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Finish each of the following sentences so that it means the same as the printed one.
1. Under no circumstances should you phone the police. (The last thing you could do is to call the
2. Sam didnt celebrate until he received the prize. (It was not until Sam received the prize that he
3. Nobody expected her to lose, but she did. ( Against everybodys expectation, she lost)
4. Youll learn the basic rules. Then youll find it easy to play. (One you have learnt the basic rules,
youll find it easy to play.)
5. If nothing unfortunate happens, Ill see you next week. (All being well, Ill see you next week.)
6. The government have been reviewing their education policies recently. (The governments education
policies have been under review recently.
7. When the policeman appeared at the door. I was pretty taken aback. (Imagine my surprise/
astonishment when a policeman appeared at the door.)
8. My protests were ignored. (Nobody took notice of my protests.)
9. Its what people eat that betrays their social background, not their table manners. (What gives
peoples social background away is what they eat, not their table manners.)
10. The chances are a hundred to one against you. (Its most difficult for you to get the chances)
11. Giving fair warning, I could have avoided that date. (If you could tell me in advance, I could have
avoided that date.)
12. I would do anything for you. ( Theres nothing I would not do for you)
13. Anns mother gave her a gold watch. (What Anns mother gave her was a gold watch)
14. Its only when youre ill that you start to appreciate good health. (It isnt until you are ill that you
start to appreciate good health.)
15. No matter how hard I tried, I couldnt open the door. (Try as hard as I might, I could not open the
16. The last time I go to that restaurant. (I certainly wont go to that restaurant again)
17. The rail workers do not intend to call off their strike. (The rail workers have no intention of calling
off their strike.)
18. I dislike it when people criticize me unfairly. (I object to people criticizing me unfairly.)
19. The heavy rain made it impossible for us to have our picnic. (We were not able to have our picnic
because of the heavy rain.)
20. He was sorry he hadnt said goodbye to her at the airport. (He regretted not saying goodbye to her at
the airport.)
21. Mosquitoes cause malaria and this is well known. (That mosquitoes cause malaria is well-known)
22. Her husband died. When she heard the news she fainted. (On hearing the news of her hushands
death she fainted)
23. Jerrys salary as an accountant is two thousand dollars a month. (Jerry makes 2,000 dollars a month.)
24. I only recognized him when he came into the light. (Not until he came into the light did I recognize
25. The value of sterling has fallen considerably in the past week. (There has been a considerable fall in
the value of sterling in the past week.)
26. He refused to help, which surprised us. (His refusal to help surprised us.)
27. It is said that there is plenty of oil off our own coast. (There is said to be plenty of oil off our own
28. Can we trust her? (Is she trustworthy?)
29. Driving fast is dangerous whether you are an experienced driver or not? (However experienced you
are, driving fast is dangerous.)
30. I dont want to go to that party last night. (I dont feel like going to that party last night.)

31. Well always remember these days together at our meeting in the future. (Whenever we meet again
in the future, well always remember these days.)
32. The police are advising vigilance, as there have been more robberies lately. (Due to the recent
increase robberies, the police are advising vigilance.)
33. Next years turnover and profits cant be forecast. (Its impossible to forecast next years turnover
and profits.)
34. Nobody helped me to build this. (I built this on my own.)
35. The realisation that I had made a big mistake came later. (Only later did I realise that I had made a
big mistake.)
36. No one stands a chance of beating Mansell in this years championship. ( Its a foregone conclusion
that Mansell will win this years championship.)
37. Her success went beyond her expectation. (Never had she expected that she was so successful.)
38. If we wait long, well get what we want. (Its just a question of waiting long enough to get what we
39. The rumour about the politician and construction contract is absolutely false. (There is absolutely no
truth in that rumour about the politician and construction contract.)
40. They couldnt find the manager anywhere. (The manager was nowhere to be found.)
41. More people are infected with HIV this year than they were 5 years ago. (Not as many people were
infected with HIV 5 years ago as they are this year.)
42. Just after solving one problem, I was faced with another. (Hardly had I solved one problem when I
was faced with another.)
43. It was his incompetence which led to their capture. (Had he been competent, they wouldnt have
been captured.)
44. I dont understand a single word of this letter. (I cant make head nor tail of this letter.)
45. The hurricance blew the roof off the house. (The house had its roof blown off by the hurricance.)
46. Martin may not be very well but he still manages to enjoy life. (Martins poor health does not
prevent him from enjoying life.)
47. If the work is finished by lunchtime and you can go home. (Get the work finished by lunchtime and
you can go home.)
