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Spectacular Single Skein Scarf

This simple lace scarf was designed for that gorgeous skein
of luxurious hand dyed yarn that you couldnt resist buying.
Its completely reversible and there is almost no waste as
you can keep knitting till you get to the end of your yarn. It
uses the very easy faggot stitch.
You can use any yarn with the appropriate sized needle that
gives the dense finished appearance. Gauge is not critical. I
used a single skein of Dashing Dachs 50/50 Merino/Silk in
the Mahna Mahna colourway with size 10 (6mm) needles.


CO 26 st (or a multiple or 2) using the backwards loop method.

Every row - k1, *yo, k2tog,* repeat between** to last stitch, sl1p.

Continue till the scarf is as long as you want it to be, or you are almost out of yarn.

CO using Jenys Interlock Bind off method.

Weave in your ends and block gently lengthwise to preserve the density of the stitch pattern.

This pattern is for personal use only. This pattern may not be used for commercial purposes without written permission.
Jo Haward (Ravelry ID mrshalobaby)
All Rights Reserved 25 March 2013

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