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VAC - Instructions for 4x6 Explanation Card:

1.Copy this Word document to your computer.

2.In the upper half of the document, click within the text box below the word Explanation and type the
explanation/intent of your project. (Explanation cards will be word processed, not hand written)
3.In the lower half of the document, type in the information as requested - your ID letter and number, your name, your
school, your coachs name.
4.Print your completed document, cut neatly on the exterior dotted lines (it will measure 8x6)
5.Fold in half (it will measure 4x6), and attach very securely and neatly to your project. For 2D work, attach so it
hangs from the lower right corner of the work (explanation side showing, back tag information kept to the back tape/secure along edge so it will not fall open). Hide your tape. For 3D work, punch a hole within the circle in the upper
left corner, and attach with a string to the bottom of your project. CAUTION: This is the ONLY identification that will
be attached to your project, so attach it very securely, if we cant identify your work, we cant score it.

Visual Arts Classic

(type your ID letter and number here)

ID =

Explanation: (Click within the text box below and type your intent statement here)

------------------------------------ fold here --------------------------fold here ----------------------------------------------------------

WAEA - Visual Arts Classic
Letter/Number ID
School Central High School
Coach Ms. Aschenbrener

VAC Identification Tag (Back)

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