48. You pay 20D a month for a period of one year. (You pay in twelve successive monthly installments
of 20D
49. The chances are that the whole thing will have been forgotten by next term. (In all probablity the
whole thing will have been forgotten by next term.)
50. The only thing that kept us out of prison was the way he spoke the local dialect. (But for his
command of the local dialect we would have been jailed.)
51. This affair does not concern you. (This affair is not business of yours)
52. The fate of the two climbers is unknown. (It is a mystery what has happened to the two climbers.)
53. That dress has only the slightest mark on it. (I can barely see any mark on that dress.)
54. It is thought that the accident was caused by human error. (The accident is thought to have been
caused by human error.)
55. He did not pass his driving test until he was nearly 30. (It was not until he was nearly 30 that he
passed his driving test.)
56. It was the weakness of the foundations that led to the collapse of the building. (If the foundations
hadn't been weak, the building wouldnt have collapsed.)
57. The police let him leave after they had questions him. ( He was allowed to leave after he had been
questioned by the police)
58. He was very sorry that he didnt see Andrey on her trip to London. (He greatly regretted not seeing
Andry on her trip to London.)
59. It was his lack of confidence that surprised me. (What I found surprising was his lack of

60. Despite having a lot of money, he wasnt happy. (Even though he had a lot of money, he wasnt
61. They will not announce the decision formally. (No formal announcement of the decision will be
62. They believe that the robbers got into the bank through the roof. (The robbers are believed to have
got into the bank through the roof.)
63. Karajan was the first person to recognize her extraordinary musical gift. (It was Karajan who first
recognized her extraordinary musical gift.)
64. Its lack of irregular verbs makes Esperanto a unique language. (Unlike other languages, Esperanto
has no irregular verbs.)
65. Thanks to Lauras support I was able to finish the project. (Had it not been Lauras support, I would
not have been able to finish the project.
66. It was his over-confidence that led to his defeat in the Wimbledon final. (If he hadnt been so overconfident, he would not have been defeated.)
67. They have been living in Germany for five years now. (Its 5 years since they moved to Germany.)
68. I have never been to Paris before. (This is the first time Ive been to Paris.)
69. The football team have won all their matches this season, and their manager is a famous Spanish
footballer. (The football team, whose manager is a famous Spanish footballer, have won all their
matches this season.)
70. I think you should buy a new pair of shoes and get rid of those trainers. (Its high time you bought a
new pair of shoes and got rid of those trainers.)
71. A fire destroyed most of the old city of London in the 1600s. (The destruction of most of the old city
of London was brought about by a fire in the 1600s.)
72. The presidential visit attracted such an enormous crowd that all traffic came to a standstill.( So many
people turned out to see the president that all )
73. There has been a considerable fall in the value of these goods in the past week. (The value of these
goods has fallen considerably in the past week.)
74. Attendance at the exhibition has been down this year. (The exhibition has not been so well attended
this year.)
75. We have 6.00 deadline for this work.(This work must be finished by 6.00)
76. We regret to inform you that your application has not been successful. (Much to our regret, we have
to/ are obligated to inform you that your...
77. It might be a good idea if trucks were sent there to help in the distribution of food supplies. (It was
suggested truck should have been sent there to help in...
78. Please let me know if you wish to keep the book any longer. (Should you wish to keep the book any
longer, let me know.)
79. Im absolutely sure that they werent playing on this weather. (They cant have been playing in this
80. She didnt shed a tear when the story ended in tragedy. (Not a tear did she shed when ...
81. You think that fat people are always jolly, but you are wrong.(Contrary to your opinion, fat people
are not always jolly)
82. I dont know the first thing about aeronautics. (I am utterly/totally ignorant about aeronautics.)
83. It is not certain that John will get the job. (It is open to question whether John will get the job.)
84. We werent surprised by his success. (It came as no surprise to us that he was successful.)
85. The flowers are beautiful in spring. (Beautiful are the flowers in spring.)
86. The war with French didnt end as early as we had expected so not many children were sent to
school. (If the war with French had ended as early as we had expected, many children would have
been sent to school.)
87. He is so stupid that he cant remember his lessons. (So stupid is he that he....)

88. After the beginning of the opera, latecomers had to wait before taking their seats. (Once the opera
had begun, late-comers had....)
