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The government of the United States needs to take a stance based on the

good for all citizens and must reject any law based on religious beliefs. There
needs to be a clear line of separation between church and state in order to
have more social equality that benefits all citizens. Because of the First
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, people have the right to follow,
practice, or worship any religion they want. This has caused a surge of
different religions rising through out the country. The First Amendment
prohibits government from establishing a state religion and thus religious
basef policies would be violating the constitution and the rights of the
citizens. There are close to 320 million people in the United States who do
not share the same religious beliefs. Religious based policies will do much
more harm than good to population of this great country. Biased legal
systems would rise through out the entire country whom would not uphold
the civil rights of all citizens first and foremost. A clear line of separation is
needed to maintain neutrality and equality by the government for all
citizens. Government officials and employees should implement some type of
code or rules that will set a mindset of neutrality, respect for others and for
them to keep their beliefs personal and at home. Earlier this year a sworn
county clerk of Rowan, Kentucky refused to do her job of issuing marriage
licenses to same sex-couples, after the Supreme Court of the U.S. ruled in
the case of Obergefell v. Hodges, 576 U.S. (2015), holding that the basic
right to marry is guaranteed to same-sex couples under both the Due
Process Clause and the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. By not having a line of separation, Ms.
Davis has allowed her personal beliefs to get in the way of her performing
her sworn duty to the people of the United States and thus violated and
harmed the rights of her fellow citizens by disobeying a direct ruling of the

Supreme Court. When a person is a government official, this person is sworn

to protect the unalienable rights given to every citizen of this country by the
law of the land. The Declaration of Independence says that the people of this
country have the right to dispose and replace the government when it fails to
secure the civil rights of the people. The public good should always come
first to all public officials, who have been sworn to uphold the rights of the
people. Your personal beliefs should always be left at home when those
beliefs might prevent you from performing your civil duty. Based on the
foundation of our country, we need a separation of church and state through
a law that separates the government from religion for good, in order to
provide and secure the civil liberties of all our citizens.

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