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The Daintree rainforest is very diverse and contains many different types of animals.

It contains
30% of the frog, and reptile species, 20% of the bird species and 65% of bat and butterfly
species in Australia. In the rainforest, there are over 3,000 cascular plant species with 576 being
endemic, 107 mammal species with 11 being endemic, 368 species with 24 being endemic.
There are 24 out of 113 species of reptiles being endemic and 22 out of 51 amphibians being

Green Tree Frog

The Green tree frog is an amphibian and a carnivore. It is a coldblooded animal that its diet only consists meat. This Frog uses its
color to hide from predators. Its call sounds sound like metallic
honks or barking dogs. Its habitat is in swampy edges

Salt-water crocodile
The saltwater crocodile is a carnivore like the green tree frog.
Its size can go up to 6 meters and it is the largest crocodile in
the world. It can weigh up to 1000 pounds. The average life
span is 70 years.

Red necked Crake

The red-necked crake is a water bird. Not a lot of
information of this bird is known. It can lay 3-5 dull white
eggs at a time. The diet consists of amphibians and the
sound it makes is clicking sounds and soft grunts.

Amethyst Python
It is a snake with body length 8.5m. If it is directly down of
sunlight, in certain angles, it turns the color of purple. Its
diet consists of fruit bats, possums, rats, pad melons and
ground dwelling birds. The females lay up to 200 eggs in a

Feral Pig
The feral pig is an omnivore for it eats meat and fruit, plants
and vegetable. The adults males go from 75kg to 115 kg.
They carry a lot of disease that can do a lot of harm. The life
span is 15-20 years. They are pale grey to brown or black.

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