89. There was never any answer when we rang. (Every time we rang, there wasnt any answer.)
90. The patient recovered more rapidly than expected. (The patient made a more rapid recovery than
91. My boss works better when he pressed for the time. (The less time my boss has, the better he works.)
92. It isnt necessary for you to finish by Saturday. (You dont need to finish by Saturday.)
93. The poor should not be despised. (Do not despise the poor.)
94. It is useless to waste time in arguing with him. (Why waste time in arguing with him?)
95. His life was despaired of. (All hope that he was alive was in vain.)
96. He knew the subject inside out. (He knew the subject well.)
97. The chances are a hundred to one against you. (Its most difficult for to get the chances.)
98. It was his incompetence which led to their capture. (If he had been competent, he would not have
been captured.)
99. The true only came out on the publication of the generals person diaries. (Only when the generals
personal diaries were published did the truth come out.)

1. We will put out to sea if the weather is good. (Provided that the weather is good, we will put out to
2. Please dont give me an injection. (Id rather you didnt give me an injection.)
3. He is certainly not stupid. (He is by no means stupid.)
4. Im interested in why you did it. (The only thing I am interested in is why you did it.)
5. You cant blame me for your stupid mistakes. (It isnt my fault that you made stupid mistakes.)
6. He only paid a few hundred dollars for the motorbike. (The motorbike cost him only a few hundred
7. Turn on all the switches before starting the equipment. (All the switches must/ have to/ should be
turned on before you start the equipment.)
8. Youll learn the basic rules. Then youll find it easy to play. (Once you have learnt the basic rules,
youll find it easy to play.)
9. Son hasnt been back to his native village for 10 years now. (It is 10 years since Son was back to his
native village.)
10. We had hardly begun our walk when it began to rain. (Hardly had we began our walk when it began
to rain.)?
11. It was difficult to reach the other cities. (The other cities were difficult to reach.)
12. Mary knew what the answer was after reading the book. (By the time she finished reading the book,
Mary knew what the answer was.)
13. They overhauled her car yesterday. (She had her car overhauled yesterday.)
14. Son didnt celebrate until he received the prize. (Not until Son had received the prize, did he
15. How long have they engaged? (When did they get engaged?)
16. Its my opinion that you should take more exercise. (If I were you, Id take more exercise.)
17. Without his wifes constant support he would never have achieved his ambition. (If he hadnt had his
wifes support, he would never have achieved his ambition.)
18. Follow these instructions carefully and you wont have any problems. (As long as you follow these
instructions carefully, you wont have any problems.)
19. But for his presence of mind there might have been a serious accident. (If it hadnt been for his
presence of mind, there might have been a serious problem.)

20. Tear gas was released as soon as the thieves touched the safe. (No sooner had the thieves touches the
safe than tear gas was released.)
21. They had such a fierce dog that nobody would visit them. (So fierce was the dog that nobody would
visit them.)
22. Only after all the guests had gone home could we relax. (It wasnt until all the guests had gone home
that we could relax.)
23. I was going to leave, but because of what she said, I didnt. (She persuaded me not to leave.)
24. I didnt know why people are attracted to spending all day on the beach. (I cant see the attraction of
spending all day on the beach.)
25. The cost of living has got higher. (How much higher the cost of living has got!)
26. You pay 20D a month for a period of one year. (You pay in twelve successive monthly installments
of 20D.)
27. What are the chances of her passing the exam? (How likely is it she will pass the exam.)
28. It is not certain that John will get the job. (Its open to question whether John will get the job.)
29. We only despatch goods after receiving the money. (Only after the money is received will we
despatch goods.)
30. Thats none of your business. (Thats got nothing to do with you.)
31. The fishermans life was one of great poverty. (Throughout his life, the fisherman was very poor.)
32. He was suspended for two matches for swearing at the referee. (Swearing at the referee earned him a
suspension of two matches.)
33. The girls behavior was incomprehensible to the Head Teacher. (The Head Teacher was at a loss to
comprehend the girls behaviour.)
34. The huricance blew the roof the house. (The house had the roof blown off by the hurricance.)
35. Happiness is elusive to rich and poor alike. (Whether you are rich or poor, happiness is elusive.)
36. I didnt see her for five years. (Five years has passed since I last saw her.)
37. It is believed that the man escaped in a stolen car. (The man is believed to have escaped in a stolen
38. Im certainly not going to give you any more money. (I have no intention of giving you any more
39. If nothing unfortunate happens, Ill see you next week. (All being well, Ill see you next week.)
40. I write to him almost everyday. (Hardly does a day pass without my writing to him.)
41. You can use it as long as you like, and it will not wear out. (Not matter how long you use it; it will
not wear out.)
