. Lets see if the rest of you are as brave
as me.
They decided then and there that tonight would be night Edward would prove the myth wrong.
The boys slowly walked up to Castle Black, never taking their eyes off the castle. They crossed the moat,
over the bridge, and stopped short just before reaching the big wooden doors. All were looking up at the
dark, monstrous stone structure. No one moved. The night itself seemed to be holding its breath, just as
the boys were. The boys were so focused on what lay before them, that nobody noticed the shadowy
figure illuminated in the turret window above. Edward had his knapsack in one hand and an axe in the
What are you waiting for, Edward, taunted Harold.
Give me some time!, demanded Edward.
Are you really going to go alone?, asked George. George was Edwards cousin. He was a kind
boy, but not nearly as brave as Edward.
Yes, because theres nothing to be afraid of. The Elder is not real, replied Edward. Slowly
Edward started making his way towards the big, brown castle doors, secretly hoping it wouldnt open.
Just as Edward reached the door, George screamed.
Im going with you! he said, grabbing the torch out of Harolds hand. The two boys pushed on
the castle door and it creaked open. The boys gasped.
Good luck Harold snickered as he walked away.
Edward and George walked through the doors and into the castle. It was everything Edward
imagined. It was dark, cold and eerie. Immediately Edward felt terrified and knew this was a place
nightmares were born. His initial reaction was to turn around and retreat but he knew that wasnt option.
Just then, the castle door slammed closed. Edward and George ran to the door, but they knew what they
would find before they arrived. They pulled and pushed on handles, straining to get the doors open. The
heavy wooden doors would not budge, despite the boy's efforts. George and Edward looked at each other
What do we do now asked George. His eyes darted around the room. As far as the eye could
see was darkness and disrepair. Before Edward could answer, a thunderous boom filled the air and
lightning cracked across the sky. The boys jumped at the sound and George took off running down the
main corridor.
George, wait! Stop! Stop, George shouted Edward. He ran after his cousin, blindly following
down hall after hall, as the dust and cobwebs rained down from the rafters.
George please! Stop running! Wait, wait, wait! Edward caught George by the sleeve and pulled
him to a halt. They stood there panting for a moment, waiting for their hearts to stop racing. Edward

scanned the passages ahead. They had two choices ahead: a dark, empty path to the left, and a dark,
empty path to the right. Neither boy knew which passage would lead them to the dungeon lair of the
Elder. Just then a thin voice filled the air.
Come to meeeee. Joinnnnnn me. Find meeeeeeeeee!
Edward and George looked to the passage on their left where the whispered words froze in the
air, then looked towards one another.
Wha wha what was that? George asked.
Must have been the wind making its way through these old stones said Edward. Have no fear
cousin, we are alone in this castle. Edward made his way back down the hall to pick up the torch he
dropped while chasing after his frenzied cousin. With it safely back in hand, Edward made his way back to
George and turned down the corridor to the right. After a few hours of wandering, Edward and George
stood at the top of a steep stone stairway. A cold, damp air wafted up from the depths below.
This must lead the way to the dungeon. Everyone says thats where the Elder hides. Its the only
place with room enough to keep all those she has spellbound. I mean, thats what the villagers say
Edward murmured. He looked towards the stairs yet again. Fear and indecision clouded his gaze as he
looked, back and forth, between the stairs and the passage they just traveled.
Do we go down? queried George. The prospect of going down those rough steps made
Georges knees wobble, but he reminded himself that the faster they went to the dungeon, the faster they
could go back home. Slowly they walked down the steps, putting one foot in front of the other. The steps
kept spiraling down, down, down. Finally, they reached the dungeon, ever regretting their decision to
come to this horrific castle.
Come to meeeeee. Joinnnnnn me. Find meeeeeeeeee! the voice called again. Fear rolled off
the boys in thick waves, crowding them in the dank dungeon air.
Is that. Is that Is that a light ahead? George asked in a panicked voice. I thought the castle
was em.. em.. empty! The boys drew closer and closer to the illuminated door ahead, as their feet drug
heavily on the floors cool stones. A crackling fire could be heard through the thick wooden planks, along
with the sounds of an old womans voice, softly murmuring to no one in particular. Edward and George
looked to one another. Edward spoke first.
This is it George. The last door in the castle. Weve explored Castle Black from top to bottom and
havent seen the the Noble Elder. Lets look around to see if there is anything to scare Harold with inside,
and then we can go home. Edward turned the tarnished handle of the door and swung it open. Light
blinded the boys for a moment and they threw up their arms to cover their eyes. George wasnt as quick
as Edward though, which proved to be disastrous. George blinked his eyes to try and adjust to the
sudden light filling the room. As he blinked, something hypnotic filled his line of sight. For a moment, all
George could see was a sparkling field of blue. Suddenly a tangle of confusion filled his brain. George
thought he could hear Edward calling, while the sound of wild music played in the background. He had
the urge to start clucking like a chicken while howling at the moon. All at once George started
somersaulting around the room, laughing and laughing.
Edward listened to his cousin and his mad behavior, but he dared not open his eyes. Just as
powerfully as the sound of George was that gravely womans voice calling to him, finally singing a
different tune.
Look at meeeee boy. Open your eyes and seeeeee me! Join meeeee. SEEEEEEEE MEEEEE!
the Elder cried.
NO! shouted Edward. You cant fool me with your tricks, Elder. I refuse to see you, you do not
exist! Just then, Edward felt a papery old hand grab his arm. His skin burned under the touch, a searing
hot fire running through his veins. Edward screamed and yanked his arm away. In his haste to flee from
that hand, Edward blindly began to run. He came crashing to the floor when he tripped over a crate near
the hearth. Edward stuck out his hands to break his fall, but was stopped suddenly by a large heavy
shield propped along the wall. Edward grabbed the shield in his hands, not knowing what he even held.
He did not dare to open his eyes for a second, lest he join the invisible circus George suddenly had
joined. All that mattered to him was putting something, anything between him and the Elder coming his
way. The Elder screamed, a sound not fully human, as she prepared to attack the boy before her. With his
emotions at a boil, Edward screamed too. All he could do was hope the shield would hold long enough for
him to escape.

Get away from me Edward shouted with all his might. He pushed out with the shield and the
Elder began to howl. The wounded animal sounds she made shocked Edward so greatly, he opened his
Before him the Elder stood, in faded, dirty robes. She was screaming and pulling out her hair, but
all the while she could not take her gaze away from her reflection in the polished old shield. Her shrieks
grew louder and louder, and suddenly she disappeared. In that instant, George stopped braying like a
donkey and started shaking his head. All the candles in room suddenly lit, and the chill was gone. Edward
and George stood panting, looking at each other in disbelief.
What just happened asked George. Was I doing cartwheels? Was I mooing too? Edward
looked at him, not knowing what to say for a moment.
I cant believe it. I really cant believe it. Edward looked to the shield and back to where the
Elder had once stood.
She must have caught sight of herself in the shield and hypnotized herself. I dont know what
else it could be Edward muttered. He shook his head and bent over to pick up the beautiful old shield.
The he looked towards the door. Sunlight was slowly creeping its way down the hall. Edward turned back
to his cousin, and gave him a saucy grin.
Well George, I think its time we make our way out of the dungeon and get back to the village.
Harold and the others are never going to believe this.

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