42. Its my impression that shes enjoying her new job a great deal. (She seems to me to be enjoying her
new job a great deal.)
43. The company will well make a profit next year. (I wouldnt be surprised if the company made profit
next year.)
44. Everyday, its the same old routine in my job. (Day in day out its the same old routine in my job.)
45. Although the ticket may seem expensive, it is good value for money. (Expensive as the ticket may
be, it is good value for money.)
46. Brenda is a star because a famous director saw her act in a school play. (Unless a famous director
had been Brenda act in a school play, she wouldnt be a star.)
47. I was greatly relieved to hear that her condition was not serious. (It was with great relief to hear that
her condition was not serious.)
48. It is more than likely that she will succeed as an actress. (she has a good chance of succeeding as an
49. Such a ridiculous proposal isnt worth serious consideration. (There is no point in considering such a
ridiculous proposal seriously.)
50. Nobody expected her to lose, but she did. (Against everybodys expectation, she lost.)
51. You must concentrate on your work more. (You must apply yourself to your work more.)

52. If you werent born in this country, you cant vote in the election. (Not having been born in this
country means that you cant vote./ Not having been born in this country prevents you from voting.)
53. It wasnt clear to us at the time how serious the problem was. (Little did we know how serious the
problem was.)?
54. The people who were at the meeting will say nothing to the press. (Nobody who was at the meeting
will say anything at the press.)
55. I dont really want to go out tonight. (Id rather stay in tonight.)
56. When the goods arrive at the shop, they are inspected carefully. (On arrival at the shop, the goods
are inspected carefully.)
57. You dont need to finish this evening. (It isnt necessary for you to finish this evening.)
58. Youll be ill if you continue to smoke. (Unless you stop smoking, youll be ill.)
59. Youd better not touch that switch. (If I were you, I wouldnt touch that switch.)
60. Janet has made the necessary arrangements. (The necessary arrangements have been made by Janet.)
61. What time does the manager come back? the customer asked. (The customer wanted to know
when the manager came back.)
62. It took us three hours to paint the door. (We spent 3 hours painting the door.)
63. Its a good idea to take the train. (Youd better take the train.)
64. Six years ago we started writing to each other. (we have written to each other for six years.)
65. She acted brilliantly in the school play. (She gave a brilliant performance in the school play.)
66. She just had time to put up her umbrella before the rain came down in torrents. (No sooner had she
put up her umbrella than the rain came down in torrents.)
67. They were married in the summer of 1999. (Their wedding took place in the summer of 1999.)
68. John is fat because he eats so many chip. (If John didnt eat so many chips, he would not be fat.)
69. He only paid a few hundred dollars for the motorbike. (The motorbike cost him only a few hundred
70. Customs officers are stopping more travellers than usual this week. (An increase number of
travellers are being stopped by customs officers this week.)
71. You can eat as much as you like for USD 5 at the new lunch bar. (There is no limit for your eating
for USD 5 at the new lunch bar.)
72. Provided your handwriting is legible the examiner will accept your answer. (As long as the examiner
can read your handwriting, he will accept your answer.)
73. The men continued to feel unsafe until they crossed the border. (Not until the men had crossed the
border, did they feel safe.)?
74. The only thing that makes this job worthwhile is the money. (Were it not for the money this job
wouldnt be worthwhile.)
75. We have no seats left for the concert on December 14th. (All the seats for the concert on December
14th have been booked.)
76. The students riotous behaviour should have been severely punished. (The students deserved severe
punishment for their riotous behaviour.)
77. My income does not enable me to meet all my financial commitments. (I cant meet all my financial
commitments with my income.)
78. I am not surprised to hear that Harry had failed his driving test. (It came as no surprise to me that
Herry had failed his driving test.)
79. Its nobodys fault that the meeting was cancelled. (Nobody is to blame for the fact that the meeting
was cancelled.)
80. Please dont drive so fast Ann begged her boyfriend. (Ann pleaded with her boyfriend not to drive
so fast.)
81. Thanks to his aunts legacy of $10,000 he was able to buy the house he wanted. (Had his aunt not
died and left him a legacy of $ 10,000 he would nt have been able to buy the house he wanted.)
82. She is proud of being such a good pianist. (She prides herself on her playing the piano.)

83. She admitted that she had taken the necklace. (She admitted to having taken the necklace.
84. The headmaster said some very reassuring things. (What the headmaster said was very reassuring)
85. Do you have a good relationship with your boss? (Are you getting along with your boss?)
86. Most students can work very hard when they feel like it. (Most students are capable of working very
hard when they feel like it.)
87. Im really sorry I didnt invite her to the party. (I really wish I had invited her to the party.)
88. She didnt inherit anything under her uncles will. (Her uncle didnt leave her anything in his will.)
89. The only thing they didnt steal was the television. (They stole everything expect for the television)
90. It seems that no one predicted the correct result. (No one seems to have predicted the correct result.)

Rewrite the following sentences using the given words. Do not alter these words:
1. Tasteful furniture made your room attractive. (Graced)/ Tasteful furniture graced your room.
2. The train is 5 minutes late in leaving. (Due)/ The train is due to leave 5 minutes ago.
3. We had a long discussion about the problem but we couldnt solve it. (Length)/ we discussed the
problem at length but we couldnt solve it.
4. The river Volta overflowed last year. (burst)/ the river Volta brust its banks last year.
5. You didnt think carefully enough before you decided. (Ought)/ you ought to have thought more
carefully before you decided.
6. I think you should try and be optimistic as you can. (Side)/ I think you should try and look on the
bright side. (look on the bright side)
7. Dont misquote: I never said I hated ballet. (Mouth)/ dont put words into my mouth: I never said I
hated ballet.
8. While they were on leave, the sailors exploited their freedom fully. (Most)/ while they were on leave
the sailors made the most of their freedom.
9. He shouldnt have told her such things. (Unwise)/ It was unwise of him to tell her such things.
10. Teaching doesnt suit her. (Cut)/ she isnt really cut out for teaching.
11. Its not convenient to live to far from the supermarket. (Such)/ Living such a long way from the
supermarket is very inconvenient.
12. Mr. Nong held the post of principal in our school 15 years ago. (Ex)/ our ex-principal is Mr.Nong.
13. She was smoking in the bathroom. I went into the bathroom and knew that. (Caught)/ On going to
the bathroom, I caught her smoking.
14. That young man can speak English as well as French. (Bilingual)/ that young man is bilingual in
English and French.
15. A sudden thunderstorm surprised the climbers. (Surprise)/ the climbers were taken by surprise by a
sudden thunderstorm.
16. The explorers disregarded the mosquitoes, flies and snakes. (Notice)/the explorers took no notice of
the mosquitoes, flies and snakes.
17. This cloudy weather is making me feel depressed. (Down)/ the cloudy weather is getting me down.
18. I was told that it would be repaired free of charge but the man in the shop refused to honour his
promise. (back)/ I was told that it would be repaired free of charge but the man in the shop has gone
back on his promise.
19. He got angry because we all disagreed with him. (Temper)/ he lost temper because we all disagreed
with him.
20. Try not to panic even if you dont know whats going to happen. (Head)/ Try to keep your head even
if you dont know whats going to happen.
21. Ill never tell you the secret information. (Away)/ Ill never give away the secret information.

22. Without the rapid growth in population, there would be fewer food shortage (blamed)/ He blamed
the food shortage on the rapid growth in population.
23. Its because he was reprimanded that he is feeling so upset. (If)/ If he hadnt been reprimanded, he
wouldnt be feeling so upset.
24. The film didnt come up to my expectation. (Short)/ the film feel short of my expectation.
25. I cant stand that dreadful noise any more. (Enough)/ I have had enough of that dreadful noise.
26. I suffered from obsessive and agonising thoughts. (Prey)/ I was a prey to obsessive and agonising
thoughts. (obsessive and agonising thoughts used to prey on me.
obsessive / agonising / prey
27. Youll be affected badly at the end of the day with the job as a cook. (ON)/ the job as a cook will tell
you/ have a bad effect on you at the end of the day.
28. I certainly wont change my mind about resigning. (Question)/ there is no question of my changing
my mind about resigning.
29. How likely is it she will pass the exam? (Chances)/ what are her chances of passing the exam?
30. He is famous for his vast knowledge of primitive religion. (Authority)/ he is an authority on
primitive religion.
31. He is very surprised me when he said he loved me. (Breath)/ he took my breath away when he said
he loved me.
32. Throughout his speech, the boys were deeply attentive. (Ears)/ the boys were on ears throughout his
33. I know it inside out. (Fingers)/ I have it at my fingers end.
34. John is very dependable. (Let)/ John will never let you down.
35. The architects new design was heavily criticised. (Criticism)/ there was strong/ heavy/ a lot of/
much/ great criticism of the architects new design.
36. The Councillior answered every question frankly. (Frank)/ The Councillor gave frank answers to
every questions.
37. Local residents said they were against the new traffic scheme. (Disapproval)/ local residents
expressed/ voiced their disapproval of the new traffic scheme.
38. Scientists say forests are being destroyed by air pollution. (Blame)/ scientists blame air pollution for
destroying forests.
39. The bank robbers escapsed in a stolen car. (Getaway)/ the bank robbers made their getaway.
40. The two theories appear to be completely different. (Common)/ the two theories have nothing in
common/ no common ground.
41. He did the puzzle in two minutes. (Solution)/ he found the solution to the puzzle in 2 minutes.
42. The policeman acted quickly and averted an accident. (promt)/ the policemans promt action averted
an accident.
43. The Greens consider Henry a good friend. (Look)/ the Greens look on/ upon Herry a good friend.
44. The new ambassador is well informed about current affairs. (Wide)/ the new ambassador has a wide
knowledge of current affairs. / The new ambassadors knowledge of current affairs is very wide.
45. The train is 5 minutes late in leaving. (Due)/ The train is due to leave 5 minutes ago.
46. The river Volta overflowed last year. (Burst)/ the river Volta brust its banks last year.
47. One essay is just as bad as the other. (Choose)/ there is little/ not much/ nothing to choose between
these essay.
48. There is less chance that John will become champion after his recent defeat. (Blow)/ Johns recent
defeat is dealt a blow to his chance of becoming champion.
49. Give in to him and Ill regret it. (stand)/ stand up to him and youll regret it / if you dont stand up to
him, youll regret
50. The critic had a low opinion of the new play. (Much)/ the critic did not think much of the new play.
51. Tom decided that an actors life was not for him. (Cut)/Tom decided that he was out to be an actor.
52. My cat has lost its appetite. (Off). / My cat has gone/ is off its food.

53. His behaviour was rather a shock to me. (Aback)/ his behaviour took me aback/ I was taken aback
by his behaviour.
54. Theyll have to take the dog on holiday with them. (Behind)/ they cant leave the dog behind when
they go to the holiday.
55. We have made neither a profit nor a loss this year. (Even)/ we have broken even this year.
56. He always makes everything look so difficult. (Weather)/ he always makes heavy weather of
57. Could you watch my bag while Im away, please? (Eye)/ could you keep an eyes on my bag while I
am away, pleased?
58. Turning down that job was very foolish of you. (Fool)/ we were a fool to turn down that job.
59. Therell be trouble if you do that again. (Better)/ youd better not do that again.
60. I was there when he admitted the truth. (Presence)/ he admitted the truth in my presence.
61. I think you should try and be as optimistic as you can. (Side)/ I think you should try and look on the
bright side of things.
62. Your attitude will have to change if you want to succeed. (Leaf)/ You will have to turn over a new
leaf if you want to succeed.
63. It took her a long time to recover from her illness. (Over)/ it took her a long time to get over her
64. I regret saying that to him. (Wish)/ I wish I hadnt said that to him.
65. Im sure that wasnt Tony we saw. Hes in London. (Cant)/ It cant have been Tony we saw. He is in
66. It is important that I post this letter tonight. (Need)/ I need to post this letter tonight.
67. Im sure the children have been doing something terrible while weve been out. (Up)/ Im sure the
children have been getting up to something terrible while weve been out.
68. The mechanic checked the tyres on my car. (Had)/ I had the tyres checked on my car.
69. I think you should go to bed now. (Time)/ Its time you went to bed.
70. It was difficult for me to read the number plate in the fog. (Make)/ I couldnt make out the number
plate in the fog.
71. Pleased dont tell Andrew about our conversation. (Rather)/ Id rather you didnt tell Andrew about
our conversation.
72. Unless you start studying now, its possible that you will fail the exam. (Could)/ You could fail the
exam unless you start studying now.
73. I found the film quite disappointing. (Let)/ I felt quite let down by the film.
74. I didnt agree with the idea. (favour)/ I wasnt favour of the idea.
75. Jeremy frequently invents ridiculous stories like that. (Make)/ It is a typical of Jeremy to make up a
ridiculous story like that.
76. I dont think she likes doing other peoples work for them. (Objects)/ I think she objects to doing
other peoples work for them.
77. He seemed to be worried about something. (Impression)/ I got/ had impression that something was
worrying him.
78. I tried to talk to Jack about the problem but he was too busy. (Word)/ I tried to have a word with Jack
about the problem but he was too busy.
79. The Potato Famine caused the death of a quarter of the population of Ireland between 1845 and
1851. (About)/ The Potato Famine brought about the death of a quarter of ________.
80. Reserves of copper and other minerals will eventually become exhausted. (Out)/ reserves of copper
and other minerals will eventually give out.
81. While they were on leave the sailors exploited their freedom fully. (most)/
82. My worse fear about this government have actually happened. (True)/ my worse fear about this
government has come true.
83. Because theres nothing better, Ill take this one. (Want)/ Ill take this one for want of the better.

84. She passed the world around that she was looking for a flat. (Known)/ she let it be known that she
was looking for a flat.
85. That completely suits me. (Ground)/ that suits me down to ground.
86. I tiptoed to the door so as not to wake up the baby. (Rather)/ rather than wake up the baby, I tiptoes
to the door.
87. My brother is not feeling terribly well. (Under)/ my mother is under the weather.
88. Im afraid our problems are only just beginning. (Iceberg)/these problems of ours are just the tip of
the iceberg.
89. Our opinions on the subject are identical. (Difference)/ there is absolutely no difference in between
our opinion on the subject.
90. Teaching doesnt suit her. (Cut)/ she isnt really cut for teaching.
91. Dickens last novel was unfinished when he died. (Without)/ Dickens died without having finished
his last novel.
92. Wed better leave them a note, because its possible theyll arrive late. (Case)/ wed better leave
them a note, in case theyll arrive late.
93. His arrival was completely unexpected. (took)/ his arrival took us completely by surprised
94. I tried to talk to Jack about the problem but he was too busy. (Word) / I tries to have a word with
Jack about our problem but he was too busy.
95. It was easy for us to get tickets for the concert. (No)/ We had no difficult getting tickets for the
96. I suppose its possible that she didnt understand my message. (May)/ I suppose she may no have
understood my message.
97. I was the only person who wanted to watch the program. (Else)/ there was no one else but me who
wanted to watch the program.
98. You cant blame me for your stupid mistake. (Fault)/ It isnt my fault that you made stupid mistakes.
99. We had a long discussion about the problem but we couldnt solve it. (Length)/ we discusssed the
problem at length but we couldnt solve it.
1. John frequently invented a ridiculous story like that. (Make)/ it is typical of John to make up a
ridiculous story like that.
2. Mr. Smith speaks Vietnamese extremely well. (Command)/ he has a good command of spoken
3. Dont panic about something so trivial. (Mountain)/ dont make a mountain out of a molehill.
4. Everyone has heard about the leaning tower of Pisa. (famous)/ Pisa is famous for leaning tower.
5. This passport can be used in most countries. (Valid)/ this passport is valid for most countries.
6. They didnt tell anyone they were getting married. (Secret)/they got married in secret.
7. He laughed very loudly when he saw the clown. (Roared)/ he roared with laughter when he was the
8. The painting is worth 25000D. (valued)/ the painting has been valued at 25,000D
9. Peoples race, creed or colour is not taken into account when they apply for a job with us.
(Irrespective)/ anyone can apply for a job with us irrespective of race, creed or colour.
10. My bank manager and I get on together very well. (Terms)/ Im on very good terms with my bank
11. I didnt like the way you spoke to your sister. (Disgusted)/ I was disgusted at/ by the way you spoke
to your sister.
12. John knows a great deal about organic farming. (Expert)/ John is expert on organic farming.
13. He has always done things to help her in her career. (Supported)/ He has always supported her in her

14. They were brought up a conventional middle-class way. (Theirs)/ Theirs was the/ a conventional
middle-class upbringings.
15. The new ambassador is well-informed about current affairs. (wide)
16. The rate of inflation has fallen steadily during recent months. (Decline)/ there has been a steady
decline in the rate of inflation during recent months.
17. They were on the point of cancelling the match when the opposition arrived. (Call)/ they were ready
to call off the match when the opposition arrived.
18. Its waste of time to try and explain anything to Tony. (Worth)/ its not worth trying to explain
anything to Tony.
19. I never thought of going by train. (Occurred)/ It never occurred to me to go by train/ the thought of
going by train never occurred to me.
20. He said he disapproved of people who smoke. (Expressed)/ he expressed his disapproval of people
who smoked.
21. He is likely to come. (probability)/ In all probability he will come
22. The cause of explosion is still unknown. (Caused)/ what caused the explosion is still unknown.
23. The train is 5 minutes late in leaving. (due)/
24. The police caught the burglar in the process of committing the crime. (Red)/ The burglar was caught
25. My brother is not feeling terribly well these days. (Weather)/ my brother is under the weather these
26. I suddenly realized the meaning of a freebie. (Dawned)/ the meaning of a freebie suddenly
dawned on me.
27. You look grumpy this morning. (Bed)/ you get out of bed on the wrong side this morning.
28. She felt uncomfortable in the huge hotel. (Fish)/ she felt like a fish out of water in the huge hotel.
29. I regret shouting at him. (Only)/ If only I had not shouted at him.
30. I was there when he admitted the truth. (Presence)/ he admitted the truth in my presence.
31. Ive hardly done anything today. (Next)/ Ive done next to nothing today.
32. The demand for tickets was so great that people queued day and night. (Such)/ it was such a great
demand for tickets that people queued day and night.
33. If you dont have time, dont visit Mr. Jones today because he will talk for a long time. (Head)/ if
you dont have time, dont visit Mr.Jones today because hell talk you head off.
34. Im sure that therre arent any mistakes in my compposition. (nothing)/ Im sure that there is nothing
wrong with my composition.
35. Dont you regret not leanring to swim? (with)/ Dont you wish you had learnt to swim?
36. Id prefer you to stay at home? (rather)/ Id rather you stayed at home.
37. Jane looks nothing like her mother. (take)/ Jane dosnt take after her mother at all.
38. Ive never seen a match as good as this before. (Match)/ this is the best match Ive ever seen.
39. We all have great respect for our father. (Look)/ we all look up to our father.
40. He only understood very little of what she said. (Hardly)/ Hardly did he understand what she said.
41. I think you should stop wasting your time on those club activities. (Time)/Its time you stopped
wasting your time on those club activities.
42. She thinks shell pass the exam though it may be very difficult. (However)/ however difficult it may
be she thinks shell pass the exam.
43. He shouldnt have told her such things. (Unwise)/ Its unwise of him to tell her such things.
44. The train timetable has been changed. (Made)/ they have made changes to the train timetable/
changes have been made to the train timetable.
45. I have no intention of giving up now. (Intend)/ I dont intent to give up now.
46. Tom pointed the mistake to me. (Attention)/ Tom drove my attention to the mistake.
47. Not many people attended the concert. (Poorly)/ the concert was poorly attended.

48. You ought to fasten your seat belt before driving away. (Without)/ you oughtnt to drive away
without fastening you seat belt.
49. I just didnt know what to say. (Lost)/ I was lost for word.
50. We should be going home. (Went)/ its time we went home.
51. This is the procedure. (Follows)/ this procedure is as follows.
52. The house has got everything expect a large garden. (Lacks)/ the only thing the house lacks is a large
53. Im annoyed with you for not phoning me to say youd be late. (Earth)/ why on earth didnt you
phone me to say youd be late.
54. Most people regard him as being the best man for the job. (Widely)/ he is widely regarded as being
the best man of the job.
55. I wanted to learn Russian before I visited Moscow. (Without)/ I didnt want Moscow without having
learn Russian.
56. From the educational point of view his childhood years had been well spent. (Term)/ in term of
education his childhood years had been well spent.
57. It seems to be a foregone conclusion that David will win the gold medal. (Doubt)/ there is no doubt
that David will win the gold medal.
58. The film is similar to Shakespeares Hamlet in a number of ways. (Common)/ the film has much in
common with Shakespeares Hamlet.
59. If you want to understand Yeats poetry, you need to study Irish history. (Key)/ Irish history is the
key to understanding of Yeats poetry.
60. Many filmmakers were very much influenced by Citizen Kane. (Impact)/ The film Citizen Kane has
had a big impact on many filmmakers.
61. My husband is obssessed with football; its the only thing he ever thinks about. (Brain)/ my husband
has football on the brain; its the only thing he ever thinks about.
62. She is not really upset; hes only pretending. (Act)/ she is not really upset; shes only putting on an
63. She complains far too often my liking. (Frequent)/ her complaints are too frequent for my liking.
64. Theres no need for us to hurry; the play doesnt start until 7.30. (Time)/ we can take our time, the
play doesnt started until 7.30.
65. It was hard not to start laughing when she started to sing (face)/ it was hard to keep a straight face
when she started to sing.
66. Im afraid our problems are only just beginning. (Iceberg)/ Im afraid our problems are just the tip of
the iceberg.
67. Most people know that Britains economy is heavily dependent on North Sea oil. (Common)/ it is
common knowledge that Britains economy is heavily dependent on North Sea oil.
68. It is certain that the new cuts will worry the staff. (Bound)/ The new cuts are bound to worry the

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